OT - The Obama Phone


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Nov 25, 2006
I had a former employee call me earlier today inquiring about a job, and at the end of the conversation he gave me his phone number. I asked the former employee if this was a new cell phone number and he told me yes this was his “Obama phone.” I asked him what an “Obama phone” was and he went on to say that welfare recipients are now eligible to receive (1) a FREE new phone and (2) approx 70 minutes of FREE minutes every month. I was a little skeptical so I Googled it and low and behold he was telling the truth. TAX PAYER MONEY IS BEING REDISTRIBUTED TO WELFARE RECIPIENTS FOR FREE CELL PHONES. This program was started earlier this year. Enough is enough, the ship is sinking and it’s sinking fast. The very foundations that this country was built on are being shaken. The age old concepts of God, family, and hard work have flown out the window and are being replaced with “Hope and Change” and “Change we can believe in.” You can click on the link below to read more about the “Obama phone”…just have a barf bag ready.


This link above does work.

All I can say is that when next years elections roll around, find out who is in office now and vote them out.
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OK, it sounds insane at first but think about it. First, 70 minutes a month isn't much so it's not like they're sitting on their dead duffs shooting the breeze all day. If your unemployed, a prospective employer needs a way to contact them for an interview as they're not going to send out mail. Most companies around here won't even contact someone if they give their address as a homeless shelter.

Our good old government is blowing money on a lot worse stuff as we've all seen this past year. Right here in the `zoo we've got our own version of the bridge to nowhere and projects that being done by those already employed.

If this gets someone off the unemployment line and hooks them up with a job, fine.

OK, attack away.
OK, it sounds insane at first but think about it. First, 70 minutes a month isn't much so it's not like they're sitting on their dead duffs shooting the breeze all day. If your unemployed, a prospective employer needs a way to contact them for an interview as they're not going to send out mail. Most companies around here won't even contact someone if they give their address as a homeless shelter.

Our good old government is blowing money on a lot worse stuff as we've all seen this past year. Right here in the `zoo we've got our own version of the bridge to nowhere and projects that being done by those already employed.

If this gets someone off the unemployment line and hooks them up with a job, fine.

OK, attack away.
Valid point... taken.
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Darn I can not get one. Minnesota is not in there covered area. I think I am being discriminated against. :unsure:
Darn I can not get one. Minnesota is not in there covered area. I think I am being discriminated against.
I agree, We are being discriminated against in Maine also.

I would rather give out a hundred phones if one deserving person got one, rather than a CEO of a failed bank getting a fat bonus after putting our money in the market.Instead of loaning to other deserving people with decent credit to buy a foreclosed home that the bank isn't taking care of running down the value of the rest of the homes in the neighborhood.Or get a new car they need.

Look at your interest on the first 20yrs of a mortgage .That's how tiny banks became huge banks until common sense in lending and them breaking their own rules crashed their own market.

Now try to get your fair market value lowered 20%-30% on your home for your taxes, we're flipping the bill all the way around.
OK, it sounds insane at first but think about it. First, 70 minutes a month isn't much so it's not like they're sitting on their dead duffs shooting the breeze all day. If your unemployed, a prospective employer needs a way to contact them for an interview as they're not going to send out mail. Most companies around here won't even contact someone if they give their address as a homeless shelter.

Our good old government is blowing money on a lot worse stuff as we've all seen this past year. Right here in the `zoo we've got our own version of the bridge to nowhere and projects that being done by those already employed.

If this gets someone off the unemployment line and hooks them up with a job, fine.

OK, attack away.
That's all fine, but this is not what our country is about. My country will be wiping my ass soon!

Guys, have you heard about the smart thermostats yet? I heard about them several months ago and they are back in a bill again. The government gets to monitor your heating and cooling use. Well, I burn wood in an outdoor furnace and have my heat set as high as 75 degrees, so the liberals can suck it!
OK, it sounds insane at first but think about it. First, 70 minutes a month isn't much so it's not like they're sitting on their dead duffs shooting the breeze all day. If your unemployed, a prospective employer needs a way to contact them for an interview as they're not going to send out mail. Most companies around here won't even contact someone if they give their address as a homeless shelter.

Our good old government is blowing money on a lot worse stuff as we've all seen this past year. Right here in the `zoo we've got our own version of the bridge to nowhere and projects that being done by those already employed.

If this gets someone off the unemployment line and hooks them up with a job, fine.

OK, attack away.
Also, How does free cell phones create jobs? We need jobs not potential workers with cell phones. What is next, free cars so that they can get to work?

The best way to create jobs is to cut taxes and regulation on business. It's as simple as that. It's a proven concept, but the liberals need tax dollars to pay for their big government projects.

If Oboma was a smart liberal he would drill for oil to pay for free health care, and abandon the environmental movement for now. But he is stupid and wants to do everything at once.

The current administration is only interested in making sure the homeless are happy remaining homeless, not making it possible to not be homeless anymore.


There's no such thing as a "smart liberal." Anybody who concentrates on the needs of the lower class as a means to improve the economy is a brain dead idiot. Trickle-down economics not only works, it's the only financial mechanism that isn't totally bound up by it's own inner workings. Everything else is trickle-up poverty.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros
Well...I think it is an attempt to buy votes...like it or not.

Folks found jobs long before there were cell phones, or house phones for that matter. You don't need a phone to get a job.

Odd thing is, you talk to most folks that are on welfare (or any other social program), and they already have a cell phone. They don't seem to have a problem affording one...

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Just by the by, Obama has nothing to do with this and the origins of the plan date to 1984.


The Truth: One Cellular phone and 60 minutes per month of air time will be given to low income households by Safelink Wireless. Funding came through the Lifeline government program which was established in 1984 by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to assist low income families and update communication services in areas affected by disasters.
Aha! Now the truth comes out!

Blackout, you can get a free car if you qualify as Goodwill Industries here in town refurbishes donated cars to those who need them and meet their qualifications.

Those that know how to play the game can get all kinds of things for almost nothing. A house that sat empty across from mine for around 4 years was sold to a woman for $1.00. She got a low interest loan (something like 4%) for $15,000.00 to fix it up inside and out. After owning the house for close to 5 years she got an offer for a job in Sedona, AZ and sold the house for $50,000.00. Another house at the end of my street got the same deal.
"Now those people are getting help from the federal government. Lifeline Across America was a federally funded program passed by Congress in 1996 to make sure every U.S. household has telephone service. Recently, the government expanded the plan to include cell phones."

This is from a story written 16 sep 2009.

Another article I read said it is funded by the taxes we pay on our cell phones.

And a third article I read used a guy as an example that was already paying about $160 a month for his cable, internet, and home phone. These are all things I did without when our money got tight. But this guy gets a government subsidized cell phone...

Seems like things on the internet are contradicting each other. The link above says the program started in 84...under a republican president (Reagan). The site I quoted said it started in 96, under a democratic president (Clinton). Who knows what the real truth is...

I am pretty sure that tracphone getting involved was self serving to their company. Anyone that uses more than their alloted minutes has to pay for them. 90% of people in the US already have a cell phone. This appears to be an attempt to tap into the other 10%.

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Aha! Now the truth comes out!

Blackout, you can get a free car if you qualify as Goodwill Industries here in town refurbishes donated cars to those who need them and meet their qualifications.

Those that know how to play the game can get all kinds of things for almost nothing. A house that sat empty across from mine for around 4 years was sold to a woman for $1.00. She got a low interest loan (something like 4%) for $15,000.00 to fix it up inside and out. After owning the house for close to 5 years she got an offer for a job in Sedona, AZ and sold the house for $50,000.00. Another house at the end of my street got the same deal.
Yah, and it turns out the "cash for clunkers" cost the tax payers about $20,000 per car. But I heard that on Fox News, and they are not a real news station.
WOW! The stuff we all complain about.

The government is going to take your money no mater what you think about it and use it for what ever they want.

If you think that voting will make a difference more power to you.

As Thomas Jefferson said the masses are asses.

WOW! The stuff we all complain about.

The government is going to take your money no mater what you think about it and use it for what ever they want.

If you think that voting will make a difference more power to you.

As Thomas Jefferson said the masses are asses.

Voting made a difference in 1994 when the Republicans took back the legislative branch and it will hopefully make a difference in 2010. Not saying the Republicans are perfect, but they are allot better than what we have now!
WOW! The stuff we all complain about.

The government is going to take your money no mater what you think about it and use it for what ever they want.

If you think that voting will make a difference more power to you.

As Thomas Jefferson said the masses are asses.

Voting made a difference in 1994 when the Republicans took back the legislative branch and it will hopefully make a difference in 2010. Not saying the Republicans are perfect, but they are allot better than what we have now!
I used to believe that myself.

I'm with Beck, Vote for the guy who you believe in and only once. Then vote for someone else.

Term limits.