I think they are just after all of are personal information plus a big chunk of our rights all the while My kids are still not any safer in school... Maybe I will just home school my kids...
How is this going to save our children?
Because Obama uses the chilren as a lame excuse for what he wants to do, that simple. Evidently he doesn't care about we adults. Yes, it's unfortunate that a few crazy people go into schools and shoot them up but what about the movie theater in Aurora? A nut case knows that weapons aren't allowed in schools, movie theaters and thousands of other places so the people there are easy prey. If Mr. Looney Tunes or your 'hood gangsta wants a gun, they will find a way to score one illegally as they don't care.
Roger, to answer your question, because the Administrator and the Moderators are allowing us to do so in this forum. So far the discussion has been very civil and as long as it stays that way, they don't really seem to mind. I am getting replies from those that I've known personally and others that I may never meet such as yourself but have the utmost respect of their opinions. Agree with them or not they still have my attention With you also being on Facebook, if you haven't noticed it, it seems like everybody and their brother are ranting about something to do with the 2nd Amendment, conspiracy theories and everything else to do with what is peacefully being typed about here.