Which one, Piers or Alex?
Limiting the number of rounds in a clip isn't going to do anything as it doesn't take long to drop out an empty and slap in a full one.
I am not a gun owner but I've been thinking a lot lately about getting something for personal home defense as my 'hood isn't getting any better.
Unfortunately I've been following a lot of sites lately on Facebook, loaded with conspiracy theorists saying that Obama himself and others in our government have been behind Aurora and Sandy Hook. some of the stories are very weird but they grab your attention.
For example; why does the attorney for the Batman Killer look just like a mother of one of the children who died in Newtown? The theorists are saying that Homeland Security is behind the shootings using "Crisis Actors", whose faces that you're seeing on TV, not actual parents of the students. Why was there a RIP page on Facebook for the school teacher 4 days before the shootings in Connecticut? Why was a "father" of one of the students laughing just before going on TV in an interview then changing his face to that of a mourning father right in front of the cameras?
Study the first few seconds of this video carefully:
Is President Obama going overboard to get his agenda on gun control and take away your 2nd Amendment rights?
Did you know that there is discussion of having you get a test to see if you should or shouldn't be a firearms owner? The shrinks are already working on new medical coding so that they can say you're a nut case and shouldn't be able to get one? Yup, just another way to take your guns away from you. Don't worry, our president doesn't have to own any firearms as he has plenty of bodyguards to cover his rear.