MACS, Irwin, Picco, Rossi, CMB, Preswhich, OPS, K&B, Steve Muck, Nova Rossi, Internation Products, Prather, Rum Racing, and some others.
These are names of companies that have been producing Muffled pipes and/or add-on Mufflers for many years. Many where producing Mufflled pipes for years before I ever started boat racing 26 years ago and ALL of them where making muffled pipes long before I got into the pipe business.
When most of the IMPBA Dist. 3 membership including tthe IMPBA dist. 3 Director went NAMBA a few years ago, I was approached by the IMPBA president and asked to please step in as Dist. 3 director, at first I declined, becuase it has been my policy to not be involed in any political position because of my involment in the business of r/c boats. The President was insistent, so considering that dist. 3 now only had few active IMPBA members I agreed to take on the position temporerily.
I had started building Nitro pipes and Muffled pipes a short time before this.
During the time that I was the Dist. 3 director the IMPBA voted for a muffler rule.
At that time some boaters accused me of forcing the muffler rule for my own monatary gain. There are some out there that still think this is the case.
And so be it, they can think what they want. I have been in the R/C boat business full time for 18 years. I do it because I love it. If it was for money I would do something different. I will gladly trade my income for that last 18 year with 95% of the IMPBA membership and be Very happy with the Trade. Even today 75% of the IMPBA membership would not be happy to trade incomes with me.
I now make Muffled pipes ONLY for one main reason and one secondary reason.
#1 they ARE FASTER.
#2 I like the Quiet.
If it were for money I would make Nitro pipes, because the profit margin is higer,
then sell you an Add-on muffler later when someone tells you to quite that thing down.
I just don't know where this idea of Greed comes from. To produce an R/C Boat Racing product that someone wants to BUY takes a tremendous amount of effort.
Because what Wins on Sunday Sells on Monday and if it don't win you can't give it away. And to produce a Winning product takes more effort than most would or could, ever do.
Today the boaters that Buy my pipes, Buy them because they want the performance that it adds to their engine, Not because the IMPBA told them to.
If they where looking to buy a muffled pipe because the IMPBA told them they HAD to, I can direct them to shops that have boxes full of muffled pipes that they would love to sell at any price.