OT - The Obama Phone


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I don't care if it's a Obama phone, A Bush phone or a Bell phone! It's my money buying that phone and I feel like I don't have a voice. The tea party is on the move again and if they get within 100 miles from here I'M GOIN !!

If we had a flat tax where EVERYBODY paid at least some taxes we might be a little more concerned about how much hard earned money went to AIG exects. or ACORN or anybody else who has their hand out promising to vote for who ever.
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Interesting posts about nothing! What about the cost of unnecessary wars & those who gave their lives fighting in places where we are not wanted?

Signed: James H. Allen, USMC, Viet Nam Veteran.
Interesting posts about nothing! What about the cost of unnecessary wars & those who gave their lives fighting in places where we are not wanted?

Signed: James H. Allen, USMC, Viet Nam Veteran.
I can go there, but I won't. I should have kept shut anyways, as I dislike discussing politics on forums....
I don't care if it's a Obama phone, A Bush phone or a Bell phone! It's my money buying that phone and I feel like I don't have a voice. The tea party is on the move again and if they get within 100 miles from here I'M GOIN !!

If we had a flat tax where EVERYBODY paid at least some taxes we might be a little more concerned about how much hard earned money went to AIG exects. or ACORN or anybody else who has their hand out promising to vote for who ever.
My thoughts also Wesley.
What I find amazing is if you look at the application it ask for your

e-mail and home address! :blink: If your homeless how do yo ucheck your e-mail or have a home address?
Interesting posts about nothing! What about the cost of unnecessary wars & those who gave their lives fighting in places where we are not wanted?

Signed: James H. Allen, USMC, Viet Nam Veteran.
I can go there, but I won't. I should have kept shut anyways, as I dislike discussing politics on forums....
Yep we need to keep politics out of toy racing. Thanks James Allen I also am a Marine Viet Nam vet who feels we need to stop sending out finest sons & daughters off to die defending nothing. Wars kill youth and make older men wealthy and rarely help the country that hosts the event. I am sure someone will die in Iraq or Afganistan requiring a U.S. flag on there coffin this week and we worry about a cell phone.

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Just by the by, Obama has nothing to do with this and the origins of the plan date to 1984.


The Truth: One Cellular phone and 60 minutes per month of air time will be given to low income households by Safelink Wireless. Funding came through the Lifeline government program which was established in 1984 by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to assist low income families and update communication services in areas affected by disasters.
Yea....but Obama still SUCKS!!!!
Interesting posts about nothing! What about the cost of unnecessary wars & those who gave their lives fighting in places where we are not wanted?

Signed: James H. Allen, USMC, Viet Nam Veteran.
I can go there, but I won't. I should have kept shut anyways, as I dislike discussing politics on forums....
Yep we need to keep politics out of toy racing. Thanks James Allen I also am a Marine Viet Nam vet who feels we need to stop sending out finest sons & daughters off to die defending nothing. Wars kill youth and make older men wealthy and rarely help the country that hosts the event. I am sure someone will die in Iraq or Afganistan requiring a U.S. flag on there coffin this week and we worry about a cell phone.

Well said; Semper Fidelis
I know it's not a good idea to discuss politics, but I feel sorry for Obama. He gets the blame for everything going wrong, even things happening before he was even born (in a different universe), like free cellphones fron 1884 :D

Who on Earth came up with the name "Obama Phone" on a program started 25 years ago? Geeze!

Give the guy a break folks, he actually wants to help you, the middle class, which is the opposite of his predecessor, that instead gave the CEOs and Fat Cats at Wall Street tax relief and deregulations, everytime someone asked him.

I really don't understand why regular people would want to give tax relief to CEOs, Wall Street and Health Incurance Companies. (..and don't expect to get anything back from those crooks.)

Who do you think screw more money from Average Joe in the long run, the Health Insurance Companies or a poor homeless guy? You don't need to be rocket scientist to figure out that.

A free cellphone is peanuts compared to the theft Bernie Madoff did, and he wasn't on Welfare! :D

Higher taxes on the super rich will benefit the middle class. The 1% richest in US, owns 95% of the wealth, and they have no plans to share it with you guys!

W. tried out trickle down economy to it's full extent, and we all know how that ended...

Just my 2 cents... :D
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Take a look around you. Really. Open your eyes and look around. Has it ever occurred to you the correlation between unemployment and the number of vacant business locations? We have a failing economy because people are out fo work. People are out of work because the employers are out of business, or business is so bad they can't afford to pay all their employees. So what does Obama and every other Democrat want to do? Tax the empoyers even more so they can "redistribute the wealth." All that's going to do is drive more employers out of business, and thus increase unemloyment. As you say, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how this works. Money comes from the top. Period. It ONLY comes from the top. How in the world can higher taxes for the upper class help the middle class? The top 10% pay 90% of the taxes already. Yes, the top 10% get richer under the process of trickle down economics, but so does the rest of the country. It can't work any other way.

As for blaming Bush for the woes we're in right now...... It's nothing but liberal propaganda machine horse hockey, and a huge steaming pile of it at that. The economy was cruising along just fine when Bush as elected, but it realy began to soar, almost immediately afterwards. Employers were exceeding all expectations, because their customers were spending like crazy. My dad's investment portfolio grew by nearly 30% in 2001. Then Bush was handed a mess. 911 put the hurt on all of us. It crushed our economy. But, within a year, our economy was on the mend. Trickle down economics at work. Unemployment was falling exponentially in the manufacturing sector, which is the bedrock of our economy. Then, after two years with bush in office, the Democrats took control of congress, and thus began a slow, agonizing decline that has led us to where we are today. The collapse of the banks caused by the mortgage crash (which was caused by the Democrats' liberal policies, BTW) was just the icing on the cake. Since his election, Obama has done nothing but add sprinkles to the cake. He may want to help us, but what he has in mind won't work. Every country that has tried the Socialist system has failed or is failing. IT DOESN'T WORK!!!

This whole phone thing is just one more thing to add to the list of reasons to vote conservative. It may not have been an Obama original, but the liberals sure are using it to their advantage.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros
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Take a look around you. Really. Open your eyes and look around. Has it ever occurred to you the correlation between unemployment and the number of vacant business locations? We have a failing economy because people are out fo work. People are out of work because the employers are out of business, or business is so bad they can't afford to pay all their employees. So what does Obama and every other Democrat want to do? Tax the empoyers even more so they can "redistribute the wealth." All that's going to do is drive more employers out of business, and thus increase unemloyment. As you say, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how this works. Money comes from the top. Period. It ONLY comes from the top. How in the world can higher taxes for the upper class help the middle class? The top 10% pay 90% of the taxes already. Yes, the top 10% get richer under the process of trickle down economics, but so does the rest of the country. It can't work any other way.

As for blaming Bush for the woes we're in right now...... It's nothing but liberal propaganda machine horse hockey, and a huge steaming pile of it at that. The economy was cruising along just fine when Bush as elected, but it realy began to soar, almost immediately afterwards. Employers were exceeding all expectations, because their customers were spending like crazy. My dad's investment portfolio grew by nearly 30% in 2001. Then Bush was handed a mess. 911 put the hurt on all of us. It crushed our economy. But, within a year, our economy was on the mend. Trickle down economics at work. Unemployment was falling exponentially in the manufacturing sector, which is the bedrock of our economy. Then, after two years with bush in office, the Democrats took control of congress, and thus began a slow, agonizing decline that has led us to where we are today. The collapse of the banks caused by the mortgage crash (which was caused by the Democrats' liberal policies, BTW) was just the icing on the cake. Since his election, Obama has done nothing but add sprinkles to the cake. He may want to help us, but what he has in mind won't work. Every country that has tried the Socialist system has failed or is failing. IT DOESN'T WORK!!!

This whole phone thing is just one more thing to add to the list of reasons to vote conservative. It may not have been an Obama original, but the liberals sure are using it to their advantage.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros
Well stated .

Take a look around you. Really. Open your eyes and look around. Has it ever occurred to you the correlation between unemployment and the number of vacant business locations? We have a failing economy because people are out fo work. People are out of work because the employers are out of business, or business is so bad they can't afford to pay all their employees. So what does Obama and every other Democrat want to do? Tax the empoyers even more so they can "redistribute the wealth." All that's going to do is drive more employers out of business, and thus increase unemloyment. As you say, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see how this works. Money comes from the top. Period. It ONLY comes from the top. How in the world can higher taxes for the upper class help the middle class? The top 10% pay 90% of the taxes already. Yes, the top 10% get richer under the process of trickle down economics, but so does the rest of the country. It can't work any other way.

As for blaming Bush for the woes we're in right now...... It's nothing but liberal propaganda machine horse hockey, and a huge steaming pile of it at that. The economy was cruising along just fine when Bush as elected, but it realy began to soar, almost immediately afterwards. Employers were exceeding all expectations, because their customers were spending like crazy. My dad's investment portfolio grew by nearly 30% in 2001. Then Bush was handed a mess. 911 put the hurt on all of us. It crushed our economy. But, within a year, our economy was on the mend. Trickle down economics at work. Unemployment was falling exponentially in the manufacturing sector, which is the bedrock of our economy. Then, after two years with bush in office, the Democrats took control of congress, and thus began a slow, agonizing decline that has led us to where we are today. The collapse of the banks caused by the mortgage crash (which was caused by the Democrats' liberal policies, BTW) was just the icing on the cake. Since his election, Obama has done nothing but add sprinkles to the cake. He may want to help us, but what he has in mind won't work. Every country that has tried the Socialist system has failed or is failing. IT DOESN'T WORK!!!

This whole phone thing is just one more thing to add to the list of reasons to vote conservative. It may not have been an Obama original, but the liberals sure are using it to their advantage.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros

Smart man Brad, hit the nail on the head.

Theres me, my wife, my five kids (3 thru college),self employed, and NOW who else do I support ??
Don, John, Tom, Joe,

I know. My dad taught me at an early age that you don't bite the hand that feeds, and he also taught me where the feeding was coming from. The top.

Obama promised change. After one year in office, the only change we've seen is that it's only gotten worse. The overly liberal media keeps telling us that things are starting to improve, but I'm here to tell you that the job market still SUCKS! And the more Obama pushes his policies on us, the worse it's gonna get. I only hope we, as a nation, can hold out another three years. Long enough to vote Obama out. The only good that is going to come out of how bad it is going to get is that MAYBE people will wake up and realize how much damage his socialist plans are going to do, or have done already.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros
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Sure, we can throw the blame on the government as thye sure aren't helping matters but we'd better look at ourselves also. We went out and got ourselves in over our heads in debt and now while we have to pay off everything we can't afford to go out and buy anything. Until then we're watching our spending.

Why don't we call this thread what it really is, the Bush Phone. I saw the thing advertised on TV today.
It happens the economy and prices boom. We all spend more than we have thinking there is no end to growth. Then reality hits it growing to fast and it all comes to a dead stop. Now what? We step back and catch are breath and start it all over again.

It will work it self out. Just hope we don't dig a big hole trying to jump start it to fast. You cant run wide open and not break something.

Hey Ron, I don't like when you use the word "OURSELVES" because I didn't and I really don't care for your guilt laden mentality as if I am to blame for the current state of the economy. I see things as they reaally are; bad and getting worse with an administration that continues to add to the negative impact with radical policy. WAKE UP MAN!
I have not over spent, I have not abused credit. I watched as people around me spent money like it was growing on trees I am now in the same place financially I have always been (in good shape) I understand the rainy day theory.It is called self control my friend.I am not the problem JWB