Pagemaster said:
Why all the talk of cutting classes? Because of the long race days during the nats? If so, when do you seasoned&traveling racers think we will see another race with 60 racers and a ton of boats? If we pull 60 racers to the 2006 nats in New Jersey than I say we are seeing a growth in the racing circuit and need class thinning. If not it was maybe it was just the right time and right place in MI in 2005.
"All the talk" of cutting classes because of several reasons.
1. Because of "all the talk" of adding classes. How many classes are enough classes? I'm for adding some classes. I just think that eliminating the dead classes (ECO, M-2, etc) to make room would be smart. We are only talking about having to offer them at Nats races. Local clubs will do as they desire.
It seems whacky to insist that M-2 classes be offered at the Nats when the only people who are tinkering with the classes are 2-3 SAW guys. Let the SAW guys continue, if they like. Just reword the rules so that those classes are not required to be offered as heat racing classes at the Nats. That is an alternative to eliminating those classes.
2. The real problem comes on the local race level. If we have a 30 class menu and you hold a two day race, who gets shafted? (sorry for the boating pun).
Would it be good for the race portion of the hobby (the only part we are talking about) to have a newcomer look at what the legal classes are, focus his or her energy on putting together a boat for one class, and then find that the only local, large-scale race of the year cannot carry that class because the 29 other classes have more entries? I don't think so.
3. Coming cell chemistry may dictate class changes.
Steve, you seem to be crediting the number of available classes with the high turnout at the Nats. How would you come to that conclusion? The turnout is the direct result of the location. A central location to at least six moderately-sized FE comunities, with no major dividers such as mountain ranges or deserts to overcome. Presto! Onehellofanelectric gathering!
I don't think that the 2005 Nats turnout reflects much in the way growth. There were not many racers there that had never raced at a sizeable race before. It wasn't a whole bunch of new racers. It was a whole bunch of established regional and club-level racers who finally got a Nats race within a reasonable travel distance of their homes.
We would be collectively smart as a FE community to insure that the Midwest gets another Nats opportunity in the near future. Before the energy dissipates. The huge turnouts can be used to build growth, we just have to take advantage of the momentum.