OK, Like Geraghty said in his first post here, I am getting into this kinda late, but I thought I might speak on behalf of those who take the initiative to build rather than buy.
Yes, it is true that my BlackJack21 is a scaled down Crapshooter45, just like the Warlok. Jon did it first, and as I understand it, with Stu's approval. Jon and I talked about me getting one, but before I commited to anything, I had decided that I would rather build my owe, primarily to save money. I had just sold my Eagle SG21, specifically with the intention of buying/building a new boat, so I thought I'd have a go at it. I liked what I saw in the Warlok, as far as performance, so I decided to go the same route: Use a proven design as a starting point and go from there. Here is where my path parted from Jon's....
After a phone call and a long discussion with him, I decided to EXACTLY duplicate what Stu was doing with his boat, only smaller, right down to the last piece of hardware. I had been in the hobby a few years and saw the way other kits were built (my first kit was a Hawk45 and, like I said, I also ran an Eagle). I felt the Crapshooter was the best design I had seen. Why would I do anything less? Keep in mind that at the time, I had no intention of selling anything to anyone, except maybe when it was time to build a new one. I then measured out my 45 boat, drew it up on AutoCad, scaled it down and started building. I also bought a Cowl and sevo mount set from Stu. About three months later and several phone conversations later (with Stu), I had a beautiful, brand new 21 hydro, yet untitled. I ran it almost all year with out even considering a name for it, but I knew it was not going to have "Crapshooter" anywhere on it, as much as I would have liked it to have, because Stu didn't build it.
At several race events I attended, I was asked several times if I would be willing to build one for someone. At first, I was reluctant, knowing how much work was involved in building a complete kit. But when I had four or five "sold", I decided to get back with those who had asked me for one. Again, I discussed the propsition with Stu and he told me to go for it (we had talked about it before, late in the season, but it was only in passing conversation). By Christmas, I had six commited buyers. I hadn't made that first cut and was two months behind schedule, but in business..........
So much for the history of the BlackJack.......... Fast forward to today.....
As I have previously stated, the BlackJack is nothing more than a scaled down Crapshooter45. Do I feel I have done Stu an injustice? Hell, no. I have always given Stu credit for the design of the BlackJack, at least face to face or through E-Mail. Publically, I am not going to try and use the origin of the design as a selling point, in respect of Stu's request. But, in no way am I trying to hide the facts, or "copy" anybody. The day Stu decides to start building 20 boats (doubtful this day will ever come) will be the last year I build BlackJacks. He is so far supportive of my efforts, and is so far willing to provide me with the E-glass parts I need, and I am grateful for this.
I'll step down now.............
It was once said that imitation is the ultimate form of flattery.
Thanks. Brad.
Titan Racing Components