I wanted to take my Hammerhead out for its first spin yesterday, but I ended up working instead. I did take it out today, and I'm breathless. I don't know what to say. This is the first time that I have ever made a hydro, set it up on the bench, taken it to the pond, and... I don't want to change a thing. Everything was perfect.
I promised one of my buddies that I would be at the pond at 10:00 this morning. I got there a little earlier, gave it a look over, taped up the radio box, and started it in the parking lot. It cranked right over. I let it sit there on the stand, and purr for about a minute at idle. Then my friend showed up. Took all the stuff down to the water, I started it up again, set it into the water, and off it went. It was fast right off the bat. even with the carb settings as they were out of the box. I ran it about 20 times. The only setting I changed was the needle. It took me about 10 runs to get it peaked out. When I finally got it peaked out, I will say with confidence that it was going about 50mph. It is about twice as fast as my friends pro shop budweiser. It handles extremely well.
The rear sponsons aren't even touching the water at all when it's barrelling down the straights. I set the rudder trim on the bench so that it was perfectly straight. I never had to adjust the trim. It goes straight as an arrow down the straights with my hand of the wheel. This proves that my theory of sponson design does work in defying torque. It is really noticable with this small boat.
This O.S TR-PT is really user friendly. Not one problem at all. I'm more than satisfied with the speed. I'm running my pipe at 7.5inches, using the 937 mike gave me, and I was using an O.S no.7 turbo plug. 30% nitro fuel. I will take it out again Sunday to show it off to the rest of my club, and maybe get some vids posted. This is definately a builder for anyone who is interested. Plans coming soon thanks to Wade. I have to give some appreciation for Tom's building tips. Thanks to everyone's interest in this project.