Kevin, this didn't apply to Trump:
Joe "Beijing" Biden is a:
and, as I said in a previous post:
You're entitled to you opinion but consider this:
1) On Biden's first day in office, he killed thousands of jobs with a few strokes of a pen
2) Within the first week in office, he opened the southern border and hamstrung the border patrol
3) Thousands of unaccompanied minors were being housed in overcrowded plastic cages, build under the Obama administration, while unfairly passing the blame off on the Republicans and Donald Trump
4) At the same time, in the middle of a pandemic, fewer than 20% of those coming across the border were tested for Covid while legal residents are being sent home because they MIGHT have been exposed to Covid
5) In the past 8 months, people from over 150 nations have streamed across our southern border with no way of knowing who they are, where they were taken inside the country, if they have ties to terrorist organizations or what their true reason for coming to the country is
6) The Democrats are inviting these unvetted lawbreakers to come to increase the supply of cheap workers while paying legal, higher cost residents to stay home though expanded unemployment benefits, something that just ended.
7) Biden banned the use of horses by the Border Patrol over an unsubstantiated and quickly debunked claim that the Border Patrol Agents "strapped" illegal immigrants trying to get into the country
8) Biden and the Democratic party have broken or failed to enforce dozens of laws in an effort to stay in power
9) Biden pissed off most of Europe by removing sanctions against the Russians over the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline, all in an effort to improve relations with Angela Merkel, who was just voted out of the the Chancellor's office last week
10) Biden is a puppet of radicals that are calling the shots. He has proved that over and over by saying he can't say or do this or that because he will get in trouble
11) Biden is under the control of the Chinese, Russians, Hungarians, Ukrainians due to money he received through Hunter, hence he won't take action against any of them
So, when the official language of the US becomes Chinese or Russian, the currency becomes the Yuan or Rubble and buildings are blown up and people killed by Islamic Terrorists in your city, remember your position on who has done more damage to the country, Joe "Beijing" Biden or Donald "Orange Man Bad" Trump
With all that said, I don't have to STFU because anyone that has been paying attention to what's gone on the last 9 months knows it's all true. BTW, did you know that there was a law enacted last year, meant to control Trump, that says the President was required to submit to Congress a plan for withdrawing from Afghanistan that had to be approved by Congress BEFORE ANY WITHDRAWL FROM AFGHANISTAN WAS STARTED? Did you also know that "Bumbling Biden" not only didn't do so, he ignored his military advisors and ended up leaving US citizens AND ALLIES in Afghanistan, at the mercy(or lack thereof) of the Taliban? The more facts that come out, the worse Biden looks. Every country in the world knows that the US is in chaos and it's all due to the Democrats and a senile old idiot named Biden