My first build Day 1


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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. could be working on four at one time like me, talk about headaches. I've got one rigger that's nearly ready to run, two kits half built up from scratch, one mono and one rigger, and one tunnel that is about 3/4 of the way finished. Lots and lots of work to do, but it'll be worth it when spring gets here !!!

Excellent! Thanks for the advice. I should have the bottoms on tonight. I'll also experiment with mixing the sealing epoxy while it dries. As always I'll post my progress as I go. Is it normal to be thinking about my next project already?
I have one of these DV10 short stuff that I won at a race back in the early 70's, finally finished it up last year as an electric. It makes one heck of a retriever! I will be interested to know how it does as a nitro boat..

Not many people build boats anymore, its good to see someone doing it again...

These are my first builds from the ground up and I'm loving every minute of it. It's pretty challenging for the first time and there's definately some frustration, but it's a learning process for sure. I should have the mono done in a few weeks - I'll post some shots of the setup and letcha know how she runs on nitro !!!

I have one of these DV10 short stuff that I won at a race back in the early 70's, finally finished it up last year as an electric. It makes one heck of a retriever! I will be interested to know how it does as a nitro boat..

Not many people build boats anymore, its good to see someone doing it again...

Well the bottoms are on, with the aid of some ketchup bottles, scrap wood, clamps and a bit of luck. The whole boat is starting to take shape. One problem though...I trimmed a little too muh on the middle edge of the bottoms, meaning there's a little gap right along the center of the hull! I'm thinking about sticking a small sliver of scrap in there...any suggestions? I'll try to post some pics tonight.
Epoxy and microballons makes a good filler. If you can, tape the outside and fill the gap from the inside.

Depending on how big your gap is.....I took some small rectangular wood trim that was 1/8 X 1/8 inch and set one corner facing down into the gap on the bottom of my hull where the pieces were not cut uniform and epoxied it in and then sanded it down carefully to maintain the V shape w/ no flat - might try that, pretty easy fix.