Gun Control OR


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Just watched Piers Morgan who had Alex Jones on tonight. What a disaster! I don't want that guy speaking for me. He looked like a lunatic. Now that footage will be used to further the gun control advocate's position. All law abiding Americans who want to protect their rights will now be painted like this douche bag.
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Which one, Piers or Alex?

Limiting the number of rounds in a clip isn't going to do anything as it doesn't take long to drop out an empty and slap in a full one.

I am not a gun owner but I've been thinking a lot lately about getting something for personal home defense as my 'hood isn't getting any better.

Unfortunately I've been following a lot of sites lately on Facebook, loaded with conspiracy theorists saying that Obama himself and others in our government have been behind Aurora and Sandy Hook. some of the stories are very weird but they grab your attention.

For example; why does the attorney for the Batman Killer look just like a mother of one of the children who died in Newtown? The theorists are saying that Homeland Security is behind the shootings using "Crisis Actors", whose faces that you're seeing on TV, not actual parents of the students. Why was there a RIP page on Facebook for the school teacher 4 days before the shootings in Connecticut? Why was a "father" of one of the students laughing just before going on TV in an interview then changing his face to that of a mourning father right in front of the cameras?

Study the first few seconds of this video carefully:

Is President Obama going overboard to get his agenda on gun control and take away your 2nd Amendment rights?

Did you know that there is discussion of having you get a test to see if you should or shouldn't be a firearms owner? The shrinks are already working on new medical coding so that they can say you're a nut case and shouldn't be able to get one? Yup, just another way to take your guns away from you. Don't worry, our president doesn't have to own any firearms as he has plenty of bodyguards to cover his rear.
And today we hear Biden talking how he and Obama are looking at the use of executive order to install gun control???? Sorry folks regardless of which side of the gun control debate you're on THAT is NOT how our system works, you DO NOT use executive order to attempt to over-ride the U.S. Constitution.
Old Joe wasn't too bright in bringing that up but he already knew it. Now he's going to be trying that for every agenda that doesn't pass in the House or Senate including having him in the for a 3rd term!
Pause on the guns for a minute........

Was just watching Lisa Monaco AAG for national security talking bout the deployment of a "Network"

Jointly ran by Homeland Security,FBI, etc. Monitoring cyber crimes to the point of offshore occurence as a act of war !

Guess since the election the rate of hacking attemps has went thru the roof at gov and private sector installations.


Added note: Biden speaking on gun violence 6pm eastern on C-SPAN
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They Need to publish a list of all the House,Congress and the WH Members who Do Own Guns. I bet 90% do... in addition to their armed body guards, Maybe if they paid more attention to controling Spending than Controling Guns we would all be Better off?????
I tried to go to the gun show this morning that opened at 9am, holy smokes!!! The traffic was backed up for over a 1/2 mile in either direction trying to turn into an already totally full parking lot (including the grass medians). I figure conservatively there must have been no less than 5 or 6 thousand people waiting in line for the doors to open (it was 8:30am when I gave up and came home). Looks like I'll have to deal with on line auctions and probably spend 40-50% over retail to get the gun I wanted. :(
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Don, I'm not surprised at all. Here in town and in Fort Wayne they both just happen to have RC swap meets and gun & knife shows on the same day. Last year in Fort Wayne one big room is divided with a curtain. We RC'ers used to be able to go through the curtain to see what was happening on the other side. Last year we couldn't do it, the RC side was dead but the other side was packed! They usually have a golf show and something like Disney On Ice all at the Memorial Coliseum the same weekend so the place is nuts anyway. Dealers in the area are having a helluva time trying to keep firearms in stock and gun shows are packing them in even more now then ever.

The NRA is getting around 3,000 new memberships a day now since all the the crap going on in the government and crimes.
Last I heard it was not just AR/AK's the were going after Garands/Mini 14's etc too. Bout anything semiauto center fire with a detachable mag.

Biden was on last nite again saying background checks for ammo, and something bout limiting mag size down to 7 rounds.

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People are freaking out and paying INSANE amounts of cash to get these guns!! Just watched a couple NIB Sig/Sauer M400's that a few months ago were readily available and could be had for $950-$1,000 sell in auctions at for over $1,900 with one just selling for $2,150!!!!

Even if they do pass a semi auto gun ban who are they trying to kid, they're not going to disappear, it'll simply become another big time black market operation. Just look how well prohibition worked....... about as well as our decades long war on drugs and illegal immigration- ZERO impact on curbing the flow of drugs and illegals into the U.S. at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars of OUR tax money.

The sad part in all of this is that if they do succeed in a semi auto gun ban thousands of people will be put out of work as a large number of these companies are right here in the U.S. Criminals will still have all the semi/fully auto guns they want and the crazies who want to kill in large numbers will still do so, only the delivery system will change..............
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Surf'n round last nite and found Missouri has a proposed bill that made sense to me.

If the gun is manufactured in the state, sold in same state, and remains there,

The federal government has NO right to declare it banned, taxed, or otherwise controlled........

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Don, I just happened to see that video last night, very good!

Om American White History Month on Facebook they have legitimate posting and some really off-the-wall stuff on there. It's not a racist page although some may try to take it as such.

I also viewed the Piers Morgan-Alex Jones (Info Wars) conversation on you Tube. If Alex would mellow out a little and present his case a little more clearly he would not come across as such a nut case that he got portayed as.
Biden is pitch'n his ideas to the House today,

Smaller cap mags and increased screening and background, Mental health upgrades.

As far as a ban NRA has boldly stated that will not pass congress.

And the school arming is really up to the districts.........

Best guess is maybe a third of what they been calling for,

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Thats fine on smaller mags I have anough hc mags.But what is bothering me is at the school shoothing the said they found the ar 15 in the van that was his Mothers but the van was titled to some one else.and there was reports of more than 1 shooter.I have a 300 mag that if i was going to shoot at people i would do it from a far.The shooter in most case are nuts or just stupid.1 shot one kill.Cheaper and smarter.This is what they should be woried about.A good shother with a good rifle could do way more than an untrained idiot just spray n pray.I would never hurt some one that was not tring to hurt me or any one eles.Just saying.These laws there tring to pass are bull.If a person wants to do harm to others they will find a way.ban guns clips or what ever they will still find a arrows nife bomb exetra .The goverment need to work on the biger problems they have.Oh anouther note why was the fbi the first on the seen of the shooting and not the local pd.sorry for the sp.not my strong sute.
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