Ive kinda stayed away from this one.....i might have posted something awhile back, but i just cant remember, too many to look thru to see if i did or not, but.....it seems to me this topic is just another example of why this country is slowly coming apart at the seams.....the far right wants us to be able to arm ourselves with any and as many leathal weapons as we want which is insane and dangerous....the body count over the last 10 to 15 years is proof of that......and the far left doesnt want us to have any weapons at all to simply be able to protect our families and ourselves, which is ABSURD! I own a gun....not crazy about it , but i do....hope ill never have to use it, but i would...if i had to....i do know this, if i had to kill someone to protect my family, or myself, i would never be the same...even if i was 100% justified in my actions, i would be changed for the rest of my life...the ones who scare me are those who say it wouldnt bother them one bit....ive known people in the military who have killed our enemies and were perfectly right in doing so who told me that even with all the training they had, when it actually happened, it changed them forever....that they would carry that with them for the rest of thier lives. Maybe thats my flaw as a human being....im in the middle, and i believe that compromise can accomplish many good things in this country....im no pacifist, but nor am i a macho, arrogant alpha male type either....God knows weve got enough of those these days. Just somewhere in the middle, which seems to be a bad fit in these times. God, it seems like this whole country is obsessed with extremism..just turn on the TV....Extreme Chef, Extreme Makeover, Extreme Fishing, etc, etc, etc......i wonder whats next? extreme yard work? Plumbing? Coffee? Its not easy to be so simple minded in such complicated times.....! God help our children and our Grand children...i wish i had the answer....unfortunatly all i can do is the same as many others...just ramble on and see if it makes me feel better or not.......!