Thanks for your input John, that clears things some, but I was still completely surprised to see, "in print", you commenting that we don't need a dB limit yet. You as much as anyone, knows how long it takes to implement things like rule changes in the current IMPBA proccess. Geez, look at how long it took to fix a typo in the "A" engine class!! With you being one of the more technically oriented boaters out there you know how it's not "rocket science" using the mufflers & Q pipes. The problem we have is the current rule sucks, too many people CHEATING it and that is completely UNFAIR to those who are choosing to follow it's INTENT. You want to see INNOVATION then set the dB limit and watch what people do to meet it. Innovation comes from working within rules & guidelines, you want an example, look at NASCAR, or Indy, or Formula 1. Hell, look at ANY form of racing! The object is to go as fast as you can while staying within the rules wether it's race cars or r/c boats. Take a look at some of the new pipes that have come out recently for a perfect example. This issue didn't just surface, it's been on the table for quite some time. I bet Dick Tyndall is laughing his *ss off right now as he was smart enough to see this coming 5 years ago but almost nobody believed him. Bottom line is this, it's time for the board to get off thier duff & get this done & in an accelerated format. While things might be happening "faster" than before, it is still at a snail's pace. We have already shown thru VOTING that the MAJORITY of the IMPBA is IN FAVOR of quieting the boats. And since this is a DEMOCRACY where things are decided by the MAJORITY, it's time to stop being swayed, slowed, etc by the MINORITY who still want to fight this. It amounts to being selfish & caring more for personal wants than what's best for the boating community as a GROUP. So why should I support this as none of the race sites I run at in district 12 have any current noise issues?? Simple, there are MANY sites that do & it needs to be fair to ALL, that's just plain good sportsmanship. The playing field needs to be a LEVEL ONE that has a clear ENFORCIBLE rule so it's FAIR to ALL since EVERYONE will have to abide by the same RULE. <_<