PHM Racing said:
I am new to plaster stuff, but here is what I know.
Plaster doesn't stick to the foam, but it will stick to epoxy.
If you use mold release it gets on the plaster and you will have trouble sealing the plaster with epoxy.
PVA will desolve because of the water based plaster.
You need to carefully remove the plug and the outside dams after about 2 hours while the plaster is still green but firm, then let it dry out for a couple days.
Foam and 1 coat of polyurathane is what I was told works and it does.
I tried a piece of aluminum and it stuck to it.
Plaster o paris is too soft
The plaster, called ultrcal or hydrocal is gypsum cement and you can get it from art type shops. I found it at an art shop that does sculptures and castings. I had to buy a whole bag, it was 30.00 for 95 lbs.
After the mold is made you seal it with epoxy, wax it and spray it with PVA.