Slow return to RC boats???


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Kevin Krogness

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2008
Fellas, been some time. Maybe around 10 years ago was my last post/response, well here I am!!! Many updates in my life and reasons for the boats sitting on the shelf and finally coming back out hopefully. I still get the daily email saying what's going on in all the threads and it finally lured me back in. The thing that really hurts is seeing all the silent engines posts.

Some of you may recall before I left I had 4 daughters and one of the 4 had special needs. Well fast forward to today and I now have 5 daughters and a granddaughter:) Its not as bad as you think but I would've loved a son in the mix!!! Part of the reason I'm coming back slowly to this,, is my basement is basically turning into a care center for my daughter with the special needs. With that renovation I will be losing my hobby room that has sat idle since I gave up boats, hunting/gun building and picked up golf. I will tell you if you're looking for an easy hobby to get into,,, start golfing! I was so addicted to golf that I put a simulator in my garage and started golfing twice a week. Sad part is my golf sim is now a storage room for anything that was in the basement hobby room at the moment.

I plan on trying to redo my golf sim this spring to include a work area and still be able to golf in it. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a golf club building bench! With that said I will try to start sourcing parts and prepping for the following offseason to start building/restoring my boats.

I will have many questions along the way so bare with me! I think my main focus is turning everything to electric minus a couple. I have 8 gallons of unopened fuel sitting in my basement I'm not sure I trust. Something about that pipe coming to temp and next level RPM's I really miss. So I have to keep my little .12 rigger, outboard Vision and on the fence about my Thomas sport 20 though. This is a good rough water boat and if I turned it to electric I could use at my cabin without my neighbor getting to upset, and it would give me a reason to go to said cabin.

Well thats all for now, thank you for reading
whats not to trust? I just ran 2 gallons of byrons car fuel from 2009. worst case scenario its a little down on power.

Well I won't say I haven't run old nitro before, but if I'm getting new bearings or power plants I get a bit concerned I guess. All used to say you have campfire fuel when it sat for too long!
Worse case, you will lose meth and nitro. Upping the oil content. It wont hurt it. It may run terrible, but not going to kill the motor. Run it see how it goes.
When nitro was hard to get. I bought 4 gallons that was 10 years old, when blended I couldn't tell the difference. But was stored correctly. I've custom blended fuel for 20 + years. Store in any place out of direct sunlight with normal temperature conditions. You'll be fine. I test with old fuel (5-6) years old, I've not noticed and difference in speeds from new fuel... just my 2 cents worth
When nitro was hard to get. I bought 4 gallons that was 10 years old, when blended I couldn't tell the difference. But was stored correctly. I've custom blended fuel for 20 + years. Store in any place out of direct sunlight with normal temperature conditions. You'll be fine. I test with old fuel (5-6) years old, I've not noticed and difference in speeds from new fuel... just my 2 cents worth

I would definitely say I stored it properly. Still in the factory sealed containers, in the taped up boxes and pretty much in the dark basement for 10 years:) Best part is most of it is in the quarts containers!

Thanks Alan!
I would definitely say I stored it properly. Still in the factory sealed containers, in the taped up boxes and pretty much in the dark basement for 10 years:) Best part is most of it is in the quarts containers!

Thanks Alan!
If the containers are somewhat translucent, there's castor in the blend, shake one of the bottles up, hold up in well lighted area and see if any particles are swirling around....if so, get a paint filter cone from auto body supply store and strain fuel through into different clean container, rinse original out and let dry, put fuel back in.

If fuel was/is sealed from source and wasn't exposed to significant temperature swings, it should be ok.... temperature swings can coagulate the castor a bit, especially with a higher %.

I had 4 gals of Seaducer 60% with 2% castor that sat in a storage unit through 3-4 winters and it was fine...just strained it as per above.
Didn't experience any apparent loss of potency, nor any lubrication issues.

Hope this negates your concerns.

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