OT - The Obama Phone


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Glenn, is right. This is a RC boating site. But I think it's all good as long as we respect any others veiws and try to understand why we differ. If we can't discuss this amongst friends then "we the people" is no more and the "King" is back in power.

With that said:

Sean I'm with you. However, I do not see the bigger part of our government that is for US, You & Me.

As you said:

"Why the republicans could not, or did not fix it, I don't know...but the root of it (in my understanding) goes back to Clinton. Odd that Clinton makes it sound like he tried to fix it...but I don't know of anything he did to try to fix it before he left office (did he mean after he was no longer president??). It appears from the videos, that the republicans tried to fix this before it happened...why couldn't they??"

I don't know the answer either, but the Bush administration ran up the spending deficit more than anyone in history...he did it as good as the Dems can do it. And remember it was Bush, MaCain and Obama that were ALL pushing for the Bail out. And our Republican Congress Voted for it.

As Don said earlier, "it's all Smoke and Mirrors". It's a LEFT vs. RIGHT distraction!

They want "US", You & Me, to think they are fighting for "US". I am not convinced of that!

Someone else here said it well...Governments made tons of tax money from the rising property prices. We got to pay the tax bill and "THEY" both DEMS & REPUBLICANS raked it all in.
I've not done any research to confirm it, but I was told that BHO spent more money his first six months in office than bush did on both of the wars for the whole time they were running. Again, if someone has some info that contradicts this, let me know.

I fear that BHO will get credit for our economy getting better. I mean, it has to get better, it can't get too much worse. When he was elected our DOW was at 8500, shortly afterward it dropped to 6500. So, I guess folks lost confidence in the market after he was elected. Last I looked, I think it was at around 9700. So maybe that part of our economy is on the mend. If I remember right, it topped out at a little over 14000 before it started falling.

I think the spending needs to stop, or at least balance out, or we are going to be in for a world of hurt. With all the money we are borrowing to support the fact we are outspending our taxation, it is going to devalue the dollar and cause inflation. Hate to go through runaway inflation again...

Other than Bush's attempt to jump start the economy with the cash giveaway, what other big spending programs did he put into affect?? I think the main thing that Bush did was cut taxes. I guess cutting taxes throws our economy out of balance just as much as increasing spending without increasing taxes to cover it.

So to go back to my comment...If BHO does not get re-elected, but yet does get credit for the economy getting better, who ever replaces him has a long uphill battle to fix all the debt this country will have. So in essence, he might get credit for something he did, or did not, have full control over (fixing our economy) but leave the country with another problem, run away national debt.

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I used to think it was Democrats VS. Republicans...

I have realized that they are BOTH out to screw us. They ALL think we are stupid.

A lot of people think Glenn Beck is an idiot, But he explains things in a way that even an idiot can understand.

I gave him a chance one afternoon and watched him on Fox, after the show I realized and he is right on the money. Now I watch him everyday.
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I used to think it was Democrats VS. Republicans...

I have realized that they are BOTH out to screw us. They ALL think we are stupid.

A lot of people think Glenn Beck is an idiot, But he explains things in a way that even an idiot can understand.

I gave him a chance one afternoon and watched him on Fox, after the show I realized and he is right on the money. Now I watch him everyday.
People only think that way because of the MASSIVE smear campaign waged against him by the left. I too gave Beck a one time listen out of curiosity, the dude's spot on. There really is a simple answer to the muck on Capitol hill ..... TERM LIMITS!! The only problem with that is it will never happen as the ones riding the gravy train are the ones who would have to implement it.........
I've not done any research to confirm it, but I was told that BHO spent more money his first six months in office than bush did on both of the wars for the whole time they were running. Again, if someone has some info that contradicts this, let me know.

I fear that BHO will get credit for our economy getting better. I mean, it has to get better, it can't get too much worse. When he was elected our DOW was at 8500, shortly afterward it dropped to 6500. So, I guess folks lost confidence in the market after he was elected. Last I looked, I think it was at around 9700. So maybe that part of our economy is on the mend. If I remember right, it topped out at a little over 14000 before it started falling.

I think the spending needs to stop, or at least balance out, or we are going to be in for a world of hurt. With all the money we are borrowing to support the fact we are outspending our taxation, it is going to devalue the dollar and cause inflation. Hate to go through runaway inflation again...

Other than Bush's attempt to jump start the economy with the cash giveaway, what other big spending programs did he put into affect?? I think the main thing that Bush did was cut taxes. I guess cutting taxes throws our economy out of balance just as much as increasing spending without increasing taxes to cover it.

So to go back to my comment...If BHO does not get re-elected, but yet does get credit for the economy getting better, who ever replaces him has a long uphill battle to fix all the debt this country will have. So in essence, he might get credit for something he did, or did not, have full control over (fixing our economy) but leave the country with another problem, run away national debt.

Sean, You should try to step back and look at the Bigger picture. You are doing Exactly what "THEY" want "US" to do and that is to micro analyze. Bush did this, Clinton did that, Obama did this.

The economic mess we are in is at least 30 years in the making and it's really been 100 years in the making. (Insert the FEDERAL RESERVE) They are who controls this country....and they are PRIVATE BANKERS! There is nothing "FEDERAL" about the FEDERAL RESERVE. They set interest rates on the money we borrow from them and they pass out money as they see fit. They don't have to answer to anybody, not congress, not the President, NOBODY! And ALL of "OUR" personal income tax payments go to pay the interest on the money we borrow from them.

Isn't it a coinsidence that when the FEDERAL RESERVE was created (1913) the personal income tax was also created within a couple of years?

Anyway just back up and look at the bigger picture Sean.

Oh and one other thing. You won't find the "Bigger picture" on CNN, FOX, MSNBC. They are all "owened". I like Glenn Beck, but as soon as he signed that $50 million contract with FOX, he too became "owned" and while he tells as much as he can get a way with there are some things he must not talk about.

I actually think Glenn Beck learned more about the way our government operates after he signed on with FOX at the begining of 2009 and then realized he was trapped by his contract.

In fact I was listening to Glenn Beck throughout 2008 when he was Independant and gaining a massive following and he was getting Deeper into the "workings" of goverenment and I think "They" grabbed control of him by offering a "sweet" deal with FOX. Just my cynical thinking there.
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Politics and boating should stay separate :ph34r: :ph34r:: ph34r: there are plenty of blogs where you can sound your oppinon about who is doing what... could we talk about RC boats.... :lol:
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As far as this not pertaining to R/C boating,it has more to do with it than any thing we can talk about.

When the economy takes a s#$t what is the first thing you stop spending money on. YOUR TOY BOAT!

There are a lot of people on this sight that have a opinion that are very in touch with what is happening. I my self am very interested with what they are saying.

As far as this not pertaining to R/C boating,it has more to do with it than any thing we can talk about.

When the economy takes a s#$t what is the first thing you stop spending money on. YOUR TOY BOAT!

There are a lot of people on this sight that have a opinion that are very in touch with what is happening. I my self am very interested with what they are saying.

I agree David. The title says it all and everyone is welcome NOT to click on it.

However this Thread has the most views on the front page.

It is important to most of us and if we don't keep an eye on our government while we are playing with our toys, we soon may not get to play at all. A bunch of guys already can't play because of what's happening in Washington DC. :(

It is just important to respect everyone's opinion and try to learn all the FACTS that we can.
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As far as this not pertaining to R/C boating,it has more to do with it than any thing we can talk about.

When the economy takes a s#$t what is the first thing you stop spending money on. YOUR TOY BOAT!

There are a lot of people on this sight that have a opinion that are very in touch with what is happening. I my self am very interested with what they are saying.

I agree David. The title says it all and everyone is welcome NOT to click on it.

However this Thread has the most views on the front page.

It is important to most of us and if we don't keep an eye on our government while we are playing with our toys, we soon may not get to play at all. A bunch of guys already can't play because of what's happening in Washington DC. :(

It is just important to respect everyone's opinion and try to learn all the FACTS that we can.
AMEN TO THAT!! PS good to see you back in action andy. mike. :)
As far as this not pertaining to R/C boating,it has more to do with it than any thing we can talk about.

When the economy takes a s#$t what is the first thing you stop spending money on. YOUR TOY BOAT!

There are a lot of people on this sight that have a opinion that are very in touch with what is happening. I my self am very interested with what they are saying.

I agree David. The title says it all and everyone is welcome NOT to click on it.

However this Thread has the most views on the front page.

It is important to most of us and if we don't keep an eye on our government while we are playing with our toys, we soon may not get to play at all. A bunch of guys already can't play because of what's happening in Washington DC. :(

It is just important to respect everyone's opinion and try to learn all the FACTS that we can.
100% correct, I've lost boaters in my district because of the current state of affairs. So while we are talking about the fools on the hill, check this attached pic and text I just got sent to me-
House Minority Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr., R-Norwalk, pictured standing, far right, speaks while colleagues Rep. Barbara Lambert, D-Milford and Rep. Jack F. Hennessy, D-Bridgeport, play solitaire Monday night as the House convened to vote on a new budget. The guy sitting in the row in front of those two- he's on Facebook, and the guy behind Hennessy is checking out the baseball scores. These are the folks that can't get the budget out by Oct. 1, Seriously!!! So, we’ve got a 30 day budget extension. Well, guess what, 30 days from now we will be in the same boat. I guess this makes it easy for the news ‘reporters’ as all they have to do is recycle the same headlines from this week and from 2 years ago. And these yo-yo’s will still be playing SOLITAIRE!!!

This is one of their THREE DAY WORK WEEKS that we all pay for. I am ready to start from the beginning by voting out all elected officials and not letting any of them stay in office for more than two terms. No more lifelong health care, retirement, voting in their own pay raises, taking perks on our taxes, etc.
There is an election going on right now...so I think shortly we will see how the public feels about one party or the other.

Andy, I agree that it is not all about the party line, but that is how most political discussion are held. And I do think that too many politicians tote their party line.

I wish more politicians were able to think on their own, and come up with their own ideas and agendas. I think Lieberman (sp?) would make a good president...but don't think the rest of the world is ready for us to have a jewish president (muslim countries hate us enough already).

I am truly surprised at how far this thread has gotten, and how civil folks have been able to stay. I figured this thread would have gotten out of control and locked by now.

It is amazing that in times of trouble how people will pull to gather for a common cause.

IT is people like us that this effects. politics is what got us in to this mess and I think most of us understand that it wont get us out of it. We all have to be more responsible with what we do. Spend spend spend if we don't spend money and buy things there will be no need to make things. The problem is don't barrow to spend you will have to pay for it some time. We all need to stay with in our means. We all know when we can't afford some thing but if we can charge it and some one will loan you the money what the heck. "GO FOR IT" If we stop the cycle then you take control of the money and stop feeding the fat cats making the polices that got us here.

I say pay the politicians more money lots of it so they have no need to make deals. Make all campaign money come from the government and make them accountable for every penny spent. They expect that form us every year.

There is an election going on right now...so I think shortly we will see how the public feels about one party or the other.

Andy, I agree that it is not all about the party line, but that is how most political discussion are held. And I do think that too many politicians tote their party line.

I wish more politicians were able to think on their own, and come up with their own ideas and agendas. I think Lieberman (sp?) would make a good president...but don't think the rest of the world is ready for us to have a jewish president (muslim countries hate us enough already).

I am truly surprised at how far this thread has gotten, and how civil folks have been able to stay. I figured this thread would have gotten out of control and locked by now.

Politics and religion two ways to lose friends :lol: but hell you certainly have the right to voice your opinion... I served in the US Army so you can do so :) so speak on or post on that is... but I want all of you to know this is a very slow boat (a lead sled sorta speaking) to recovery we are on. I have been affected by the situation also a year ago like everyone else ... I now work for you the tax payer as a government worker and there are no easy answers for the problems we face as a nation. I wish there was a way everyone could be happy all at once but that's impossible for any one man to do... good night Gentalmen

PS you stand corrected These boats are not toys lol :lol:
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Don't forget the whole picture Sean.


I don't agree with you in everything, but off course I respect your view.

I have a few comments though. :D

I've not done any research to confirm it, but I was told that BHO spent more money his first six months in office than bush did on both of the wars for the whole time they were running. Again, if someone has some info that contradicts this, let me know.
Obama had to pay (and clean up the mess) because the guy before him left the "restaurant" without paying the bill.

From what I've heard, Clinton left the office with a surplus.

I fear that BHO will get credit for our economy getting better. I mean, it has to get better, it can't get too much worse. When he was elected our DOW was at 8500, shortly afterward it dropped to 6500. So, I guess folks lost confidence in the market after he was elected. Last I looked, I think it was at around 9700. So maybe that part of our economy is on the mend. If I remember right, it topped out at a little over 14000 before it started falling.
Don't worry Sean, from what I've seen so far, he is only receiving complaints.

If the economy improves he should get some credit, don't you think?

The Dow peeked October 2007 (at 13930,1), then the downtrend started. This was a while before Obama was elected and took office.

Another thing...

"Everybody" seems to complain about "the bail out" AND "unemploiment rate" these days, but think about it. That must be a contradiction?

Option #1. No bailouts = You want to shut down more companies and small business and ship the jobs overseas?

Option #2 Lower the unemploiment rate = Unfortunately, in this horrifying crisis, you have to spend government money and keep jobs in US?

Which one do you pick?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Obama is perfect, or can solve all the problems, but in my opinion he seems to be a honest guy trying to do his best.

If that ain't enough, he will be replaced at the next eletion, as he should.

Just don't blame everything wrong in this world on him. Be nice Sean :D
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If you are talking about deficit spending, I don't think you really want to pretend that BHO is fixing the spending do you?? If you are talking about national debt, no, clinton never got the nation out of debt...but he did spend less than the government took in.

- deficit spending was about 400 billion dollars when bush left office (number seems to vary with different sources). BHO is projected to over spend 1.85 TRILLION dollars in 2009. Yes, more than four times as much as Bush. Not sure how anyone can blame how much BHO spends on Bush...you will have to explain that one to me.

BHO promised to cut the national deficit in half during his term. Let's see what happens with that promise... I take it he meant half of what bush spent in 2008...not half of what he himself spent in 2009. Quadrupling it, then cutting that in half does not count...


President Bush increased the national debt by 2.5 trillion dollars while he was in office. 2009 will increase it by 2.6 trilion by itself...and with all of what BHO has planned, over the next 8 years (starting in 2010) it will go up another 4.9 trillion dollars. This is all Bush's fault??

I don't think folks are complaining about the fact we had a bailout, they are complaining about how it was implimented and that there was no oversight of it. No one seems to know where the money went...and the CEOs of the banks and institutions that got bailed out...well some of them got huge bonuses while their company was getting bailed out.

I don't think I ever tried to blame everything wrong with the world on BHO...but I also don't blame Bush a year after BHO was elected for what is going on now. 9-11 happened 9 months after Bush took office...was it Clinton's fault?? BHO made a lot of promises, which is why he got elected. What has he actually accomplished over the last year?? He got a nobel peace prize for??? Promises??? What will he accomplish over the next three years?? The Dem's got into a majority by blaiming everything going wrong in the US on the republicans. I think the people remember this, and are now applying the same logic to our current situation.

I hope BHO does fix our economy...I just don't really see us heading in the right direction. You need to spend money, and have money circulating for our economy to get better. That was the mindset behind all the tax cuts under Bush.

You also pull money out of circulation when inflation starts. This keeps inflation under check. What will our government do when inflation starts taking off more, yet our economy is still in the dull drums??

The socialist mindset works very well in Norway Harald...i just don't see it working well here...at least not in my life time. How high are the income taxes in Norway??

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- deficit spending was about 400 billion dollars when bush left office (number seems to vary with different sources). BHO is projected to over spend 1.85 TRILLION dollars in 2009. Yes, more than four times as much as Bush. Not sure how anyone can blame how much BHO spends on Bush...you will have to explain that one to me.
Sean, if you buy a brand new Chevy Pick-up Truck (Super-Duty, Black, lots of chrome parts and a Fifth-Wheel), drive it for five years w/o spending one dollar of maintenace to it , leave it in the ditch with a broken engine and sell it "as is".

The new owner will have to spend some money before he can drive it, right?

The money was spent to try keep people employed, at least that was the plan, before Wall Steet messed up even more with their £$%#¤ bonuses. How stupid was that!?

If Obama took office and the country was booming, then I would think he was crazy if he spent 1.85 TRILLION dollars the first year, but the country wasn't booming. Banks were bankrupt, Chevy and Chrysler were bankrupt, unemployment rate sky rocketing, Wall Street plunging and people loosing their jobs and health incurance at the same time.

(I feel sorry for all those have been working hard all their life, and suddely you are laid off. If you loose you job you also loose your Health Insurance. The only thing you can do is to to pray that your family don't get sick because if that happens, there goes the house! No college for the kids, and food stamp next...)

You could have put anyone into office last winter, and he (or she) would have had to do something about the mess.

If there had been any E-Z Fix to it, Bush would have done it himself before he left.

I don't have the answer, but I sure hope that the President of USA fix the economy too. That would be the best for all.

Neither Socialistic Economy nor Capitalistic Economy works for the middle class, that have been tested before and failed. The best economy (for Jane and Joe Doe) is somewhere in between.

Capitalism with the right set of rules and regulations is good for us, regular Joes.
- deficit spending was about 400 billion dollars when bush left office (number seems to vary with different sources). BHO is projected to over spend 1.85 TRILLION dollars in 2009. Yes, more than four times as much as Bush. Not sure how anyone can blame how much BHO spends on Bush...you will have to explain that one to me.
Sean, if you buy a brand new Chevy Pick-up Truck (Super-Duty, Black, lots of chrome parts and a Fifth-Wheel), drive it for five years w/o spending one dollar of maintenace to it , leave it in the ditch with a broken engine and sell it "as is".

The new owner will have to spend some money before he can drive it, right?

The bail-out money was spent to try keep people employed, at least that was the plan, before Wall Steet again messed up even more with their £$%#¤ bonuses. How stupid was that!?

If Obama took office and the country was booming, then I would think he was crazy if he spent 1.85 TRILLION dollars the first year, but the country wasn't booming. Banks were bankrupt, Chevy and Chrysler were bankrupt, unemployment rate sky rocketing, Wall Street plunging and people were loosing their jobs and health incurance at the same time.

(I feel sorry for all those have been working hard all their life, and suddely you are laid off. If you loose your job, you also loose your Health Insurance. The only thing you can do is to to pray that your family don't get sick because if that happens, there goes the house! No college for the kids, and food stamp next...)

You could have placed anyone into office last winter, and he (or she) would have had to do something (unpopular) about the mess.

If there had been any E-Z Fix to it, Bush would have done it himself before he left.

I don't have the answer, but I sure hope that the President of USA fix the economy. That would be the best for all.

Neither Socialistic Economy nor Capitalistic Economy works for the middle class, that have been tested before and failed. The best economy (for Jane and Joe Doe) is somewhere in between.

Capitalism with the right set of rules and regulations is good for us, regular Joes.

Taxes are higher in Norway, and we all complain about them, like here. :D

If you haven't been there yet you will be surprised. It's not at all what you have seen on old communist movies. :D

Life is good there, the country has surplus, free health care and everybody that want to, gets a job,. Winter is cold though :D

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My wife was laid off recently, and you don't really lose health insurance if you get laid off. Well...let me put it this way, it is an option (at least here in TX) from the unemployment office.

I can't really find a firm answer on income tax in Norway on the web. It seems to start at 28% and go up from there. So, let's say I pay 10% taxes each year here (pretty close to what I paid last year). If I saved 18% (difference between the 28% of norway, and the 10-% i pay here) of my income every year, would I need a socialized medical system??

I think to say your health care in norway is free...is a little bit of an under statement. You all pay for your health care, in your income taxes.

How is your industry there?? Is it a big as it is here?? I see they have a flat tax on busineses of 28%. I am wondering how this effects them... Does norway have tarrifs on imports to keep everyone from just importing goods from other countries?? Do they make their own aircraft?? Vehicles?? Weapon systems (tanks, missiles, etc)?? TVs?? Appliances?? ETc, etc??

I agree they have done something right...they take in 11% more than they spend...about the exact opposite of the US.

I have heard stories of folks dieing waiting for health care in Canada and in the UK. I talked to one english nurse in the hospital when I had my last back procedure...she made some comments that made it sound like the rich get better health care in the UK...by paying for it out of their own pocket.

Sidebar thought: Let's say you worked for a company for 20 years, and then retire. The pay was not good, but it was ok because part of your retirement package was free health care. If that company started giving free health care to anyone, no matter whether they ever worked for the company at all...what should happen to the folks that worked for low pay for 20 years just to get the free health care, that everyone has now??

BTW, I don't consider our economy true capitalistic... Seems we are about half socialist and half capitalist.

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