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It'd suit me fine Don. I'm dying to race some boats!! Somebody loan me a Tunnel Hull so I can go race the Tunnel Champs next month.
Scott, I've got one you're welcome to run. It's a terriffic bouy jumper! :D
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Went out on Lake Tarpon yesterday with a bunch of buddies and ran a 103.3 gps pass with my 18 ft Mirage , what a blast !! 76 degrees here in hell yesterday !!
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Scott, I've got one you're welcome to run. :D
That ain't funny Chuck. I've seen babies crawl faster than that thing. Of course it does finish don't it! ;)
Yup, it does finish, as long as it doesn't suddenly decide to do the bouy hop. I've actually got another one that I really should get out and run, just for the fun of it.

Or were you refering to your new TS2!!!
Ummm, not exactly.
Hi folks

Summer is hot here(30-35C)...yesterday we had the Rolling Stones show in Rio de Janeiro(1,5 million people on the and today in the next hour the U-2 show in San Paulo......needless to say that lot of boating activity...too!

Hope you can be back to your lakes soon.

Hi folks

Summer is hot here(30-35C)...yesterday we had the Rolling Stones show in Rio de Janeiro(1,5 million people on the and today in the next hour the U-2 show in San Paulo......needless to say that lot of boating activity...too!

Hope you can be back to your lakes soon.

Sounds like things are hoppin in Brazil huh Gill!! Lets all move to Brazil!!!!
and in one week we will have the most famous CARNIVAL in this world...... at least once in your life you have to attend this one.

Recently relocated to Largo, Florida, wonder why I didnt do this years ago.

Went to the Brandon pond Saturday to get acustomed to the location, cant wait for Saturday, my first race in NAMBA and Brandon.

Ya Ya Ya.....still friggin winter here my friend!! you left just in time!!

Good luck this weekend!!

OOOh yaaa......theys gonna love you!! :eek:

freezin in Mi.

Recently relocated to Largo, Florida, wonder why I didnt do this years ago.

Went to the Brandon pond Saturday to get acustomed to the location, cant wait for Saturday, my first race in NAMBA and Brandon.


Hey Joe, had no idea you were going, is that your new "full time" home or just a snowbird thing?

It is beautiful here in Traverse City,Michigan. We get four full season changes a year. It would be

boring if it was just windy and rainy all summer long. Snow what a beautiful thing. Like George

Carlin used to say, if you don't like the weather MOVE. One other note, I sweat enough at work,

Why sweat all year long? :D March is coming Fellas the ice will melt soon. :D Oh Yeah, FRESH AIR

I can see the stars most evenings, Northern Lights( You Got Them In Floridia?) and best of all

CHERRIES and lots of them.

Living In Northern Michigan And " Lovin It ",

Mark Sholund
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It is beautiful here in Traverse City,Michigan. We get four full season changes a year. It would be

boring if it was just windy and rainy all summer long. Snow what a beautiful thing. Like George

Carlin used to say, if you don't like the weather MOVE. One other note, I sweat enough at work,

Why sweat all year long? :D March is coming Fellas the ice will melt soon. :D

Living In Northern Michigan And " Lovin It ",

Mark Sholund

Mark, I think your brain is frozen! :p Brian Freeze is something we in Florida get only when drinking an icey cold drink to fast.

I left the frozen tundra during the blizzard of 1979, snow is not beautiful! I took Georges advice and moved.

Livin in sunny Florida and boating all year round. Its really not sweaty all year, we get to this spring like weather and its really nice!
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I was in the Great Lake State last weekend.. It was a whopping minus 6 on Saturday.. :unsure: If that ain't cold enough, wind chill was minus 25.. :wacko:
Hi folks

Summer is hot here(30-35C)...yesterday we had the Rolling Stones show in Rio de Janeiro(1,5 million people on the and today in the next hour the U-2 show in San Paulo......needless to say that lot of boating activity...too!

Hope you can be back to your lakes soon.

The Rolling Stones just wanted to SEE the GIRL from IPANEMA. :lol:

btw I never found the girl, only the restaurant,

The beaches are awesome in Rio.....

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Wait .... let me get his straight , " it's beautiful in Traverse city Michigan in feb. " !!!!!!!!!!! You need help !! We have four seasons in Fl. We also play hockey as well but we don't suffer the 2 month boating season either . In my business we could not sustain these short buying seasons for our boat accessories . Thank God I left the snowshovels back in NY in 83 !!!!!!!!!! You know we are racing this weekend in Brandon, Fl. with RC boats not Icebreakers !!!! Glad to be in Fl . ! :D
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Although the weather is cold here in IN still, and none of us are really running anything yet...I can't complain because my first winter project was completed a couple days ago and I'll have 2 more runable boats in a couple more weeks - just in time for the weather to be decent enough to run w/ everyone who has had boats ready to go, but have just been staring out the windows....havn't missed anything and had plenty of time to soak up building tips off here while I'm couped up !!!! :p Besides, although I didn't make it to the slopes this year, snow is soooo much fun when you're sliding down it @ over 40 mph B)
I will stick with the four seasons. No Hurricanes, no poisonous bugs, snakes, biting ants, gators yuk. And I can go swimming in the summer without worrying about losing a limb to Any toothy critters. I sure would like to have some Florida winters up here but not enough to give up all stuff I Love up here. No offence to you guys livin down south but someone had to say it. My mother lives in FLorida and spent the last four hurricanes that hit her area working in the EOC for the Fire Dept. & hoping her house was still there when she got home the next day. Now go ahead and tell me it was 70 today so I will feel bad :D

Mark ,77 degrees !!!!You're right though , Hurricanes and Tropical storms are no party ! I have been very fortunate where I live on the Central West Coast . I do miss Snow Skiing though !