*** 2013 Atlanta Spring Nationals = April 13th & 14th (NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES) ***


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Anyones 55- 56 mm props are going to have One Hell of a time trying to stay HOOKED Up in water when 67-70 mm props are tearing the **** out of the water. I will promise you the difference in Boat Speed and Prop Slippage will BE HUGE!!!!!!!! Here Kitty kitty.... Ron we just hope you get off the bank and stay running.......NEWBIE....... :rolleyes:i
Alright Joe. Get your prop calculator out and check 67mm(4.2"pitch) x 25k RPM against 62mm(3.9"pitch) x 31k RPM, worst case 20% slippage..... :eek:

Yes, I am twin newbie, hopefully I will make it into the water, and hopefully I can finish a couple of heats. I may not be fully prepared the first race but after a couple are under my belt....... :D
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If it gets cold we should have plenty of "roadrunner" kindling for a fire while we partake and pass the apple pie!!!...... :eek:
Wrong Fast, need to be chest high. :lol: ...==={}

......and the smack continues, even from those too skeeeered to even sign up for the race!!!!...... :eek:

I hear roasted Roadrunner is great with a good dark pale ale like Bass Pale Ale, SO with this in mind, I will personally provide as a prize, one six pack a month for ANY driver for the rest of the year that wins the 2013 Spring Nationals Twin Hydro Class that is driving any hull other than a RoadRunner!!!!..... ;)

Disclaimer: Must be deemed legal under current IMPBA Rules before award of prize. If awarded, prize can not be consumed on the grounds of any IMPBA race site, including but not limited to Sanctioned Races, club sites, SAW, etc. I can not be held liable by Roadrunner Boats for anyone switching from Roadrunner to another manufacturer before the race in an effort to win prize!!! ...... :D
Ron people are running Roadrunner cause they are Availible prior to the race.... When was the last time a eagle won the race?? Who was president? Carter?? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Me, 2012 fall nationals F hydro, single sgx Mac .84. :)
Dude you only got one motor! That means its not a twin(two motors)
Yup, a single 80 eagle against all those twins in f hydro,,Just think about an eagle with two engines. :D


Thats a Twin 45 vs A TWIN 101RS No Contest buddy....
Jullian...If you think for one min. that a Twin 45 can not,or will not win this race...then I must have misjudged you. I guess you must have been one of those Mayan calender end of the world type of believers. What a pity...I wish Ralph would would lay off feeding his monkey's gun powder,you know that burns those important brain cells up. p.s. I know I do not have a Twin. Now...
Git Summ !!!!!!!!
Can one of the philanthropist RC boaters PLEASE contract Me Time for this race for us working slobs that cannot attend . This will be the MMA of RC boat races by race time !!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Foley...............You need to offer a few passes in the STV.....!!! That should shake things up..... :lol: :lol: :lol: B)
Guys ill have someone taking videos of D,E,F Hydro, F mono and Twin Hydro. cant make promises on the other classes.. once the end of the day they will get uploaded on Youtube and the link will be posted on a thread here on IW..
Can one of the philanthropist RC boaters PLEASE contract Me Time for this race for us working slobs that cannot attend . This will be the MMA of RC boat races by race time !!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
That would be good if Me Time could broadcast this race!! Some body can contact them and see if they will do that,I will put up A donation to help.
Can one of the philanthropist RC boaters PLEASE contract Me Time for this race for us working slobs that cannot attend . This will be the MMA of RC boat races by race time !!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
That would be good if Me Time could broadcast this race!! Some body can contact them and see if they will do that,I will put up A donation to help.
I am a go for aa donation as well.
Anyones 55- 56 mm props are going to have One Hell of a time trying to stay HOOKED Up in water when 67-70 mm props are tearing the **** out of the water. I will promise you the difference in Boat Speed and Prop Slippage will BE HUGE!!!!!!!! Here Kitty kitty.... Ron we just hope you get off the bank and stay running.......NEWBIE....... :rolleyes:
Alright Joe. Get your prop calculator out and check 67mm(4.2"pitch) x 28k RPM against 62mm(3.9"pitch) x 34k rpm, worst case 20% slippage..... :eek:

Yes, I am twin newbie, hopefully I will make it into the water, and hopefully I can finish a couple of heats. I may not be fully prepared the first race but after a couple are under my belt....... :D
you can spit all the number you want about props Ron at the end of the day only 1 Twin will win. i have ran 6.4-10.0 T.E and 6.0-7.5 COB take you pick 67MM to 70MM from 1667 propellers to 2917,2170 propellers that a 45/60/80/91VAC Twin wont spin up..
Can one of the philanthropist RC boaters PLEASE contract Me Time for this race for us working slobs that cannot attend . This will be the MMA of RC boat races by race time !!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
That would be good if Me Time could broadcast this race!! Some body can contact them and see if they will do that,I will put up A donation to help.
I am a go for aa donation as well.
I would too..

Here is a great APP I have been using for a couple of years now on my iPhone. Designed for full size prop calculations but works great for RC too. You can leave any of the fields blank and this app will calculate the missing number. Works for SAW as well when trying to figure out what pitch it will take. Download and enjoy...... :D

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Here is a great APP I have been using for a couple of years now on my iPhone. Designed for full size prop calculations but works great for RC too. You can leave any of the fields blank and this app will calculate the missing number. Works for SAW as well when trying to figure out what pitch it will take. Download and enjoy...... :D

Cant find it whats the name of the app or a link to download
Here is another one in the Apple App Store. Just search Hering prop for the one above, propeller calc for the one below...... :)

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Did you get those tears from Drake???? I don't think he got those from baby Jesus, I think they came naturally, when he walked away empty handed from Charleston!!!!........ :eek: :p