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  1. nitro_nemesis

    Sealing boat

    Hey guys, I'm about finished with my Blizzard X rigger (nitro conversion) and I want to keep the wood look and not paint this one. I'm actually thinking about taking a stain marker and drawing on flames then sealing over that when the stain is good and dry. What is normally used to seal up and...
  2. nitro_nemesis

    Stolen Boats

    Alan, Sux a bunch man - I've been there several times...back in my younger years my brand new truck and audio gear were stolen - got the truck back but never the audio which was stolen from the truck a total of three times w/ an alarm !!! Talk about guts - know how you feel man, hopefully you...
  3. nitro_nemesis

    This is just to much

    Apparently someone likes the fact that most of em work really, really cheap !!! :angry:
  4. nitro_nemesis

    water proofing receivers

    Has anyone every tried that "rubberize it" stuff that offshoreelectrics sells ??? Wondered how that would work !
  5. nitro_nemesis

    My first build Day 1

    Depending on how big your gap is.....I took some small rectangular wood trim that was 1/8 X 1/8 inch and set one corner facing down into the gap on the bottom of my hull where the pieces were not cut uniform and epoxied it in and then sanded it down carefully to maintain the V shape w/ no flat -...
  6. nitro_nemesis

    My first build Day 1

    These are my first builds from the ground up and I'm loving every minute of it. It's pretty challenging for the first time and there's definately some frustration, but it's a learning process for sure. I should have the mono done in a few weeks - I'll post some shots of the setup and letcha...
  7. nitro_nemesis

    My first build Day 1 could be working on four at one time like me, talk about headaches. I've got one rigger that's nearly ready to run, two kits half built up from scratch, one mono and one rigger, and one tunnel that is about 3/4 of the way finished. Lots and lots of work to do, but it'll be worth it...
  8. nitro_nemesis

    New Props for .12 Engines

    Just adding my two little an older firefighter .12 from anthony marquart and a custom made set of sponsons and ran it w/ a phantom fr .15 on 30 % , not an incredibly powerful motor but I stuck an octura M435 three blade on that boat and it shot right off the water as soon as you...
  9. nitro_nemesis


    Ok, seems like a dumb enough question but I wanted to ask the pros what they prefer or recommend. I've used just a regular square 4 AA pack but hate that you can't recharge them, and I've made a battery pack from some smaller nicads that were 1100 mah. I remember someone saying though that dry...
  10. nitro_nemesis

    My first build Day 1

    I was in the same boat you were in a few weeks ago, I just started my first wood mono and it happens to be a Dumas Ske Vee-10, pretty similar boats but it looks like yours has way more framing built up. As long as your frame work is even and true the bottom halves should hit just about every...
  11. nitro_nemesis

    ssssslllloooooowwwww site?

    I couldn't get logged on for about an hour <_< Workin' fine now :D Yeah, I couldn't believe the poor officiating in the Colts/Steelers game, the calls were horrible but man - What A Freakin' Awesome Game To Watch !!!!!
  12. nitro_nemesis

    ...another Ebay gem

    Maybe we should start a "pick of the week" category and vote for the most rediculous ebay listing of the month - make for some good laughs !!! :P
  13. nitro_nemesis

    Hay Ken Your boat is done!

    Now that's a good layout, sweet boat !!!
  14. nitro_nemesis

    Part boat, Part plane !!!

    Thought these might be cool to see :P
  15. nitro_nemesis

    direct flow supercharger???????

    Wow, pure genious to strap down that 4HP monster w/ part of a coathanger just in case it twists right out of it's motor mountings !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. nitro_nemesis

    ...another Ebay gem

    Oh man, that thing is cherry !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: , looks like it was the catch of the day some summer afternoon when nothing else was biting :rolleyes: Bet the compression drops when you pump all the mud out of it !
  17. nitro_nemesis

    Glow plug for OPS .90

    Will be testing my new rigger out next weekend and this is the first time I'll be running such a large engine, what type of plug would you guys recommend I run ???
  18. nitro_nemesis

    8-32 water fittings

    How bout these Tony !!!!!!
  19. nitro_nemesis

    outrigger pipe mount

    here's another kind.......might help ya out B)
  20. nitro_nemesis

    A.B. Parabolic pipe for a Mac .67

    Gotcha, thanks Don :P