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  1. nitro_nemesis


    Speaking of Andy's my first one shipped to me yesterday, Wow !!!!! These things are nice, great work Andy !!!
  2. nitro_nemesis


    Ouch......wish I knew that before I paid almost 90.00 for mine @ Tower Hobbies <_<
  3. nitro_nemesis


    :lol: :lol: :lol: That's a good one !!!
  4. nitro_nemesis


    Although the weather is cold here in IN still, and none of us are really running anything yet...I can't complain because my first winter project was completed a couple days ago and I'll have 2 more runable boats in a couple more weeks - just in time for the weather to be decent enough to run w/...
  5. nitro_nemesis

    Yea! NASCAR season has started!

    Gee, tony and jeff making contact...who'd of thought !!!!! Do those 2 ever quit :blink:
  6. nitro_nemesis

    impba membership

    Right on guys, thanks :D
  7. nitro_nemesis

    impba membership

    Hey guys, does anyone have a direct link to the site where I can download my membership form for IMPBA, want to try to get that sent away this weekend if possible. Thanks, Mark T.
  8. nitro_nemesis

    SG Twin 80

    Every time you guys post up pics of these boats for sale I drool all over the place, hopefully after this promotion I'm supposed to be getting soon I can afford to indulge a little bit more in some bigger scale stuff - awesome looking boats !!!
  9. nitro_nemesis

    OS needle plastic arm

    I wouldn't mind a couple !!!
  10. nitro_nemesis

    drilling holes in tight spaces

    You're the man Don...thanks for the pics, those will be invaluable for future builds !!!!! Regards, Mark T.
  11. nitro_nemesis

    drilling holes in tight spaces

    Would be much appreciated , especially since I need to get some holes as described in my little bitty blizzard to accomodate push rods and seals. Absolutely no room to fit any kind of cutting device in there, might just have to use the 90* dremel attachment.
  12. nitro_nemesis

    drilling holes in tight spaces

    Sounds pretty cool... trying to picture this - if you dont have enough space to fit the dremel or drill down in the tub...then when you start drilling w/ the tube isn't it @ an angle, or am I missing something here. Would love to see pics of this being done because I just don't see how you get...
  13. nitro_nemesis

    Pictures needed for new web site

    Ah, another club in Indiana - hope your club grows strong, be cool to have some more boats to run with nearby !!! Regards, Mark T.
  14. nitro_nemesis

    Ron Olson

    Hope you get to feeling better soon Ron, I know everyone here is pullin' for ya ;) Regards, Mark T.
  15. nitro_nemesis

    Sealing Boat Deck

    How much lacquer thinner do you use in part w/ the epoxy - say if I mix up a cup of about 1/2 ounce 30 min epoxy how much thinner roughly should I drop in to get a slighty thinner mix w/ out making epoxy water ??? I'll be working on sealing my latest rigger tomorrow and could use the info ...
  16. nitro_nemesis


    First thing is first - wow, i've never missed a website so much in my life, lesson learned !!! Second thing, Marty if I offended you, I appologize - I was out of line by saying what I said. What you didn't know before you said what you said was the fact that I was @ a meeting w/ Bruce and a...
  17. nitro_nemesis

    PPG 2021 Clear.

    I've used engine paint made for painting blocks and intake manifolds to paint a boat - worked really well. Both the base and clear were rattle can paint and went on very easily....don't know how it would react w/ ppg paints, but I talked w/ a guy whom I work with and he said the trick to clear...
  18. nitro_nemesis

    warm spell in Indy

    This is commical, I'm pass the point you guys keep bringing up - actually I was planning on getting my membership and paying bruce dues to run @ the lake, and it's also nice to see the the newb is always wrong and you guys just seem to be right in every case. I'm glad that I'm the only one w/...
  19. nitro_nemesis

    warm spell in Indy

    Guess I'm glad you're not Bruce.........and to further that note, thanks for reading that and not being able to see where I come from. I always appreciate grumpy old men trying to be a "Dick" about everything. Apparently you welcome nothing of the sort pal becuase you don't know me, let alone...