Sport 12 now a legit class?


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well keep me posted ron ok i would like to know if it did pass you know thank you.
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...At the record trials in Flint yesterday I was talking to Gary Preusse and come to find out, he's had some Sport .12's sitting around for a while that I believe that David built many years ago. ...
I have photos of the Preusse's Sport .12s in my gallery. I snapped the photo's around 1982, at the Badger Pond. The .11 engines available 28 years ago did not make alot of power or rpms. The boats looked very cool (see gallery photos), but their performance out on an IMPBA size course was somewhat disappointing at the time. I recall that they appeared to be at full speed about 20 feet from the launch point.
Yes, that's the boat that Gary was talking about! He said that David built 3 or 4 of them and that he had one along with him at the Indy Masters race last September but I didn't see it.

I've got one of Gary's old SAW engines in my "collection" that was freshly rebuilt before he sold it to me with enough spare parts to probably put a seond one together, a Webra Speed .11. From what I've figured out, it was a pylon racing engine with a water-cooled head on it that might have been done by Rod Geraghty and an OS carb. It had a 180* header which is kind of large to get it to fit in most of my little hulls. Another header was made out of 1/2" 90* copper fittings.
Julian, your guess is as good as mine right now but I figure that we'll find out after the first of June when the latest issue of the Roostertail comes out. Either way I've still got to pick up another Nova Rossi .12.

When I went ot the record trials in Flint Gary Preusse had some of hte hardware that I needed to get mine back together then ordered the rest on the following Monday. It wouldn't take that much to have it ready for the water again.

If I can get it set up right I don't see why I couldn't get it into the low-to-mid 60's at least. It doesn't weight a lot, way less than my JAE .12.
I've been tinkering with my Sport .12 the past few days between trying to get the other boats and gear ready to hit the water and cleaning up the mess so I can start on the JAE gas 'rigger.

With not that many members bothering to sign up for the IMPBA site and then actually taking the time to vote I wonder how many really did. I got my yes vote in plus voted on the other proposals that were up.
We have a reply in the June Roostertail and the class did pass!

Time to finish throwing it together!
Well, mine's back on its way of getting back together. I picked up a new Nova Rossi .12 from Kevin Sheren today (and a rear exhaust RCMK to boot!) so the hydro is on the way to getting finished again. The paln is ot have it see water in 3 weeks or sooner as it still needs a few parts yet, mostly little stuff.

When it hits the water the new video camera will be along.

Kevin and I were both really busy today so we didn't have much time to shoot the breeze but we'd both like to hold a race at the club's lake hopefully next year for all of the "A" class boats, RTR's and some FE action. The course would most likely be a 1/4 mile as it's a little tight on the ends. We just have to get some heads together for this one.
Would it be possible to include the possible Dumas 30" Pay'N Pak fun run into that? Only catch for me is it would need to be on the 4th Sunday in June, the 26th, as I'll be in the area the second half of the week prior and will be heading west either that day or Monday the 27th. It could be fun to see several Paks running together side by side B)
Before going too far with the idea, we have to look at not only the D-2 schedule but also the D-4 and D-14 schedules as we're not that far from them. D-2 has/had races almost bi-weekly so we'd have to see what one is open. We're also wanting to put on more Fun Runs as those got popular. I've been inundated with having them back in Kalamazoo again as it was not a sanctioned event so no IMPBA membership was needed as you realized the risk when you showed up as just a bunch of people who showed up to run whatever you brought and most of the time you had the water to yourself.

Walt's been really busy readying his house to go on the market then wedding plans and buying a larger house. I'd like to see it kind of like the Ultimate 21 Shoot-out that was held in Illinois, not a district points race but a specialized event. Parking space is somewhat limited also but we have access to indoor facilites like real restrooms and a concession stand.

If it ended up by being a 2-day event, there is a motel about 1/4 mile down the road plus a go-cart track right down US-131, Craig's Cruisers. Keep the other half's home as there are strip malls galore in the area!

We're just in the wishful thinking mode right now so keep that in mind until we get our heads together to talk more about it.
No dice leaving the wife home. We're going to be in Detroit because of the National Square and Folk Dance Convention, so she will be with me. Besides, it takes too long to corrupt a good dance partner. I'm almost surprised she even considered having a boat along :blink:
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hummmm.. I could get a light hydro hull the throw my moded Rod Garghty .12 to try a saw run with. Or build that light weight version of the JAE that subpose to come out in spring.
You can't run an outrigger in a Sport hydro class. I'm afraid of Gary or David Preusse showing up to ruin my day as David built 3 of them quite a few years ago. My edge would be that my hull doesn't weight much at all, Gary and David's are more scale-like and wood.
So you're saying no riggers, I can deal with that. I love the fact that everything has to be sport hulls of .21 displacement or smaller. Do all boats have to conform with IMPBA rules or can they be NAMBA legal instead? Since I'm in NAMBA country, that is the rule set I build my nonscale boats to. I guess Misshydro needs to build a sport 20 Pay'N Pak to run with us if this comes down ;)
So you're saying no riggers, I can deal with that. I love the fact that everything has to be sport hulls of .21 displacement or smaller. Do all boats have to conform with IMPBA rules or can they be NAMBA legal instead? Since I'm in NAMBA country, that is the rule set I build my nonscale boats to. I guess Misshydro needs to build a sport 20 Pay'N Pak to run with us if this comes down ;)
No. you guys are afraid the riggers would kick your tails back home.. OH HJ I got alittle surprise for you,plus if you running around here it's IMPBA rules... Ron the class should only have .12-.18's no.21's
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No 21's means that you can't run your Pro Boat Oberto's either unless you replace your engines with smaller stuff. Wait, that might be a good thing as then you would be able to open them up rather than chugging around at half throttle. Since you're not running this event, you have no say anyway so it doesn't matter. Let me guess, you're afraid of me driving a .21 powered boat as you could lose in a head to head competition. Just bring your Oberto's or build a Pak kit and we'll see what you really have to say at the end of the day :p

Ron, you guys really need to set up this event :)
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