Well, you have your extremes in opinions. Kelly at one end and Paul at the other end. Now you need someone in between....... Like a Ken or Terry.
Scale is not for the faint at heart. Its for someone who has 12 FE boats and money to burn or someone willing to race 4 of those 12 boats and sell the others. Its work and its a lot of time. If you are taking the point of view of do we have to do this, or do we have to do that to the boat, or is it going to cost this, you shouldnt be getting into the class. You have to start out strict and then as time goes by, if you lighten up a bit, that will be okay. If you start out lightening up a bit, you will eventually have the sport class. Do it correctly right out of the box. If it takes off, it takes off. If it doesnt it doesnt. Its about integrity of the looks of the hull. Duplicating the real thing. That is the attention getter.
Paul mentioned that his boat looks correct from 10 feet. Where did 10 feet come from? Concourse is 6 feet. To measure a boat for compliance is right on top the boat. (Paul, you are fun to bust chops with. You da man)
If people are concerned about the look of a boat and how maticulate it needs to be, the paint codes, decals, etc., why not then build an easy boat.
Here is a test.
How many of you know what the St. Regis, Miss Houston (red and blue version), Miss Burien, Discount Golf, U-4 (no name), Evans Marina, Miss U.S., 1986 U-100 Boat, and Hawaii Kai look like? These are very simple looking Scale boats.
Not all boats have to look like the Elam, or Camel Smokin Joe.
Paul is correct that he has seen boats that were questionable and allowed to run. I have seen them also.
Your question to answer be will be do you want another FE big boat class, or do you want to make it special. Its a tough call because your boats will come from a vast area.
Kelly has already shown the first signs of the direction you want scale to go by saying that Paul's Atlas met the minumum.
Ken asked about the Proboat Bud and LLamar. They are 1/8th in length but the look is out of whack because it is designed to house a gas motor. I think the cowl is off also due to the exhaust. ....and sport boats in nitro can not have riding shoes but if they came on a real boat, they must be on the scale boat.
Some people are getting mixed up beteen scale and sport. All scale boats are sport boats but not all sport boats are scale boats. For example. The Circus canard can run in scale and sport (nitro). Take away the paint scheme, and the boat can not run in either class. The hull does not meet the sport hull specs.
............................... isnt this fun.................
Al Waters
NAMBA Vice President
NAMBA Scale Unlimited Chairman