Where in the hell is the OFF TOPIC THREAD on the forum?


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I wish there were no democrats or Republicans because whoever is in office the other party just fights it goes both ways why cant there be one group in the government that works together to help all Americans we the people
Not offended at all, David. As I said to someone else recently, I just call things as I see them. The entire world can see the US is in chaos, as I said in my last post. China, Russia, Ukraine, and the Islamic organizations, for starters, are like sharks circling an injured whale, waiting for the perfect time to attack. Since Joe Biden has already been compromised due to pay offs through his son Hunter, he's powerless to say or do anything without showing that the so-called laptop hoax wasn't a hoax at all but, rather, a road map to exposing his corruption
I wish there were no democrats or Republicans because whoever is in office the other party just fights it goes both ways why cant there be one group in the government that works together to help all Americans we the people
That would be nice but, unfortunately, it will never happen. There are too many people with too many opinions of how things should be that would make unofficial alliances become the way to get what some of the reps would want. At least with the two party system, you know who you're fighting and who has more leverage than someone else
And, in another, reported, violation of the Constitution, "Beijing" Biden is now trying to influence the US Supreme Court over how it should rule over the constitutionality of a NY state law restricting who can carry a weapon and where. For those of you that want to watch, here's a link to the You Tube video:
Biden Tells Supreme Court To Uphold NY Carry Permit Restrictions!!! NYSRPA v. Bruen - YouTube
This should worry those across the country that own firearms since it's the goal of the Democrats to eliminate the 2nd amendment to the Constitution and make owning firearms illegal.
We all know how Democratic governors, mayors and district attorneys are doing every thing they can to help those arrested for criminal behavior. This would be one of the initial steps into removing our ability to defend ourselves from said criminals who will, undoubtedly, be armed with firearms
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Seeing as the entire theory is based upon the assertion that the workers were somehow usurped of a means of production that they had installed themselves, which is factually and demonstrably false, literally anything that follows is equally false. One cannot calculate the legs of a oblique triangle after you have falsely stated that one angle is square. You can crunch all the numbers you like. They will all be wrong. To answer your question, refer to my earlier reference to that beloved cartoon: "All that you see." As I stated, it is the workers who have chosen capitalism. Democratically. And Marx abjectly defies this reality, despite having been wholly proven wrong from day one. Literally, every tenet of socialism has been completely and empirically debunked for more than a century.

Factually false. Prior to Marx, "property" was typically used in reference to land only, seeing as there was damned little "capital" that wasn't the land on which a labor was being exerted. It wasn't until Marx fabricated the distinction, purely for the purpose of the ruse, that there was any distinction. To 'splain it bluntly..... If you've put labor to it, either directly or indirectly, it is property you own and control. If not, it is not. Period. I don't know how to dumb it down any further.

Nope. You don't get to put words in or take words out of my mouth. I said what I meant. You have the right to food, drink shelter, etc, meaning you cannot be denied access to them, but you do not have the right to compel another's labor to provide them to you. If, in your fantastic world (meaning the stuff of fantasy), no natural resource was held control over, and, say, trees and stone were readily available for the harvesting, you would have the right to harvest them yourself, and do with them as you see fit. But you would not have the right to compel somebody else to harvest them for you without due compensation. The establishment of property rights, in regards to commercial production, has thoroughly proven itself beneficial to a civil society. We can readily see this in action if we look at a graph showing the transition from overwhelming majority agricultural to overwhelming majority industrial, in terms of labor hours contributed to the societal effort. People were no longer yoked to the immediate need to produce enough food to survive, but, rather, were freed up to start producing other commodities. Adam Smith and John Locke did make a note of this is their examination of property rights, and they have both since been roundly validated. No. You can't simply take what you want. But you are welcome to gain access through contribution to the societal effort. You know... Cut down your trees and exchange them for somebody else's stone. Or get paid to cut down somebody else's trees and exchange the currency you earned for somebody else's stone. Refer to the last statement of my previous paragraph for clarity. In all cases, without exception, access to resources requires far less labor on the part of the consumer than if they had ready access to them at their sources for the taking. In most cases, it is the labor that was required to bring a resource to your availability that you are exchanging your labor for (There is SOME truth to LTV, even if the main thrust is utterly false). Despite the typical decrying by the socialists, the closure of the commons made way for leisure and abundance, as a societal whole, not burden and scarcity. This is an historically, inarguably validated FACT.


Nope. It follows perfectly. In nearly any line of work, there are costs of sales; expenses that must be met in the process of producing a given commodity. In mine, for example, in the process of making a part, there are often operations that must be facilitated that I cannot perform. For these processes, I contract them out, but I add the costs to the price I charge my customers. I might charge $1000 for a part, but I only get to keep, say, $400 of it, because I had to buy the material, then I machined the features, then maybe sent it to heat treat, then to grind, then to black oxide, all before I could deliver it and then charge the quoted price. Of which, I only get paid for my direct labor. If I had all the capital, in-house, to perform all those operations, I would keep the entirety of the price. As it is, it costs me money to earn a living. The same goes for a worker exploiting the preinstalled means of production (which word didn't you understand?). Let's take a minute to connect some dots, shall we? If you build a machine that makes widgets, then you own that machine and the widgets it makes, even if you, as we've established, compel another's labor, through compensation, to bring the machine into existence, and/or to turn the knobs, crank the handles, push the buttons and pull the levers that make the machine spit out your widgets. If you are he who operates that machine, by compulsion of compensation, then those widgets never belonged to you. Ever. At all. The sales of the widgets that made the building of and operation of the machine necessary was done by somebody else. The existence of said machine is due entirely to another's labor (even if though exchange) and vision. You are welcome to the entirety of the revenue of you labor... Provided you have installed the means by which you will generate it yourself. If not, you will likely have to exploit the means of production provided by another, and, since you do not have the right to compel another's labor without due compensation, they get to keep a sliver of the revenue as that due compensation. Since they will also be covering the entirety of the other various costs of sales in order to provide you a productive means of generating revenue for yourself, and the product that yields that revenue never belonged to you in the first place, it follows that the revenue generation is at no cost to you. You get to exploit the preinstalled means of production, free of charge, and keep the lion's share of said revenue. Free of charge. You're welcome.

To take this point a bit further... And speaking of my line of work.... I owe everything I have today to the fact that there was a readily available preinstalled means of production that cost me nothing to exploit. I went from cutting grass and landscaping for a living (not to demean a meaningful contribution to society), to becoming a highly skilled toolmaker and model maker (not model boats.... It's a trade defined, specific discipline within the machine trades), without so much as a dime coming out of my pocket. In fact, I made a descent living as I progressed. I wince when I think where I might be (or not) had I not had that opportunity.

As I said, there were many drafts of the Constitution. But, from the very beginning, what would be the BoR was being laced into the tenets it would hold. In the end, it was decided that these Articles would need specifically and directly codified, so as to prevent any confusion or malfeasance. There were many who did not want any form of government at all, and this specific and direct codification, in relatively easily consumable form, put their mind at ease. To put this to bed, there was never going to be a Constitution that did not hold the tenets of the BoR to the forefront of the effort that the Constitution sought to make.

Hilariously ahistorical...... Keynes' influence on the recovery from the Depression can only be described as a hinderance. It is widely agreed upon by economists of any repute that these regressive policies prolonged the Depression by and estimated six years. They did nothing toward any long term stability, and even less toward any immediate relief. Sure. A relative few people were put to work building roads, bridges and dams that we all needed. But that all came at the cost of where these workers would go after the final rivet was driven. This is all explained fairly well in the reading material if you do the walking tour of the Hoover Dam. The New Deal only served to encourage corporations to stockpile capital investment instead of hiring, allowing them to show little to no profit from what little sales they enjoyed. In a really twisted way, the New Deal did, in fact, serve to help the US win WWII, in that, come time to ramp up production for the war effort, all that had to happen was to turn the lights on, tool up all that mothballed capital, and start churning out wartime hardware. Besides that, the US recovered from the Depression DESPITE the New Deal, rather than because of it.

The Boomers destroyed nothing. Unless you consider probably the greatest era of economic prosperity the country has ever seen as "destructive". The Boomers came into their prime in the midst of an era when we coined the term "stagflation" and "misery index", and produced more economic opportunity than literally any generation prior. One had to WANT to be unemployed to not be able to find a source of income. Yes, we are, thankfully, still somewhat under the influence of Reaganomics, albeit waning. As we depart from those policies, we see more and more homelessness and dependency upon the welfare state. This is no coincidence. The Left thrives on the poor staying poor. Their entire platform is dependency, which is spelled out by your exalted Keynes, even if he presented it as beneficial (it's not).

And.... Not to leave it assumed that I hadn't noticed.... Nice AdHom insults. Not that you didn't start it off with as much. I've had many of these debates. And it always evolves much like ours has here. Right up until the socialist, frustrated that they've not been able to sway an educated indoctrinee, asserts that the only reason for any disagreement is due to some lack of intelligence on their debate opposition's part. An absolute textbook demonstration of the Dunning Kruger phenomenon. I have to wonder.... Does your employer know you think of them as a parasite? Or do you even work?

Thanks. Brad.
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Kevin, this didn't apply to Trump:
Joe "Beijing" Biden is a:
and, as I said in a previous post:
You're entitled to you opinion but consider this:
1) On Biden's first day in office, he killed thousands of jobs with a few strokes of a pen
2) Within the first week in office, he opened the southern border and hamstrung the border patrol
3) Thousands of unaccompanied minors were being housed in overcrowded plastic cages, build under the Obama administration, while unfairly passing the blame off on the Republicans and Donald Trump
4) At the same time, in the middle of a pandemic, fewer than 20% of those coming across the border were tested for Covid while legal residents are being sent home because they MIGHT have been exposed to Covid
5) In the past 8 months, people from over 150 nations have streamed across our southern border with no way of knowing who they are, where they were taken inside the country, if they have ties to terrorist organizations or what their true reason for coming to the country is
6) The Democrats are inviting these unvetted lawbreakers to come to increase the supply of cheap workers while paying legal, higher cost residents to stay home though expanded unemployment benefits, something that just ended.
7) Biden banned the use of horses by the Border Patrol over an unsubstantiated and quickly debunked claim that the Border Patrol Agents "strapped" illegal immigrants trying to get into the country
8) Biden and the Democratic party have broken or failed to enforce dozens of laws in an effort to stay in power
9) Biden pissed off most of Europe by removing sanctions against the Russians over the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline, all in an effort to improve relations with Angela Merkel, who was just voted out of the the Chancellor's office last week
10) Biden is a puppet of radicals that are calling the shots. He has proved that over and over by saying he can't say or do this or that because he will get in trouble
11) Biden is under the control of the Chinese, Russians, Hungarians, Ukrainians due to money he received through Hunter, hence he won't take action against any of them
So, when the official language of the US becomes Chinese or Russian, the currency becomes the Yuan or Rubble and buildings are blown up and people killed by Islamic Terrorists in your city, remember your position on who has done more damage to the country, Joe "Beijing" Biden or Donald "Orange Man Bad" Trump

With all that said, I don't have to STFU because anyone that has been paying attention to what's gone on the last 9 months knows it's all true. BTW, did you know that there was a law enacted last year, meant to control Trump, that says the President was required to submit to Congress a plan for withdrawing from Afghanistan that had to be approved by Congress BEFORE ANY WITHDRAWL FROM AFGHANISTAN WAS STARTED? Did you also know that "Bumbling Biden" not only didn't do so, he ignored his military advisors and ended up leaving US citizens AND ALLIES in Afghanistan, at the mercy(or lack thereof) of the Taliban? The more facts that come out, the worse Biden looks. Every country in the world knows that the US is in chaos and it's all due to the Democrats and a senile old idiot named Biden
All of what you posted is BS
And, in another, reported, violation of the Constitution, "Beijing" Biden is now trying to influence the US Supreme Court over how it should rule over the constitutionality of a NY state law restricting who can carry a weapon and where. For those of you that want to watch, here's a link to the You Tube video:
Biden Tells Supreme Court To Uphold NY Carry Permit Restrictions!!! NYSRPA v. Bruen - YouTube
This should worry those across the country that own firearms since it's the goal of the Democrats to eliminate the 2nd amendment to the Constitution and make owning firearms illegal.
We all know how Democratic governors, mayors and district attorneys are doing every thing they can to help those arrested for criminal behavior. This would be one of the initial steps into removing our ability to defend ourselves from said criminals who will, undoubtedly, be armed with firearms
You kill me and what all did Trump do? WTF
You kill me and what all did Trump do? WTF
Trump protected our borders by making agreements with Mexico and Central America to stop migrants until they had all the required paperwork IN HAND, got the border wall construction approved and paid for by Congress, held the Chinese and Russians accountable, set up a workable plan for withdrawing from Afghanistan that was ready for implementation, fought the now proven false accusations leveled by the Democrats that were backed by a Clinton funded bogus Steele dossier and a highly biassed left leaning mainstream media, WHILE DOING EVERYTHING WITHIN THE LAW AND CONSTITUTION!!!!
I'll say it again, if you don't believe me, PROVE ME WRONG!!!
You kill me and what all did Trump do? WTF

Brought down the cost of crude oil, gasoline, energy which caused many nice things to happen such as unemployment to decrease to levels never seen in the Obama era - inflation drops, etc. Biden undid the gains in record time....economy is headed back to Stagflation.
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Has anyone noticed how those defending the Democratic Socialists/Communists never have any proof to their claims and yet still call everything those of us see to be happening BS, even though evidence proving them wrong is easy to see and verify? That video of MTG's speech kind of illustrates that point. I just wonder how much longer we will be speaking English instead of Chinese the way things are going now?
I've found that the one that cries RACISM is normally the one that is racist. Learned that first hand back in 1986 in Mississippi when I went into a bar with an African-American friend and was asked to leave by other African-Americans because I had white skin. Seemed kind of strange to me at the time since I was seeing the mainstream media reporting about white racism against the African-American population in the south. Fast forward 35 years and I see the mainstream media was just as dishonest then as it is now, I just didn't know it at the time.
Has anyone noticed how those defending the Democratic Socialists/Communists never have any proof to their claims and yet still call everything those of us see to be happening BS, even though evidence proving them wrong is easy to see and verify? That video of MTG's speech kind of illustrates that point. I just wonder how much longer we will be speaking English instead of Chinese the way things are going now?
I'm still trying to learn English.
To old to start a new language