New Props for .12 Engines


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it's not....

before i had kids..... I always cringed when ever i heard someone say "i dont have the time".... always thought you have time if you want to....... 2 kids later i have to modify that now...... i cant imagine 6 like rodney :eek:

i might have time to get a work bench made this weekend????
I'm with you on the kids theme. Man, oh, man. Time has become very precious. But I did get the daughter to run the Zig-Zag the other day....
ob nut thanks for that dvd i love it , i can see the value in a good prop like a good woman, hard to find , you must have one like mine to do all that work taping and sending all the way over where i live australia sorry for getting of subject but just had to say someting ,CHEERS :D
Preston_Hall said:
Well, they are not strong enough for speeds over about 75 mph without hardening. Unhardened v937s will "flower" the tips, changing their appearance and pitch.
Not that yours don't "flower" but I have never seen this.


I'm sure the amount of thinning has influence here. My 937s are so thin you can easily bend the tips by hand, so I can see that happening at silly speeds like 70+ :blink:
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hey guys,

i run a s-215 on my 3.5 outboard. the motor is k&b ss no where near stock though.its highly modified,my s-215 is pitched down to about 2.201,and works better than any other prop that i have in my box.i would like to try a v937/3 on it to see if i can get more speed out of it.i should be able to turn it since my motor turns high rr's anyway.

:D allen
Well, tested 4 of the 6 pipes that I brought to the pond.

The boat is still not floating the prop well, It only does it when the water is rough, it seems that my late PM test time is not giving me the "nervous" water that lets the boat air out and really kick into high-gear. With that said and no radar it's hard to pick out the "best" pipe of the bunch. I'll just focus on what worked well enough, to launch, turn and run the pond in a consitent fashion.

These test where done with the V937/3

The shortened MACS 2.5 pipe worked well, almost the same as the new MAC T-maxx 2.5 pipe with the side mounted stinger. I liked the new MACS T-maxx 2.5 combo the best, noise was down and speeds seem to stay the same. Plug was still holding, so there may be more speed there...

The MIP Stinger pipe was louder than the MACS T-maxx 2.5 pipe. Engine sagged a little so I think it needed to be brought out some. Still it seemed to work okay and the RPMS are there. I have a lot of experience with this pipe, when the water is right it will sing -water today was too smooth for that to happen.

Once again the Trinity RPM pipe seemed to holding the engine back some. I need to play with the length of this one some more. I'm not sure why this pipe kills the engine so much...

Also tested the Y536. I then swaped it with a modded S215 and my theory held water. Boat ran the same with both props. If you don't like hacking on props and you run the S215 then try a Y536 you will not be disapointed!
Eric Perez said:
Well, tested 4 of the 6 pipes that I brought to the pond.
The boat is still not floating the prop well, It only does it when the water is rough, it seems that my late PM test time is not giving me the "nervous" water that lets the boat air out and really kick into high-gear. With that said and no radar  it's hard to pick out the "best" pipe of the bunch. I'll just focus on what worked well enough, to launch, turn and run the pond in a consitent fashion. 

These test where done with the V937/3

The shortened MACS 2.5 pipe worked well, almost the same as the new MAC T-maxx 2.5 pipe with the side mounted stinger. I liked the new MACS T-maxx 2.5 combo the best, noise was down and speeds seem to stay the same. Plug was still holding, so there may be more speed there...

The MIP Stinger pipe was louder than the MACS T-maxx 2.5 pipe. Engine sagged a little so I think it needed to be brought out some. Still it seemed to work okay and the RPMS are there. I have a lot of experience with this pipe, when the water is right it will sing -water today was too smooth for that to happen.

Once again the Trinity RPM pipe seemed to holding the engine back some. I need to play with the length of this one some more. I'm not sure why this pipe kills the engine so much...

Also tested the Y536. I then swaped it with a modded S215 and my theory held water. Boat ran the same with both props. If you don't like hacking on props and you run the S215 then try a Y536 you will not be disapointed!


I tried the MIP pipe and it was a total flop on top end. Great bottom and midrange. I still don't see anybody trying the high end car pipes. I can tell you for a fact that the will turn on a good engine in a car. It will make anything else seem like it's sitting still when it third stages. I bought two and now need to go to the lake. But it's hard to remove the record setting MAC pipe.
I tried the MIP pipe and it was a total flop on top end. Great bottom and midrange. I still don't see anybody trying the high end car pipes. I can tell you for a fact that the will turn on a good engine in a car. It will make anything else seem like it's sitting still when it third stages. I bought two and now need to go to the lake. But it's hard to remove the record setting MAC pipe.


Preston what does your setup look like (pipe length) and prop for your record setting boat?
V937 and run the pipe as short as you can get it. Never have measured the length. I can tell you that the header lacks any section that is straight. :huh:
Any one used the Associated pipe from the RC10 GT and NTC3? They are great on the bottom end in the cars and they will let the motor spin up really nice too.

Watercadet said:
Any one used the Associated pipe from the RC10 GT and NTC3? They are great on the bottom end in the cars and they will let the motor spin up really nice too.Adam


Wade has one on his boat and I think that Don Templeton is running it also. They seem to do a good job. I've been looking at the Team Losi Adam Drake pipe too, the truck racers around here love them, lots of bottom to mid range power.
Hi all , while on the v937 prop talk , i have tried a v940 on my 21 hawk rigger , launched hard and cavitated, then starts to bite but then cavitates and so on , ive never been able to get it to bite properly, it currently runs a x640 prop , and i wanted to try a similar size but greater pitch prop (although they are a very different shaped blade) different strut heights dont help either

any ideas anyone?

BTW OS vz-m engine, macs pipe and 50 %


The V-940 might not be enough prop for your .21 as some .12's can turn that one.

I picked up another hull last weekend that I might give SAW a shot with, a 24" mono that weighs in at 31 grams with some wood already in it. I'm planning on using the Solinger hardware and the A/A .12 once Andy has them ready. The hull is identical to one that I already have so setting it up should be the easy part, just lighter lay-up.
Is Andy already working on a A/A .12 ??? :blink:

I hope that a OS 18 TZ and a V940 is a good combo <_<
Yup. He was having overheating problems running 70% in it. When it will be out, I don't know as I haven't seen anything more on it in here lately. There should be a matching pipe to go with it. I'd like to finish building this new hull around the motor as I have to make the radio box which might have to be made to fit around the pipe.
Just adding my two little an older firefighter .12 from anthony marquart and a custom made set of sponsons and ran it w/ a phantom fr .15 on 30 % , not an incredibly powerful motor but I stuck an octura M435 three blade on that boat and it shot right off the water as soon as you threw it in. We estimated the speed to be near mid 40's - I bet w/ a good .12 like the OS .12 TZ turbo and that M435 pitched up a bit along w/ some higher nitro that combo could reach 60 mph easy.
I don't think FF would hit 60. It's just too heavy,.. I tryed my _ss off,... remember? TZ 12 / Bantam12 / one of these props mentions here, WILL hit 60mph. Don't take me wrong,.. I loved those FF12's. Just out grew them.... Can't wait until SPRING!!!

Just adding my two little an older firefighter .12 from anthony marquart and a custom made set of sponsons and ran it w/ a phantom fr .15 on 30 % , not an incredibly powerful motor but I stuck an octura M435 three blade on that boat and it shot right off the water as soon as you threw it in. We estimated the speed to be near mid 40's - I bet w/ a good .12 like the OS .12 TZ turbo and that M435 pitched up a bit along w/ some higher nitro that combo could reach 60 mph easy.
I'm glad that somebody had some luck with the Fantom's. I bought 2 and couldn't get anything out of them, both were slugs in boats. One had a bent low-speed needle in it, a common problem with Fantom's, the 2004 versions. The local truck racers love them but it doesn't hurt either when Fantom Racing has a track in their parents backyard that anyone can race on.
Ron, marks Fantm didn't come alive over night. It was the red head version. It took a while to get the neeldle, temp and pipe length right and prop./... But it ran ok... not as good as trinity-picco or the tZ though