Where in the hell is the OFF TOPIC THREAD on the forum?


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Okay, time to respond to a pair of posts:
1) Kevin, I didn't get all of my information from Fox News and don't have a Facebook Account. I've gotten it from the Australian news sources, NNN, OAN, Fox, Youtube Congressional videos AND NOT FROM MAINSTREAM MEDIA!!!!!
I never claimed to be a Republican or a Democrat as both have their flaws and things I totally disagree with but everything I said in my last post I believe to be correct and there is video backing on much of it that the mainstream media refused to air.
2) Kyle, I take serious offense to your statement "the Baby Boomer generation, is known as the worst generation in US history, precisely because they were the most propagandized against generation ever (and that did spill over into gen x as well) with McCarthyism, the 2nd red scare, the cold war etc etc.. You have no original thought in your head, you are programmed." I do know how to think and am far from programmed. I don't need a calculator to do basic math or the internet to tell me how to do anything, unlike the Gen Xer's do. Hell, I've actually seen Gen Xer's that can't even use a wrench, let alone one with a ratcheting head, they just don't understand them. I've been working on cars and machinery since I was 3, electrical and electronics since my Jr year of high school and woodworking since I was 6. I redesign and modify my builds just so I know it's done right, something most can't do.
With all of that said, you need to watch how you word things as making general statements, like in your last post, can get you into a world of trouble
"Marx was wrong about everything. Everything. In all his works.....">>>Have you ever read Das Kapital? lol obviously not. Do you often go around telling people about books you've never read?

"How can the freedom to own private property mean "to bring under control"....">>> Because you Brad, are allowed to believe, that private property means your house, which it does not. Private property in economic terminology, refers to owning the means of production, owning the resources that would otherwise be held in common. Your house is considered personal property, because it is a cost, it does not produce capital. So when those things that are required for survival (food, water shelter, and healthcare), are owned privately, it means you have NO RIGHT to them, because they belong to someone else. And therefore you are "subjugated", in some fashion, to some property owner, for sustenance. "Freedom" is relative, to ones bank account.

". The Bill of Rights was not an afterthought. It .....">>>>It is funny that you say this, because it is an untrue statement. The Bill of Rights were a response precisely to the mass protests and riots, that came about, after the public release of the first draft of the constitution. Which sent the constitutional committee back behind closed doors, which produced the constitutional amendments, aka Bill of Rights.

" It is the workers and consumers who have chosen capitalism. Democratically. >>>>No worker has ever been given the choice, a democratic, up or down vote for capitalism in the U.S. Did the American Indian vote for capitalism? When workers in other parts of the world vote for, let's say 'socialism', the US is there to over throw the will of the demos in those countries e.g. 1953 Iran, the Iranian people voted for socialism (Mohammad Mosaddegh), and the CIA over threw their government. 1955 Vietnam, the Vietnamese voted for socialism (Ho Chi Minh) US sent in the army. 1954 Guatemala, the Guatemalan people voted for socialism, (Jacobo Árbenz) the CIA over threw their government. 1973 Chile, the Chilean people voted for socialism (Salvador Allende), the CIA over threw their government. 2002 Venezuela, the Venezuelan people voted for socialism (Hugo Chavez) the CIA backed a coup that kidnapped Chavez, but the coup failed (chalk one up for the working class). These are just examples of what happens when workers actually get a chance to vote against capitalism..the capitalists always strike back...they hate democracy and try to, and do, control it very tightly here in the US. And there are dozens of examples of worker revolutions, not mentioned here, where the US intervened to support capitalist and right wing authoritarianism.

"Because it provides the greatest access to sustenance...">>>Question; "how" does it provide the "greatest" access? And remember "access" is the key word; meaning to get 'access' to the sustenance, you must have the money, how do you get the money? By subjugating yourself to the property owner.

I'm just gonna summarize here a bit, I know this is just all wasted time on you...the Baby Boomer generation, is known as the worst generation in US history, precisely because they were the most propagandized against generation ever (and that did spill over into gen x as well)with McCarthyism, the 2nd red scare, the cold war etc etc.. You have no original thought in your head, you are programmed. You Brad, are a product of neo-liberal doctrine and their institutions such as: Carnegie Endowment, RAND Corporation, FreedomWorks, Woodrow Wilson International Center, Brookings Institution, Cato Institute, American Enterprise Institute, etc etc...all these corporation and more deal with public relations, which means they deal in on how to manipulate you into thinking what they want you to think. You really didn't stand a chance bro..

No. I have not read the any of the driveling works of Marx. You could say I've read the Cliffs Notes, though. And Marx was wrong. About everything. Period. There hasn't been a single stitch of his fantasy that has come to fruition without a mindless mob of zombie thralls turning it into a self-fulfilling prophesy. Every supposed shortcoming of capitalism has been the result of its undermining by people who would see it gone, catastrophe be damned.

No. There is no distinction between personal property and private property. That is a Marxist construct. It is a matter of owning a thing or not. Beyond that, what the owner does with it is of no concern to those who do not own it. I can use my house to produce capital. I can use a dump truck as a daily driver. You do not get to dictate what I do with anything I own

You are right about one thing: Nobody has a "RIGHT" to any of those things. I'll take a bit further, and clarify the whole subject. Nothing that compels the labor of another can be a "right". Period. We call that slavery. Instead, we all contribute our labor to the societal effort, and, in exchange, we gain currency that allows us to compel the labor of others for our purposes. See how that works?

Bullcrap. Nobody is subjugated to anybody. You are not forced to work for somebody else. You GET to exploit the preinstalled means of production, free of charge, and extract the lions share of the revenue your labor produces. For that access, those who have provided you that ease of access have well earned their due compensation. Do you have any idea how many people are self employed? Workers consistently take the short, easy path of employment, instead of the long arduous entrepreneurial path. There obviously has never been formal a vote for or against capitalism. We vote for our employers when we accept positions with their companies. We vote for our producers when we buy the commodities we buy. Without these votes, they cease to exist. The funny thing about voting, though, is that socialism is an easy sell and an impossible delivery. It's really easy to convince people to vote for free stuff. The problem comes when it's time to actually come through with these empty promises, because, you know, SoMeBoDy has to actually MAKE that stuff. And, with everybody standing around, waiting for their entitlement, that SoMeBoDy never bothered to show up at the plant. Literally every citation you gave are examples of socialism collapsing due to its own failings. It's just the socialists find it convenient and easy to blame the clean-up crew for the mess.

The BoR was not an afterthought. There were many drafts of the Constitution. As it began to solidify, so did the beginnings of the BoR. The tenets, means and purposes of those ten Articles are woven throughout the entire body of the Constitution. The BoR just sums them all up and codifies them in a nice compact package. Sorry squirt, you're wrong.

Dude, the Boomers were the generation that left the successive generation with the most opportunity in history. Without equal. And you squandered it. There was more food on the table waiting for you than literally any generation preceding you, and the fact that you had to put your PS4 controller down to eat it was simply too much. For the record, I'm not a Boomer, and neither was my dad. We were what you might call "generational tweeners". My thoughts and understanding come from a thorough comprehension of sound, proven economic principle and the strong work ethic that was instilled in my from a very early age.

It is so comical that you throw out the assertion that somebody else hasn't an original thought. Do you have any idea how many times I've heard/read your copy/paste garbage on the interwebs? Do you think your the first broken record we've had to suffer though? That's the thing about zombies. They all sound the same. But all they ever do is consume and infect.

Thanks. Brad.
Titan Racing Components
BlackJack Hydros
Model Machine and Precision LLC
I don't see either one of you posting in reply to what my main subjects were, just that you want to blame Biden for everyuthing, but yet you let a pos Trump and his criminals ruin our democracy and blame them dems in return. I knew this was a repubilican only thread. Quiting getting your news and information from Fox News and Facebook. A lot of what you posted is not true and false information. DONE! I posted my opinion to Bard.

Bard? WTF is Bard? Maybe somebody getting excited and misspelled Brad?

I was talking to my sister, a lifelong California resident last week. Complaining about the smoke, I commented about the "Bullet Train" and suggested it to be another democratic exercise in fraud, waste and abuse of taxpayer money and the there was silence. She doesn't seem to be able to connect the dots of the current condition to government and the politicians she keeps voting into office.

But they didn't want to fight them, they needed the out of control wildfires to blame climate change even though more than 50% were later attributed to arson.........
You need to read what predictions Marx made that actually came true!

You also need to read why the constitution was written and the reasons. I can post it here if you need help.

What kills me is the republican BS i read on this thread. People need to get educated with American history and what the republican presidents did to this country. I would take a thousand Joe's and $10.00 gasoline over a CHUMP!

I wasn't going to even respond, but, since you indicated you specifically called on me (even though you didn't tag me for it).....

Everything that Marx predicted has either not come to fruition or has been brought to happening by Marxist efforts to undermine capitalism. There are, however, a great number of things that Marx pointed out as being detrimental, that clearly are not, that have, in fact, come into being. So, I guess you could spin those as being accurate predictions, if it helps you sleep at night.

The Constitution was written to establish a government of, for and by the people. That's it.

I wouldn't be so bold as to suggest that no Republican president has ever made a misstep, but we can observe from space the trends in economics and US influenced global dynamics, showing the most damage done has been by the imposition of Leftist policy.

If you'd trade what we've gotten over the last eight months to the demonstrably successful previous four years, I'd have to say your preconceived notions are ruling over your cognitive capacity. As they say, "Facts don't care about your feelings". If it's just rabid "OrangeManBad" syndrome, that's even worse.

Thanks. Brad.
Titan Racing Components
BlackJack Hydros
Model Machine and Precision LLC
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But they didn't want to fight them, they needed the out of control wildfires to blame climate change even though more than 50% were later attributed to arson.........
Well they certainly do fit the Thermogeddon narrative rather well. I never considered that, but yeppers that's the reason beyond any shadow of doubt.
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Donald Trump was NEVER part of the "political plan".. He said what he was going to do.. scared the living **** out of the dems.. then got ELECTED and did what he said he was going to do.... Lets face it.. controlling the boarders was a big NO NO to the left.. they needed the votes to dominate there future political party... or.. they knew they would have to "do what it takes" to win the 2020 election.. (Joe is just a trojan horse).. could have been anybody.

I have a 5 year plan.. and a 10 year plan.. ALL businesses to do too.. again.. Trump was NEVER part of the dems plan!

Donald Trump was NEVER part of the "political plan".. He said what he was going to do.. scared the living **** out of the dems.. then got ELECTED and did what he said he was going to do.... Lets face it.. controlling the boarders was a big NO NO to the left.. they needed the votes to dominate there future political party... or.. they knew they would have to "do what it takes" to win the 2020 election.. (Joe is just a trojan horse).. could have been anybody.

I have a 5 year plan.. and a 10 year plan.. ALL businesses to do too.. again.. Trump was NEVER part of the dems plan!

Trump was supposed to be a joke, a candidate that would get "steamrolled" by Hillary Clinton. By the time all was said and done, he was elected(probably had as much to do with the Benghazi attack and the fallout that followed as people wanting change) and started his MAGA program. When it was discovered that his program was, for the most part, successful, the Democrats had to get him and his policies out. If that meant wrecking the country to undo what Trump did, so be it. That's what we're seeing now
The way I see it, we're going to see a swarm of illegals applying for aid, drivers licenses, etc. If Biden and the radical left are going to be beaten, those that try to get aid or a driver's license without the appropriate documents should be arrested and held in the jails that the prosecutors are trying to empty until their status can be determined. IF they came across the border illegally, they should be shipped back to where they came from, along with any family members that came with them. Unfortunately, there's 60,000+ that just came through Panama and are on their way to the southern border. Sounds to me like the Biden administration has started something that is going to destroy the nation, that is unless the military is called out to stop them. The bad part is it might require shooting to kill to turn back that many

No. I have not read the any of the driveling works of Marx. You could say I've read the Cliffs Notes, though. And Marx was wrong. About everything. Period. There hasn't been a single stitch of his fantasy that has come to fruition without a mindless mob of zombie thralls turning it into a self-fulfilling prophesy. Every supposed shortcoming of capitalism has been the result of its undermining by people who would see it gone, catastrophe be damned.

No. There is no distinction between personal property and private property. That is a Marxist construct. It is a matter of owning a thing or not. Beyond that, what the owner does with it is of no concern to those who do not own it. I can use my house to produce capital. I can use a dump truck as a daily driver. You do not get to dictate what I do with anything I own

You are right about one thing: Nobody has a "RIGHT" to any of those things. I'll take a bit further, and clarify the whole subject. Nothing that compels the labor of another can be a "right". Period. We call that slavery. Instead, we all contribute our labor to the societal effort, and, in exchange, we gain currency that allows us to compel the labor of others for our purposes. See how that works?

Bullcrap. Nobody is subjugated to anybody. You are not forced to work for somebody else. You GET to exploit the preinstalled means of production, free of charge, and extract the lions share of the revenue your labor produces. For that access, those who have provided you that ease of access have well earned their due compensation. Do you have any idea how many people are self employed? Workers consistently take the short, easy path of employment, instead of the long arduous entrepreneurial path. There obviously has never been formal a vote for or against capitalism. We vote for our employers when we accept positions with their companies. We vote for our producers when we buy the commodities we buy. Without these votes, they cease to exist. The funny thing about voting, though, is that socialism is an easy sell and an impossible delivery. It's really easy to convince people to vote for free stuff. The problem comes when it's time to actually come through with these empty promises, because, you know, SoMeBoDy has to actually MAKE that stuff. And, with everybody standing around, waiting for their entitlement, that SoMeBoDy never bothered to show up at the plant. Literally every citation you gave are examples of socialism collapsing due to its own failings. It's just the socialists find it convenient and easy to blame the clean-up crew for the mess.

The BoR was not an afterthought. There were many drafts of the Constitution. As it began to solidify, so did the beginnings of the BoR. The tenets, means and purposes of those ten Articles are woven throughout the entire body of the Constitution. The BoR just sums them all up and codifies them in a nice compact package. Sorry squirt, you're wrong.

Dude, the Boomers were the generation that left the successive generation with the most opportunity in history. Without equal. And you squandered it. There was more food on the table waiting for you than literally any generation preceding you, and the fact that you had to put your PS4 controller down to eat it was simply too much. For the record, I'm not a Boomer, and neither was my dad. We were what you might call "generational tweeners". My thoughts and understanding come from a thorough comprehension of sound, proven economic principle and the strong work ethic that was instilled in my from a very early age.

It is so comical that you throw out the assertion that somebody else hasn't an original thought. Do you have any idea how many times I've heard/read your copy/paste garbage on the interwebs? Do you think your the first broken record we've had to suffer though? That's the thing about zombies. They all sound the same. But all they ever do is consume and infect.

Thanks. Brad.
Titan Racing Components
BlackJack Hydros
Model Machine and Precision LLC
"No. I have not read the any of the driveling works of Marx. You could say I've read the Cliffs Notes, though. And Marx was wrong. About everything.....">>>>>Can you name one thing he was wrong about, and be specific?

"No. There is no distinction between personal property and private property. That is a Marxist construct....">>>>How would you know this is a construct of Marx? You never read Marx. And in fact this economic 'definition/distinction' of personal property vs private property, existed at least 100 years before Marx, when it was written about in "The Wealth of Nations", by Adam Smith (1776), you know, the guy who invented the "Free market" principle? Oh that's right...you don't read....

"Nothing that compels the labor of another can be a "right". Period. We call that slavery....">>>>Wow, this is a real interesting logical fallacy, you got going on here. Allow me to paraphrase you : 'the right to sustenance is slavery'. Let us take this logic of yours a bit further: 'when the food source is owned privately (not held in common), and the rest of the people who do not own it (and cannot own it), do not have a right to it, this is freedom? And if they must sell (or lease rather) themselves to the property owner for food source, this is also freedom? for who?

"You GET to exploit the preinstalled means of production, free of charge, and extract the lions share of the revenue your labor produces....">>>>And here again, another example of a non sequitur. You are contradicting your premise, It is either free of charge, or you have to pay for it, which is it Brad? And I have no idea what you even mean by a "preinstalled means of production". And why shouldn't I have ALL the revenue my labor produces, since it is my labor that is producing the revenue.

"The BoR was not an afterthought. There were many drafts of the Constitution....">>>>I will say "after thought is the wrong terminology, you're right. It is a fact that federalists like James Madison did not want the Bill of Rights in the constitution, because Madison was not interested in individual rights, especially of the proletariat (The constitution as it was, covered the property owners rights). And it wasn't until the threat of a civil war (In Rhode Island, resistance against the Constitution was so strong that civil war almost broke out on July 4, 1788, when anti-federalist members of the Country Party led by Judge William West marched into Providence with over 1,000 armed protesters.) was Madison compelled (there's that word of yours Brad) to incorporate them into the constitution.

"Dude, the Boomers were the generation that left the successive generation with the most opportunity in history. Without equal. And you squandered it.....">>>>LOL It was the first 3 generation before the Baby Boomers, that did that... How did a generation born AFTER,...the "Great Depression" , the implementation of Keynesian economics (which got us out of the depression and made America great), "The New Deal", The social Security act, Glass–Steagall,...et al....didn't even fight fascism in WW2, and then not even quite old enough to make a difference in the vote for things like Medicare..How do you make this claim? It was precisely the Baby Boomer generation, who destroyed all those things, with the full demographic force and political power of the Boomers, they voted for neo-liberalism, voted for Reaganomics (aka neo-liberalism) in 1981, and 40 years later, we are still in Reaganomics...But you wouldn't know anything about that...see you don't read books, you allow yourself to be programmed by the tv and radio, you are a product of corporate state media, and all those neo-liberal think tanks, I listed in a previous post...
Drama ,Vent dosen't cure a thing it may make you feel good, Action has in the past. READING THESE COMMENTS MAKES ONES LOOK LIKE SOFA COACHES DURING THE BIG GAME. DO SOMETHING MORE THEN BITCH ABOUT THE PROBLEMS. lol

Ken, what would you suggest we do? Biden is protected by the mainstream media so his failures and mistakes don't get reported to those that only watch the mainstream media and the Democratic majority in the HOR means that any attempt to impeach him, or any other incompetent Democrat for that matter, will fail. For that matter, waiting until the midterm election is just as bad since the "Squad" is calling the shots in the HOR and Nancy Pelosi is covering for them as well
Never said I had the idea answer other then take action that supports your Ideas.

Drama ,Vent dosen't cure a thing it may make you feel good, Action has in the past. READING THESE COMMENTS MAKES ONES LOOK LIKE SOFA COACHES DURING THE BIG GAME. DO SOMETHING MORE THEN ***** ABOUT THE PROBLEMS. lol

Ken, what would you suggest we do? Biden is protected by the mainstream media so his failures and mistakes don't get reported to those that only watch the mainstream media and the Democratic majority in the HOR means that any attempt to impeach him, or any other incompetent Democrat for that matter, will fail. For that matter, waiting until the midterm election is just as bad since the "Squad" is calling the shots in the HOR and Nancy Pelosi is covering for them as well
We dealt with Trumpism, you can deal with Bidenism!
Go read about Bush, Obama and Trump. You might understand what Obama went through with getting blocked by the republicans for anything he wanted to do, other then disliking him because he was a Dem, black and opened up the LGBTQ community. It kills me people make comments that they have no freaking clue about! Learn your history!
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Kevin, this didn't apply to Trump:
Joe "Beijing" Biden is a:
and, as I said in a previous post:
You're entitled to you opinion but consider this:
1) On Biden's first day in office, he killed thousands of jobs with a few strokes of a pen
2) Within the first week in office, he opened the southern border and hamstrung the border patrol
3) Thousands of unaccompanied minors were being housed in overcrowded plastic cages, build under the Obama administration, while unfairly passing the blame off on the Republicans and Donald Trump
4) At the same time, in the middle of a pandemic, fewer than 20% of those coming across the border were tested for Covid while legal residents are being sent home because they MIGHT have been exposed to Covid
5) In the past 8 months, people from over 150 nations have streamed across our southern border with no way of knowing who they are, where they were taken inside the country, if they have ties to terrorist organizations or what their true reason for coming to the country is
6) The Democrats are inviting these unvetted lawbreakers to come to increase the supply of cheap workers while paying legal, higher cost residents to stay home though expanded unemployment benefits, something that just ended.
7) Biden banned the use of horses by the Border Patrol over an unsubstantiated and quickly debunked claim that the Border Patrol Agents "strapped" illegal immigrants trying to get into the country
8) Biden and the Democratic party have broken or failed to enforce dozens of laws in an effort to stay in power
9) Biden pissed off most of Europe by removing sanctions against the Russians over the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline, all in an effort to improve relations with Angela Merkel, who was just voted out of the the Chancellor's office last week
10) Biden is a puppet of radicals that are calling the shots. He has proved that over and over by saying he can't say or do this or that because he will get in trouble
11) Biden is under the control of the Chinese, Russians, Hungarians, Ukrainians due to money he received through Hunter, hence he won't take action against any of them
So, when the official language of the US becomes Chinese or Russian, the currency becomes the Yuan or Rubble and buildings are blown up and people killed by Islamic Terrorists in your city, remember your position on who has done more damage to the country, Joe "Beijing" Biden or Donald "Orange Man Bad" Trump

With all that said, I don't have to STFU because anyone that has been paying attention to what's gone on the last 9 months knows it's all true. BTW, did you know that there was a law enacted last year, meant to control Trump, that says the President was required to submit to Congress a plan for withdrawing from Afghanistan that had to be approved by Congress BEFORE ANY WITHDRAWL FROM AFGHANISTAN WAS STARTED? Did you also know that "Bumbling Biden" not only didn't do so, he ignored his military advisors and ended up leaving US citizens AND ALLIES in Afghanistan, at the mercy(or lack thereof) of the Taliban? The more facts that come out, the worse Biden looks. Every country in the world knows that the US is in chaos and it's all due to the Democrats and a senile old idiot named Biden