Other than going after the guns and high capacity mags which will have to go through Congress most of the "executive orders" are just fluff EXCEPT-
- Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes.
- Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.
Pay close attention to those two and read between the lines. If ANY health care provider ever asks you if you own guns you calmly answer NO or NO COMMENT. Don't say something like none of your business as that can and will be interpreted as an aggressive response and easily trigger Q's about your "mental status". Do not be surprised if HCP's do in fact begin routinely asking if you own guns as we wind deeper into Obamacare. With these now firmly in place all it will take is an HCP's "opinion" that you shouldn't possess any guns and guess what?? Think this sounds far fetched well it isn't and is something a family physician I know said to watch for when Obamacare first got rammed down our throats and here it is. He also told me as more and more HCP's get drawn into the government run healthcare system to stay solvent they'll have to rely on conforming (doing as they are told) to stay in the game which is why he said he will most likely retire in the next few years. We are venturing down a very dark path and sadly most are too clueless to even notice.......