Riggers from Japan


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Re:prehistoric outriggers

Hey! Tim. How do you get the bladder out of the ball with out damaging it? I'm interested in trying it. Let me know.
Re:prehistoric outriggers

Well, I finally got the Hammerhead 90 to kick it up a bit. Thanks to the nice weather we had yesterday. It has been so long since I have seen the sun. Yahooooo! :eek:

The engine is still a little stiff and I need to find a better prop, but it looks like it will be a nice handler.

Took some vids, I will get Tom to put them on his vid page when my partner gets around to sending them to me.

Races coming up the 12th of May. Looking forward to seeing how it does.


P.S. Tom Thanks for the Electric info. I will certainly do it. It will be after this season before I get started, because I want to keep concentrated on Nitro. I will let you know how it goes.
Re:prehistoric outriggers


I am looking for some type of composite material to make the transom out of that will bond well with carbon fiber. I saw it used in the microburst mono hull. It sounds like a good idea to me. Lite water and fuel proof.

Re:prehistoric outriggers

What I did for the transom Mike, is I took a piece of Cherry wood and sandwiched it with carbon plates and glued it in with the same resin as I layed the carbon up with. If that doesn't make you feel safe, then you can lay up another ply of carbon in the transom box for extra strength. I didn't do that though, and I see no problems even turning a big 270.

How far have you gotten along?

Hammerhead vids on line. Check them out. I will navigate you to the place.


On the page that opens up, on the left side there is colorful lettering over a black background.(That is the menu)

A little more than half way down the menu, you will see

a second group of letter of yellow lettering.





Click the one that says 2:4

This will be the photo album for the 28th of April.

There will be a column of pics.

The ones with the red lettering next to the pics have

video attachments.

The first one:

The white hydro is my buddies .21 This day was That boats first run.

The second one is My Hammerhead .90 This day was the first time I leaned it out a bit.

Third one is a scale of a ferry that is on Lake Ashinoko

It has a 3rd and 4th channel that set of firecrackers using glowplugs in a plug booster. Pretty funny!!

The last one is an SG Eagle .67 with a O.S90 in it. It has never completed a race with out flipping over.

He gets a lot of uuuuhs and aaaaahs at the practice pond, but a lot of oooohs and noooos on race day.

Tom! I tried sending you these vids, but my server has a limit of 1mb for sending files. They got kicked back. If you want to post them, You are more than welcome to copy them of this URL.


Re:prehistoric outriggers

I think I made a mistake by making the turnfin boom one with the sponson :-[

If you watch the video of my Hammerhead 90, you will notice that it is scraping a bit. I don't know what effect this will have when I get max performance out of it, but I don't think it will be good. Too late to change it before the race on the 12th of May, but after the race I intend on cutting it off and replacing it with an aluminum boom and raising the stablizer about a half an inch. I think this will solve the problem.
Re:prehistoric outriggers

It did look like it was dragging a little in the video. Should be interesting to see how it performs after you make the changes you mentioned in the earlier post!
Re:prehistoric outriggers

hammer... i do not see any numbers like you described. i think i tried every link and did not see a page with a white hydro on top. i saw one page with i believe your yellow hydro on top... the links seem to have a "pageX" type of designation on the end that shows up in the status bar... what page are you refering to?

Re:prehistoric outriggers

nevermind... i figured it out... it is at this page:


i thought you meant first picture... second picture... but you meant videos

I can easily tell ya what is wrong with the eagle sg... it has been messed with too much... set it up according to the directions and it will perform they way it is supposed to.
Re:prehistoric outriggers

Tom, good point! However, there are " holes" in the instructions!

Also, the 67SG is designed for a 67 and not a 91. Maybe this boat would perform more consistently with the right sized motor.
Re:prehistoric outriggers

You are right!!!! There is a problem though. Our C-Hydro class is over 7.5cc and up to 15cc.

A .67 wouldn't go over very well in a heat full of 15cc boats. The guy with this SG also has a 15cc hull, but insists that the .67 is better. I wish you would tell him.

He even goes as far as blaming his own racing skills for his folleys. He has even asked me to race it before.


I used to own a YOUNG BLOOD with a 15cc OPS BLACKBOX. Now that boat was pretty good for Japanese style racing. I put the Sponson on the turn fin side at 17cm and the one on the other side at 22. I also made a boom for the turn fin that brought the turnfin toward the transom about 5cm. It did well. I even won a few heats with it, but no matter what I did, it leaked water into the radio box. I complained to Tidewater about it, and they sent me another boat. It wasn't the same boat though. It was about 4 inches shorter. I think they sent me the wrong class. I sold it. Haven't seen it since.

Sorry to get you all upset about the SG Tim. I know you love them, and you have the right to in the conditions you race in. If I was in Sydney now, I would probably have one. too. No kiddin'!! They are very tough! 6mm walls on the tub are pretty invinsible. I just don't like the way they flip so easy. If we had lazy corners, and lane rules, they would do fine, I'm sure. A lot of guys who do a race called 400meter time trials use the jaguar a lot. They put 15cc engines in the .45 class Jag and just scream. But with that course, it is a perfect circle, you are racing alone for time, and the place they race, the water surface is like a mirror.

I went and watched the NATS for that competition a few years ago, and a Jag got 3rd place. It screamed, but I thought the hand made boat that won was able to keep the transom more steady even though it was even smaller than the Jag .45. Could have been the prop or the fact that the Japanese boat was balanced differently.

Take care, still waiting for you pics. Hammerhead.
Re:prehistoric outriggers


The reason for composite transom is just a attempt not to have any wood (personal problem I guess). I think the cherrycarbon is fine. Some changes need to be made in the mold when vacume bagging. The front kickup needs support so it doesn't sag or deform under vacume. Crushing is a problem with a good vacume. The sides need to start taller so all the cloth is stuck to the sides and doesn't hang over the sides, then trimmed when finished. Made some nice flat sheet using glass and mylar over the top, nice finish on both sides. Going to try to use mylar where ever possible to get that nice glossy finish. Decided not to cut the rear sponsons into the mold, it made it too complicated for me.

Re:prehistoric outriggers

Hey hammer,

I wasn't upset at all -sorry if I gave you that impression. I agree that the SG does have a "nervous" attitude on the water. I am building an 80 to run in 67 class for this exact reason.

As for a 67 being slower than a 90 - I don't think that is going to be an issue for your collegue as he isn't finishing races anyway! HA HA! Really the 90's are not that much faster than some of the newer 67's such as the MAC, CMB Green head, Picco and the Russian K67.

Horsepower is nice but it's not everything!

MikeP, You aren't a copier technician by any chance are you? Mylar is the tech's best friend ;D ;D
Re:prehistoric outriggers


No I am not, but I am willing to learn. Maybe it would help me lay up carbon fiber better.

Re:prehistoric outriggers


it didn't help me with the lay- ups at all!

Frustrating stuff that carbon weave! avoid tight bends at all costs!
Re:prehistoric outriggers

I think that 1/3 of my work has been done. I saw that Grimracer has a cowl for the Mac.21SG. Thinking about ordering one and bag (well not bag) my own fabrication.

Re:prehistoric outriggers

I went and looked at my friend who does gliders, and he let me look at his set up. They weren't bags. The were sheets of plastic that Toyota uses under the door panels in their cars. He works for Toyota, so I imagine he has an endless supply. The interesting thing is The plastic is very elastic. Kind of like rubber. And the more interesting thing is that he uses that black tar looking stuff that they stick the plastic on to seal two sheets together and around the reservor filter that you connect the pump hose to. You have to use a reservor filter to catch the excess resin before it goes to the pump. Their are many things you can use. If you want to use one over and over again, you can spend 10 bucks on one that is meant for this use, or you can make shift one out of a poly bottle. He said that he throws every thing away when it's finished. And the side of the plastic, that is touching the resin wet surface he wipes mold release wax on it, He said, that you probably don't have to do this, but for precations, he does.

Back to why my boat is dragging. I figured it out, and it was so simple. I was running my prop too shallow. I dropped the strut about 12 mm and it stopped dragging.

I had to drop down a size in prop though, but it seems to have trimmed out really nice. We'll see what happens.

SG Feedback: You are right again. He has really changed a lot on the boat. Yesterday, I had a chance to see a weed eater SG Eagle run. It was fine. He had a 23cc little more than stock Zenoah in it. Really loud though.

I noticed poking around the vids on the net, that the boats in the states aren't muffled so much.

Do you have rules for decibles during your races.

They are really strict about it over here. If a 15cc boat has more than 90db at 10 meters during the race, it gets disqualified. We all run and set our boats to run well with pretty heafty sub mufflers. The prather sub muffler is a guaranteed disqualification.

Question: What V series Octura prop works well with a .90. The SG weed eater that I saw. Had a V967 on it. Looked a little to heavy for my boat. I want to try one.

Never saw one before until yesterday. It seems like it would provide some pretty good lift. Any recommendations?

Mike! I think if you make a transom with the leftovers of your carbon plates it would be really strong. Just cut a bunch of pieces out the size you want, and sandwich them with fresh resin and cloth until you get the desired thickness. Then clamp them together really tight. It will be as tough as steel.

Been busy, Looks like you guys have been having fun while I've been away.

Thanks, Hammer.
Re:prehistoric outriggers

The reason I use Cherry for my transom is because I bold my strut and rudder brackets on with stainless steel wood screws. Sounds pretty primitive but it okay if you dip the screws in a 5 minute epoxy before you screw them in. By doing this, I avoid making 8 unwanted holes into the radio compartment. Of course, make sure that the screws aren't so long that they penitrate the transom. This will defy the purpose. I can't remember how thick the wood was that I used, but it was probably about a half inch thick.

Only you will know it is there. If you are worried about cosmetics. ;)

Off to the pond now. Have a good weekend you all :)

Re:prehistoric outriggers

It's almost race day. The 12th of this month is the first race of the year for me. It will be the Eastern Japan championship heat race. There will be about 15 to 20 entries in the class that I will race in. I will keep you posted on my results. Been spending a lot of time at the pond getting everything balanced and leaned out. Looks like I got as much as I'm going to get out of it. Hope it does me well on race day.

See you on monday with another post, be it good news or bad.

Re:prehistoric outriggers

good luck hammer... i have my first race next sunday... i'm far from ready!!!
Re:prehistoric outriggers

Well, Tom don't let those first race of the season bugs get to you, and good luck.

Let me know how you do.


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