Sport 12 now a legit class?


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No 21's means that you can't run your Pro Boat Oberto's either unless you replace your engines with smaller stuff. Wait, that might be a good thing as then you would be able to open them up rather than chugging around at half throttle. Since you're not running this event, you have no say anyway so it doesn't matter. Let me guess, you're afraid of me driving a .21 powered boat as you could lose in a head to head competition. Just bring your Oberto's or build a Pak kit and we'll see what you really have to say at the end of the day :p

Ron, you guys really need to set up this event :)
HJ I'm not worrie about you now or then, :p because you'll never have any built/running boats. :eek: :lol: As saying my saying about my boat chugging around half throtle. I only need half throtle to whip you. :p At least I can run my boats... :p :p :p ..I got a JAE that will put a whipping on your .21 paypak. :eek: :p :lol: :D
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Think what you want Misshydro, but go back a few posts where Ron said no riggers, so no matter how fast you think your rigger is, it's a moot point as you won't be running it at this event. Better buy your Pak kit now so it will be ready by then since you still haven't gotten your Eagel wet and it was built in January. I'll have at least one Sport 20 Pak ready and running in time for that event, Dumas hardware and all since I'm going old school just to give you an advantage that you're sure to need :p
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Think what you want Misshydro, but go back a few posts where Ron said no riggers, so no matter how fast you think your rigger is, it's a mute point as you won't be running it at this event. Better buy your Pak kit now so it will be ready by then since you still haven't gotten your Eagel wet and it was built in January. I'll have at least one Sport 20 Pak ready and running in time for that event, Dumas hardware and all since I'm going old school just to give you an advantage that you're sure to need :p
So I havent gotton my eagle wet.. <_< At least its built,is any of yours built?? :eek: :p Got side track on the JAE.12 build and it seen water too. :p Old school?? :huh: Old school is dead. :eek: Upto date stuff rules. :p :D I'll have somthing to run by that time. :p :D Hj proubley your wife wont let you go anyways. you'll proubley have honey to do chores. :lol:
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Come on you two, enough of the bickering already! :angry:

Go to the IMPBA site and read the proposal and the rules for the Sport 12 class. Think of it as Sport 20 and 40, just smaller. Read up and you can see were some RTR hydro's could fit in, just go down to a .12 instead of going up in size. A Nova Rossi will blow a Dynamite, Aquacraft or Super Tigre away.

My fuel cell is only about 4 oz. so it might not have enough room for a 6-lap heat but this one is made for SAW and 2-lap oval use right now. It's got a Grimracer Miss Vegas turn fin on it but I've got a cut-down Hammerhead .12 fin that will just about bolt on that's been reworked for less in the water to help reduce drag. We've got plenty of room to turn at Thread Lake as I've seen a utility knife blade used there for a fin on a larger boat.

HJ, the word is "moot".
Ron, I went to look for the .12 class rules and came up empty. Any idea where I can find them as the rulebook shown on the IMPBA website is 5 years out of date
I went through Glenn's posting history as he's the one who proposed it and came up empty. I don't know which issue of the Roostertail it was put in but may have been up to 2 years ago. Hopefully Glenn will chime in with minimum and maximum requirements. It seems like Phil Thomas' Sport 20 was just a hair too long or just at the size limit.

I'll keep on looking............
I went through Glenn's posting history as he's the one who proposed it and came up empty. I don't know which issue of the Roostertail it was put in but may have been up to 2 years ago. Hopefully Glenn will chime in with minimum and maximum requirements. It seems like Phil Thomas' Sport 20 was just a hair too long or just at the size limit.

I'll keep on looking............
ron whats the dementions on hull size. to most to the least size.
I hate to say right now but I know that my Delta Force Vortex is inside the minimum but not by much, it's 22" x 11".
OK, here's the rules from the December 2009 issue of the Roostertail. Thanks to Kevin Sheren for telling me where to find them as I just got off the phone with him talking about some other stuff.

Sport 12 Hydro

Boat Specifications

1. Boat must be inboard powered by a legal IMPBA “A” class engine.

2. Hull must be a three (3) point hydroplane configuration and resemble a limited or

unlimited hydroplane design of past or present. Hulls not permitted: outrigger, modified

outrigger, tunnels, or canard hulls. NOTE: models designed after a 2 or 3 “wing” limited

or unlimited hydroplane design will be legal.

3. Boat must have a name, or sponsor's name, or logo, or a racing number affixed to the

hull. (a local or national or fictitious sponsor name is acceptable).

4. Hull shall have a minimum length of 20 inches, and a maximum length of 30 inches.

5. If the bow is recessed behind the tips of the sponsons, that recess shall be no larger

than 25% of the overall length of the boat. (refer to Sport Hull Configurations)

6. Boat must have a driver in open cockpit or simulated enclosed cockpit.

7. A strut width no greater than 3/8 inch wide may be mounted either under the hull or on

the transom with the farthest end of the drive dog, as measured from the transom not

extending out more than 3 inches.

8. See Sport Hull pictorial for clarification of Sport Hull Configurations
OK, here's the rules from the December 2009 issue of the Roostertail. Thanks to Kevin Sheren for telling me where to find them as I just got off the phone with him talking about some other stuff.

Sport 12 Hydro

Boat Specifications

1. Boat must be inboard powered by a legal IMPBA “A” class engine.

2. Hull must be a three (3) point hydroplane configuration and resemble a limited or

unlimited hydroplane design of past or present. Hulls not permitted: outrigger, modified

outrigger, tunnels, or canard hulls. NOTE: models designed after a 2 or 3 “wing” limited

or unlimited hydroplane design will be legal.

3. Boat must have a name, or sponsor's name, or logo, or a racing number affixed to the

hull. (a local or national or fictitious sponsor name is acceptable).

4. Hull shall have a minimum length of 20 inches, and a maximum length of 30 inches.

5. If the bow is recessed behind the tips of the sponsons, that recess shall be no larger

than 25% of the overall length of the boat. (refer to Sport Hull Configurations)

6. Boat must have a driver in open cockpit or simulated enclosed cockpit.

7. A strut width no greater than 3/8 inch wide may be mounted either under the hull or on

the transom with the farthest end of the drive dog, as measured from the transom not

extending out more than 3 inches.

8. See Sport Hull pictorial for clarification of Sport Hull Configurations
sound like to me a the 1/8 scale rules for number 3
Number 3 applies to all sport hydroplanes regardless of size in both IMPBA and NAMBA. The only class it doesn't apply to is the scale class as some boats had no name on the boat, such as the 1986 "Boat"(was pure white, no markings whatso ever) and two different Miss Tri-Cities (had a multicolor band that started at one sponson, ran down the deck, around the back of the cowl and repeated up the other side to the sponson)
The boat has been done and may see the water today or tomorrow. Where I'll run it is questionable right now as we have our own little oil leak problem on the Kalamazoo River and shut down one lake where I've been doing some of my testing and playing at. Some company upstream had a line break and lost almost 1 million gallons of crude into the river.

This is the lake that they shut down, the dam is at the right end down by the old building:

The only class it doesn't apply to is the scale class as some boats had no name on the boat, such as the 1986 "Boat"(was pure white, no markings whatso ever)
The "boat" you are referring to actually did have markings. During qualifying the APBA told that team that they had to put identifying marks on it to race it. Being a last minute thing the crew decided to just spell out the word Boat and U100 on the decks-

There has also been much debate in both the IMPBA and NAMBA about it's "legal" configuration as the "the Boat" did not actually qualify or race without markings or it's "tail feathers", the rear wings. NAMBA started addressing this back in 2004 in an article by our friend Al Waters, see page 11-

I agreed with what Al wrote back then and still do to this day but that's just my opinion. ;)
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what about namba??
What about them? NAMBA hasn't instituted a .12 class that I know of so they're kind of missing the boat (sorry about the bad pun) as they could call it 1/2-A. All of these little boats are a ton of fun, fast and don't use a lot of fuel.