OT - The Obama Phone


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Just by the by, Obama has nothing to do with this and the origins of the plan date to 1984.


The Truth: One Cellular phone and 60 minutes per month of air time will be given to low income households by Safelink Wireless. Funding came through the Lifeline government program which was established in 1984 by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to assist low income families and update communication services in areas affected by disasters.
Yes! It's called Corporatism! Big companies Lobby Goverenment for these programs. It does not matter who is President. Give politicions enough "campaign" money and they vote for Anything!!
The "blame game" nets you nothing, it will not change anything that's already happened.

The real problem now is the remedy, and I don't see any proposals that will do anything

but make it worse, Much Worse!
Just by the by, Obama has nothing to do with this and the origins of the plan date to 1984.


The Truth: One Cellular phone and 60 minutes per month of air time will be given to low income households by Safelink Wireless. Funding came through the Lifeline government program which was established in 1984 by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to assist low income families and update communication services in areas affected by disasters.
Yes! It's called Corporatism! Big companies Lobby Goverenment for these programs. It does not matter who is President. Give politicions enough "campaign" money and they vote for Anything!!
How true. The people with the money control the government. money is like a drug the more you get the more you want.

Greed is what controls the polices of are country and we all pay the price.

We all want to make more money. The more the company has to pay us the more things cost then we need more money.

There has to be some regulation or it spins out of control and here we are. Now what?

Just by the by, Obama has nothing to do with this and the origins of the plan date to 1984.


The Truth: One Cellular phone and 60 minutes per month of air time will be given to low income households by Safelink Wireless. Funding came through the Lifeline government program which was established in 1984 by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to assist low income families and update communication services in areas affected by disasters.
Yes! It's called Corporatism! Big companies Lobby Goverenment for these programs. It does not matter who is President. Give politicions enough "campaign" money and they vote for Anything!!
How true. The people with the money control the government. money is like a drug the more you get the more you want.

Greed is what controls the polices of are country and we all pay the price.

We all want to make more money. The more the company has to pay us the more things cost then we need more money.

There has to be some regulation or it spins out of control and here we are. Now what?

Yes, The best way to control it is to not let companies who get money/contracts from the government to be allowed to Lobby in any way.

I think there are more EX Lobbiest in the new Administration then there ever has been. :unsure:

Also these little Bills like the cell phone deal are just bundled into other more important Bills to be voted on and many times congress does not even know they are voting things in to law. That is Criminal and should be changed...but it won't because criminals run the whole show.
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Darn I can not get one. Minnesota is not in there covered area. I think I am being discriminated against.

You wouldn't answer the **** thing if rang anyway!
That is Criminal and should be changed...but it won't because criminals run the whole show.
Yup, it's all smoke and mirrors to get you looking somewhere other than where you should be looking. Remember how Congress and Captain Teleprompter got everyone so riled up over the AIG bonuses?? The outrage! OMG that is so wrong!! How can they do that!! Well while they had everyone looking at that by intent nobody said squat about how those bonuses amounted to only ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT of what AIG got and how a major portion of that AIG money got funneled in the back door of Goldman-Sachs, who just happen to have players strategically placed in positions of power throughout our government. EVERYTHING that is happening right now is being done intentionally and by design while the government continues to lie to the sheeple (and yes I meant sheeple, bend over it's not going to hurt that baaaaaaad). Have a nice read here on how the crash was planned on by Goldman-Sachs- http://www.mcclatchydc.com/227/story/77791.html

That is also why Lehman Bros. was allowed to fail and not bailed out as they were Goldman-Sachs number one competitor. The big problem now is the liberal media is completely in bed with the current band of thieves destroying this country so unless the sheeple WAKE UP things are only going to get worse, much worse. All the information and facts are out there if one just takes the time to LOOK rather than believe the BS being spewed by the talking heads on TV every day. The dumbing down of this country has been going on for decades and now people are more concerned with who is getting kicked off of American Idol each week than how the criminals on the hill are playing this country in the biggest shell game in the history of modern civilization. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
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That is Criminal and should be changed...but it won't because criminals run the whole show.
Yup, it's all smoke and mirrors to get you looking somewhere other than where you should be looking. Remember how Congress and Captain Teleprompter got everyone so riled up over the AIG bonuses?? The outrage! OMG that is so wrong!! How can they do that!! Well while they had everyone looking at that by intent nobody said squat about how those bonuses amounted to only ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT of what AIG got and how a major portion of that AIG money got funneled in the back door of Goldman-Sachs, who just happen to have players strategically placed in positions of power throughout our government. EVERYTHING that is happening right now is being done intentionally and by design while the government continues to lie to the sheeple (and yes I meant sheeple, bend over it's not going to hurt that baaaaaaad). Have a nice read here on how the crash was planned on by Goldman-Sachs- http://www.mcclatchydc.com/227/story/77791.html

That is also why Lehman Bros. was allowed to fail and not bailed out as they were Goldman-Sachs number one competitor. The big problem now is the liberal media is completely in bed with the current band of thieves destroying this country so unless the sheeple WAKE UP things are only going to get worse, much worse. All the information and facts are out there if one just takes the time to LOOK rather than believe the BS being spewed by the talking heads on TV every day. The dumbing down of this country has been going on for decades and now people are more concerned with who is getting kicked off of American Idol each week than how the criminals on the hill are playing this country in the biggest shell game in the history of modern civilization. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Yep! Tell it Don! It's all a LEFT vs. RIGHT circus show to distract the people. THEY ARE REALLY ALL ON THE SAME TEAM.... Broken into two parts to fool the people.

The two teams provide the DIVIDE & CONQUER stratagy to destroy the people. Think about it! What they tell us and what they do in the background are two different things. And they do a good job of getting you angry with your nieghbor because he votes differently than you do.

Remember!!! McCain was also PUSHING the Bailout program!!

Oh, he was talking a little different but the end result would still be the same.

And for those who voted for Obama because he said he would bring home the troops....

Well...you know the story. The wars continue!

That is Criminal and should be changed...but it won't because criminals run the whole show.
Yup, it's all smoke and mirrors to get you looking somewhere other than where you should be looking. Remember how Congress and Captain Teleprompter got everyone so riled up over the AIG bonuses?? The outrage! OMG that is so wrong!! How can they do that!! Well while they had everyone looking at that by intent nobody said squat about how those bonuses amounted to only ONE TENTH OF ONE PERCENT of what AIG got and how a major portion of that AIG money got funneled in the back door of Goldman-Sachs, who just happen to have players strategically placed in positions of power throughout our government. EVERYTHING that is happening right now is being done intentionally and by design while the government continues to lie to the sheeple (and yes I meant sheeple, bend over it's not going to hurt that baaaaaaad). Have a nice read here on how the crash was planned on by Goldman-Sachs- http://www.mcclatchydc.com/227/story/77791.html

That is also why Lehman Bros. was allowed to fail and not bailed out as they were Goldman-Sachs number one competitor. The big problem now is the liberal media is completely in bed with the current band of thieves destroying this country so unless the sheeple WAKE UP things are only going to get worse, much worse. All the information and facts are out there if one just takes the time to LOOK rather than believe the BS being spewed by the talking heads on TV every day. The dumbing down of this country has been going on for decades and now people are more concerned with who is getting kicked off of American Idol each week than how the criminals on the hill are playing this country in the biggest shell game in the history of modern civilization. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Yep! Tell it Don! It's all a LEFT vs. RIGHT circus show to distract the people. THEY ARE REALLY ALL ON THE SAME TEAM.... Broken into two parts to fool the people.

The two teams provide the DIVIDE & CONQUER stratagy to destroy the people. Think about it! What they tell us and what they do in the background are two different things. And they do a good job of getting you angry with your nieghbor because he votes differently than you do.

Remember!!! McCain was also PUSHING the Bailout program!!

Oh, he was talking a little different but the end result would still be the same.

And for those who voted for Obama because he said he would bring home the troops....

Well...you know the story. The wars continue!

hey don, funny that you mention ron paul,had a neighbor back in ny that let me read a little about ron paul and his thought prossess may sometimes be out there, but for the most part people should read more about this man!my father told me before i went in the service that one day we would be a 3rd world nation and there will be only the rich and the poor.well sorry to say, i did not serve my country along with 3 generations of military just to give it away! :angry: :angry: people need to get their heads out of there :eek: 's and wake the hell up and read the dam costitution were it says "we the people"! please let me know when the revolution is going to happen,I AM WELL STOCKED!! MIKE.

McCain was also the man who predicted the fall of the banks almost ten years ago. He was virtually screaming at congress to take a long hard look at FannieMae and FreddieMac, but the liberals clouded the issues and nothing was ever done. Over time, the banks' good judgement was overruled by the liberal governments's policies and they were forced to grant loans to people who had no possibility of paying them back. These loans were nicknamed NINJA loans, which stands for No Income, No Justifiable Assets. A person living in gov't subsidised housing, whose only income was a monthly gov't subsidy check, could get a loan to buy a house. Now how can someone who can't even afford to rent an appartment make a mortgage payment? A scary portion of these deadbeats who were issued these loans never made the first payment.

No, I can't buy into this "everybody is working together to destroy us" crap. The Democrats did this to us while they had the republicans pinned down, including the President to blame it all on just in time for the next election.

Indeed, placing blame solves nothing. But it does shine a spotlight on the troublemakers. If people would just open their eyes, they might see the finger pointing and read up on things a bit before voting.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros

McCain was also the man who predicted the fall of the banks almost ten years ago. He was virtually screaming at congress to take a long hard look at FannieMae and FreddieMac, but the liberals clouded the issues and nothing was ever done. Over time, the banks' good judgement was overruled by the liberal governments's policies and they were forced to grant loans to people who had no possibility of paying them back. These loans were nicknamed NINJA loans, which stands for No Income, No Justifiable Assets. A person living in gov't subsidised housing, whose only income was a monthly gov't subsidy check, could get a loan to buy a house. Now how can someone who can't even afford to rent an appartment make a mortgage payment? A scary portion of these deadbeats who were issued these loans never made the first payment.

No, I can't buy into this "everybody is working together to destroy us" crap. The Democrats did this to us while they had the republicans pinned down, including the President to blame it all on just in time for the next election.

Indeed, placing blame solves nothing. But it does shine a spotlight on the troublemakers. If people would just open their eyes, they might see the finger pointing and read up on things a bit before voting.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros

This economic colapse has been 30 years in the making. It should have happened in the early to mid 90's but the FED overted it by lowering intrest rates to keep people borrowing and buying. The bubble final burst when PEOPLE could no longer make payments toward all the money they had borrowed. IT WAS NOT just caused by poor people who got loans because the banks were forced into doing it.

Many people on the Right were calling out the Fannie Freddie problem 10 years ago, along with McCain when they had no real power to change it...because the Dems were in control.

BUT!!! Did they do anything about it during the Bush years when they had COMPLETE control?

NO!! ABSOLUTLY NOT!! But they sure like to point back to how they said it was a bad deal 10 years ago.

That's the politics of it..SAY something is BAD when they have no control to vote it out, but brush it under the rug when they are in control. They create a DIVERSION...oh like say, Terrorists!

It's funny, well not really funny, but barely enough Republican congress voted for the first Bial out....but it did pass with JUST ENOUGH VOTES. Then when the REPUBs were way out numbered by Dems they all voted against it, because it was an easy win for the dems. This made the RePubs look good in the eyes of their voters back home. But hey! I'll say it again, It took a good number of REPUBLICAN CONGRESS to vote in the first Bailout. AND THEY DID VOTE FOR IT AGAINST THE STRONG WILL OF THEIR VOTERS BACK HOME.

No, I can't buy into this "everybody is working together to destroy us" crap

Brad, I would have agreed with you 100% on that statement 3 years ago, but now I believe the "rabbit hole" goes way deeper than we can imagine.

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Money what is it?

If you look at the people that have all the money and ask them what they are worth you will get a ungodly number.

But how much do you think they will have if the market collapses.

The way to change things is to get all the sheep to take there money out of the market and see what happens.

The shift in power will change real fast.

The money under the mattress of the sheep will be the new order. THAT IS CHANGE!!!

But that will never happen. Every one is to secure in the way things are. Starting from scratch is a very frightening thing to most. Then again if it gets real bad who knows what will happen.

I got all my money out paid off all I can and put the rest in green backs.

I'm ready for the worst. When it all goes to hell The people with cash on had will come out the best.

The dollar will always be legal tender. Don't need a pin for a green back.

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OK, so those vids show all those Dems saying how great Fannie & Freddie are or whatever in 2004-2005.

These vids make a great case for the Right. They just say HEY! Look at this! SEE! These Dems were pushing this in 04-05!! That's what caused the CRASH!!

But lets rewind 10 years back (1998). Didn't Brad just tell me that McCain was calling out Fannie & Fredie WAY BACK then??

So here's my Question. Bush came into power in 2000 and the House was filled with Republicans from 2002 thru 2006. So basically the Republicans had Full power back then. Or am I incorrect? If I'm correct, then why didn't the Republicans do anything about Fannie and Freddie back then? I mean they did know about the problem! Remember? McCain told them in about it in 1998. :unsure:
I seen the game banks & Realtor were playing through some friends and when we sold my moms house. House gets over appraised they get the seller to front the down payment, buyer sometimes gets cash back. Banks get more interest, Realtor gets more commission, bonuses paid on future profits not yet realized. Housing values start going up all over. Looks great but you pay more taxes what does value of your home really get you unless you sell and move in a mobile community in Florida. Then you have to pay capitol gains taxes more than likely.Now buyer falls behind maybe no fault of their own stuff happens, They have nothing in house at all squat till they kick you out, save what you can.I would to protect my family but you aint gonna get a bail out, in fact owning the home you'll never get the help you might need. Getting a hand up is harder than staying on aid your whole life.
OK, so those vids show all those Dems saying how great Fannie & Freddie are or whatever in 2004-2005.

These vids make a great case for the Right. They just say HEY! Look at this! SEE! These Dems were pushing this in 04-05!! That's what caused the CRASH!!

But lets rewind 10 years back (1998). Didn't Brad just tell me that McCain was calling out Fannie & Fredie WAY BACK then??

So here's my Question. Bush came into power in 2000 and the House was filled with Republicans from 2002 thru 2006. So basically the Republicans had Full power back then. Or am I incorrect? If I'm correct, then why didn't the Republicans do anything about Fannie and Freddie back then? I mean they did know about the problem! Remember? McCain told them in about it in 1998. :unsure:
I won't pretend to be any sort of poli sci specialist...or even knowledgeable in the subject...but my understanding is that Barney Frank has been in charge of the oversight committee for all this. Someone please correct me if I am wrong.

From what I gather, Clinton had this mindset of "a chicken in every pot"...in short, he thought that everyone deserved to be able to buy a house. So...he did what he could to put pressure on the banks, and Freddie and Barnie who under right the loans, to allow folks that really can't afford, or don't have the credit, to be able to actually buy houses.

For a long time, all was good. You could buy a house, keep it for four years, then sell it and put money in your pocket. This was unheard of just 20 years ago. When I bought my first house, then got premature orders (military) out of that state, I lost $12k on that house. Every dime I put into it to fix it up, every penny I put down as a down payment, plus the cost of a new septic system when I sold it. This was reality back then. It took 4 or 5 years just to have the hope of breaking even on a house...let alone make profit.

Anyhow, the bubble burst...

- All the folks that bought houses with the thought that they can just resell them in a couple years, couldn't, because their house was worth less then they owed on it.

- All the investors that bought houses because they could hold them for a couple years and make 10s if not 100s of thousands of dollars on them, walked away from them when they couldn't even break even on them (why keep them, it was a business...it lost money, they let them get foreclosed on).

- All the folks that got negative amortization loans under the pretence that they could just sell their house in 4 years before it reset, or would refinance it in that time period, could not sell it, and could not refinance it, because it was never worth what they paid for it in the first place. Now their payments go way up because they now owe more on the house, than they paid for it in the first place, because they have not even been paying the interest on the house...let alone any principle.

- All the folks that got into ARMs, under the thought they would refinance them in five years to a fixed mortgage, found they couldn't when they reset...because they owe more on the house than it was worth.

20 years ago...you busted your butt to put money away. You saved up at least 10% of what a house cost, and more commonly 20%. Then when you bought a house, and something went wrong, the bank came out OK, because you had equity in the house when you bought it. I mean...the housing market could reset 20%, and you still only owed on the house what it was worth.

Why the republicans could not, or did not fix it, I don't know...but the root of it (in my understanding) goes back to Clinton. Odd that Clinton makes it sound like he tried to fix it...but I don't know of anything he did to try to fix it before he left office (did he mean after he was no longer president??). It appears from the videos, that the republicans tried to fix this before it happened...why couldn't they??

Again, I am not equipped to have a debate on anything political. I find that a lot of folks spu a bunch of stuff that seems over my head, then when I look it up, most of the time I find it was just BS.

If anyone sees anything that is wrong in my post, please feel free to correct me. I have no problem learning...or hearing another mature opinion.

As an FYI, when I walked way from my first house, I put $750 in my pocket. That's right...I lost $12k, but still had some pocket change out of the closing...because when I bought it, I put a down payment on it, I paid all the closing costs out of my checking account, and did not finance them into the home loan. I put a new heat pump on that house, new water heater, new oven, dishwasher, septic system to include a pump tank, etc, etc, etc...but I paid for all that stuff...I did not finance it into the home loan, or leave it on a charge card for years.

These days folks think its normal to finance everything...they think it is normal to bounce a check or two on a regular basis...etc...etc. I have made one late payment my whole life, and have never bounced a check. When I mention to my friends that I am saving money up to help my kids pay for college...they look at the ground, and change the subject.

I find the fact that I do all this stuff, and am doing the right thing...but will now have to pay for the bailout of financial institutions that gave loans to folks that never should have qualified for them, and pay for cell phones for folks that could probably afford them, and probably already do own one, before this program....i find this...frustrating...but there will be a chicken in every pot.

Did you know, that if I save up $30k for my kids college, and my neighbor, that makes the same amount of money, pisses all his money away on bass boats, and four wheelers, that his kid is more likely to get financial aid from the government for school than mine?? That is right, I will be penalized for saving up money for my kids college. There is something wrong with america...and the "chicken in every pot" mindset is part of it. What's the use of being succesfull and saving up money for the future if you are only going to be penalized for it??

Now...if you have not bought a house in the last 3 years, you can get up to $8k back in your taxes if you buy one this year...so now I gotta help pay for everyone elses house too?? A buddy of mine just bought his first house. Him and his wife spent over $200k on their first home. A nicer home than I have ever owned, or will ever own. They make less than the married cap...so he gets $8k back at tax time...so I gotta help pay for his house?? I will say, that during his 20+ years in the military, him and his wife saved up a bucket of money to use as a downpayment...kudos to that.

This is turning into a diatribe...so I will get off my soap box now...but look forward to reading the input of others.

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