Riggers from Japan


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Re:prehistoric outriggers

Wow! It was sure a long day today.

Of course, first place is best, but I will be happy with my second place finish today at the Eastern Japan Championships.

Would have taken it away, but some guy cut the buoy and jumped over the top of my boat, taking my pipe with him. Got disqualified for noise in the first heat. I came back to win the 2nd heat, and place 2nd in the last two. Total points got me the second place trophy.

Good luck to you next Sunday, Tom

Re:prehistoric outriggers

Too bad on the DQ because of someone knocking off your pipe! Makes me wonder what would happen over here during a race if the same thing happened at a noise controlled race. Something for race CD's to think about.
Re:prehistoric outriggers

In Japan, we say," If you are worried about getting your boat slammed around a bit, then you have no business racing." I know that the character is a little different in the states. If you smash up someones boat, and it is clearly your fault, do you have to fork over cash? Over here they just say they're sorry about what happened, and that is it. I've had a lot of boats hit by others over the years. Sometimes I've been hit and bumped around like the guys were doing it on purpose. But, all you can say is,"Watch out", or something like that. If you start a fight here, then your racing days are finished.

Fortunately for me yesterday, the guy who hit me gave me one of his extra pipes so I would be able to race the three heats that were left, but at the end of the day, I gave it back to him, and said thanks for helping me out.

Oh well! Those are the stakes you have to pay to play.

I haven't had an answer yet about sound controlled races. What are the facts over there. Do they have any rules that apply to noise?

P.S What is a C.D? A course director?

Thanks, Hammer
Re:prehistoric outriggers

hey hammer... sound rules... well without getting too far in to this... it depends on where you live and what sanctioning body your running under... namba impba or apba. impba has no rules however some individual districts have rules. it is my understanding than namba has a db limit but they are a little lax. apba... i dont know about.

here in the states the rubbin is racing thing sounds the same as over where your at in japan... if your hit or hit someone durring a race thats just the way the ball bounces... both parties pay their own damages generally.

CD= contest director has the final say on all calls
Re:prehistoric outriggers

I know that it is sad to say that sometimes it is you that plows over someone elses boat. Well,about four years ago a few guys in my group got together to think of a way we could make things turn out better for both parties.

This is what we designed. It is a retracting rudder. It stays steady in the water, but if you plow over a bouy or someones boat, it is spring loaded. It will flip up instantly when it hits something, and spring back to it's original position when the object is passed. The first ones we made, we used a Prather rudders and assemblies as a base, but we eventually started making our own. I just finished mine for my Hammerhead. It took a while to get the right size of teflon sleeves for the hinge, so I used a normal Prather until I got them.
Re:prehistoric outriggers

Hammer says

I know that the character is a little different in the states. : :)


News to me.. What do you mean?

You have to be kidding right? You might have the wrong idea.. Hope I don't not pop your plug but after almost 10 years of racing here I have no idea what you are talking about regarding this statement.

One note also: I race in one of the largest dist.s in the states, with this are many types of attitudes. However I have been helped, and help people, even if it costs me a DNS. Lets face it, nobody likes to get hit or to hit someone. I hope I did not blow your idea of US racers..

By the way i was told by a racing freind of mine that 2nd place is like kissing yor sister. How does it feel...LOL ;D

The above is a JOKE!! ;D As i have had the sweet taste of 2nd on more then one ocasion. :D

Rock on

Re:prehistoric outriggers

From what I mean by character, and this is not a comment of disrespect, it is that Americans seem to

race very gentleman like. I have watched a lot of vids

of races in the states. One of the boat shops that I go to all of the time is always playing them is the store.

I'm not sure, but it is just my opinion that it seems like

you all keep your lanes, and don't ever cut into someones course. It is like they are going out of their way to make the race as safe as possible. In Japan, That is what I mean by "there is a character difference". When I read MY thread again after your comment GRIMRACER, It did sound like Americans would fight if the got smashed up.

I guess I missed making a new paragraph, so it sounded like that.

You have been racing in the states for 10 years. I have lived in Japan for half of my life. I know the character HERE is different. Some of it has rubbed off on me.

For example: Don Crowe is helping me with info to make my 24 cell SAW. He is the fastest in the world, and I'm just another guy, but he is more than willing to give me any info that I need, to make a boat to beat the Japanese Electric SAW record. Over hear, If I asked someone who is really fast, to show me their piston sleeve, they would tell me to get lost. If someone over here asks me to give them a blueprint for my boat, I will be happy to give it to them, but I get flack from my buddies about it. They say, "Let them figure it out for themselves" especially if it is someone outside our circle.

I know that Andy at AC boats once said, Boating is the best hobby in the world because, there isn't a bunch of nicer people. Other than the guys in my club, I really didn't know what he was talking about until I joined this forum.

I've made several email friends with this thread, I've learned a lot. And I'm seeing people use my ideas. It makes me feel really good. Thanks MikeP ;D

Re:prehistoric outriggers

whats that old saying? "rubbing is racing"?

I don't think anyone in this boating game would deliberately go out to damage another competitor with their own "pride and Joy". It does suck though having damage to your boat. It sucks even more when you are driving someone elses boat for them and you end up with a turnfin thru the side of the hull.....

Hammer, Has anyone crash tested those rudders ;D ;D

Mike Z. I have plenty of 2nd place trophies and have been told on many occasions (usually by the pitman) 2nd place is 1st loser! Ha ha ha!
Re:prehistoric outriggers

pssst.... hey hammer.... Dick Crowe setup and drove the boat.... Don Wollard... designed/built the hull....

dont know don real well... but i can tell ya he seems real nice from the forum... i know dick a little better.... telephone converstions and email... he even sent me some CD's of videos for the web site and my own enjoyment for free.... my idea of a cool guy!
Re:prehistoric outriggers

To answer your question TimD, Yes! I have crash tested the rudder at a race. Fortunately, it wasn't while plowing over another boat. It over a bouy. One of the guys in my circle hit a boat during a race. The boat stalled right in front of him on the back stretch, and hooked to the inside (WHAAAAAAAAAM!). My freind's boat was not damaged at all, and he went on to finish the race. The guy who stalled had to use a little touch up paint, but that was it. The guy that got hit had cowling going over most of his pipe. If you have seen the pics of my boat in this thread, you will notice that I don't. This is why I lost my pipe. They guy who hit me had his own version of a retracting rudder, Thank God.

I'm positive that it prevented much more costly damage.

When I got home. I was able to repair my pipe. It is a little bit cosmetically challenged, but it works fine.

The guy who hit me, went on to win the heat, but I got him in total points at the end.

there once was a man from larfettle.

he came home with a 2nd place medal

his lady said,"what?... 2nd place?" then

laughed in his face

and then chucked it out in the meadow.

Poor attempt :-

Beats having to kiss your sister though ;)
Re:prehistoric outriggers

thats a good video... they sure werent staying in a lane.
Re:prehistoric outriggers

Hey Tom, You are more than welcome to post it on your video page.

This type of race is even more exciting when you are running 90 hydros. Kinda like really fast bumper cars.

Re:prehistoric outriggers

Could anyone out there teach me the url for tidewater or what ever they became. Can't find anything on google.

Thanks Hammer
Re:prehistoric outriggers

If I recall, earlier in this thread when I was describing the molding process for my Hammerhead 90 that with the upper and lower half completely overlapped from top to bottom it would be indestructible, Well I think I proved it today at the pond. I lost a grub nut in my carb linkage when I was going full speed. I hit a concrete wall that borders our pond. The boat when straight up in the air about 20 feet and came down on an asphalt walk way.

I changed the prop, and replaced the grub nut that was worked loose, and I was back in the water in 10 minutes. Must have landed just right, because the sponson arms didn't even break. The bottoms of my sponsons go scratched up a bit, but it was just the paint.


Re:prehistoric outriggers

Hammerhead 2002 version 2 is about ready to hit the water. I'm making it out of birch plywood this time. Get some pics in here soon.

Re:prehistoric outriggers

Finally got version 2 painted and ready for assembly. This is a pic of it with nothing installed yet.