Gun Control OR


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Absolutely correct. People kill people. Autos, guns, knives, rocks and even your hands. My question is why do we have to make it so easy to do? Everything I mentioned are just tools we use. Only one has a primary purpose is to kill.

It has more than one primary purpose. Sporting, hunting, and most importantly protection.
Absolutely correct. People kill people. Autos, guns, knives, rocks and even your hands. My question is why do we have to make it so easy to do? Everything I mentioned are just tools we use. Only one has a primary purpose is to kill.

It has more than one primary purpose. Sporting, hunting, and most importantly protection.
Primary means primary and the function is to KILL even as defensive weapon. Sporting, hunting are secondary. I agree you cannot stop mankind from violence. More efficient guns more death. Less weapons less death. Again how easy do we want to make it?

Absolutely correct. People kill people. Autos, guns, knives, rocks and even your hands. My question is why do we have to make it so easy to do? Everything I mentioned are just tools we use. Only one has a primary purpose is to kill.

It has more than one primary purpose. Sporting, hunting, and most importantly protection.
Primary means primary and the function is to KILL even as defensive weapon. Sporting, hunting are secondary. I agree you cannot stop mankind from violence. More efficient guns more death. Less weapons less death. Again how easy do we want to make it?

I agree with what you stated above. However, nothing could be easier for a deranged psychopath than a fish barrel where no one else can possess a gun and return fire against you. That is truly making things easy for them.

I don't want to take away guns or anyones right to protect themselves. I just do not see escalating the arena as a positive solution. The NRA just came out with the solution to put armed security in our schools and it has merit in the direct reaction. I guess that works but I hate to ot come to that. That was what I thought this country had over other places on the planet. We are going to the lowest common denominator.It does not address the neighborhoods they have to return to later. Again the discussion is open.

A truck and a sidewalk full of people! Hmmmmm!...maybe we should limit fuel capacity range to just 20 feet. Would keep people much safer!

Not to mention the automobile death rate in this country averages about 35,000 annually. That's nearly 100 per day...Every single day!

Everyone needs to relax and take it all into perspective.
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The mother of the Newtown shooter was trying to get her son committed because she could not control him any longer, this is already well known. They are now suspecting he found out about it and it triggered the rampage, the hopes are the FBI can recover information off of the hard drives he destroyed on his computers to confirm this. The knee jerk focus on gun control being the answer is total BS and I'm tired of it, this problem goes WAY farther than the guns. Ironically a bill in the Conn. state Senate that would have taken this guy off the streets was canned earlier this year saying it was too controversial and as it stands that state's mental health laws would have made it next to impossible to get him in an institution anyways. BTW- worst mass killing of U.S. school children did not involve guns and was over 3 times as deadly. When these people snap and decide to kill they will and the internet makes it all that much easier now to learn how. Even with the strickest of gun laws these wackjobs will still find a way even without the guns as all it takes is some fertilizer, diesel fuel and a remote trigger, Timothy McVie proved that years ago when you couldn't even buy assault weapons. Regardless just ask yourself ONE SIMPLE QUESTION- why do these shooters always pick targets where there is little or no chance of someone returning fire..............
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Very true words Don, I was living in Oklahoma when the Murrah building was bombed, most people don't know that all the federal employee's that worked in that building were given the day off, and told to stay home, yet the children in the daycare weren't notified, makes one think if it was intentional?
The mother of the Newtown shooter was trying to get her son committed because she could not control him any longer, this is already well known. They are now suspecting he found out about it and it triggered the rampage, the hopes are the FBI can recover information off of the hard drives he destroyed on his computers to confirm this. The knee jerk focus on gun control being the answer is total BS and I'm tired of it, this problem goes WAY farther than the guns. Ironically a bill in the Conn. state Senate that would have taken this guy off the streets was canned earlier this year saying it was too controversial and as it stands that state's mental health laws would have made it next to impossible to get him in an institution anyways. BTW- worst mass killing of U.S. school children did not involve guns and was over 3 times as deadly. When these people snap and decide to kill they will and the internet makes it all that much easier now to learn how. Even with the strickest of gun laws these wackjobs will still find a way even without the guns as all it takes is some fertilizer, diesel fuel and a remote trigger, Timothy McVie proved that years ago when you couldn't even buy assault weapons. Regardless just ask yourself ONE SIMPLE QUESTION- why do these shooters always pick targets where there is little or no chance of someone returning fire..............

to answer the question Don from MILITARY point of view the enemy takes and targets areas or people with the least resistance so they can inflict more damage and have zero resistance at all. Unfortunately thats the way they operate and do things.
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McVeigh ran with the Michigan Militia, and with a military background he went with a IED, just like the first World trade Center attack. 10-20-life here in FL hasn't done much to slow down gun violence and they introduced stand your ground. Still waiting for Trayvon Martins case to go thru, a man in Valrico killed a guy on a basketball court over a kid riding a skateboard. Man was unarmed, and still the case went to court with Stand Your Ground. He gets sentenced after Xmas,but they let him be with his family for the holidays, even though a family loses their father, and defendant was found guilty.

Canada is close, time to get a passport.

We are on the brink of witnessing Albert Einsteins quote.

You ever wonder why these things don't happen in states with carry/conceal license...... <_< This kid wasn't so "crazy", he covered his tracks,removed a harddrive out of a desktop and smashed it beyond detection,drove a car 5.3 miles on a winding rd to a school, carried enough ammo to battle the cops with and carry out his wicked plan.His mom got 300k/yr in alimony with that kinda coin i can get anyone committed. Guns aren't the issue stupid people are........
Don you are correct cowards look for oportunity and no one to challenge them with equal power. Our schools are vulnerable and I don't even want to think what someone or a group could really do. Maybe people return to familiar places or places that they were bullied at. An armed guard is a stop gap. Works till the bad guy figures out the school bus is not protected. Where does this stop? A rifle can take out the guard from a distance or what if he is on the other side of the building. We have murders on our military bases. This shooter had the capability of taking many lives in only a couple minutes. Had he only had a 6 shot revolver he may have been subdued by 6 adults if he missed one. All hypothetical.

In traveling even in Mexico I have seen armed troops with rifles walking the streets. It is not tourist friendly nor do I want our kids to have to learn in that environment. When is the last time you saw an armed guard in a bank? Criminals leave after they get their objective and tellers don't challenge them. A fire fight in a public place will guarantee collatarel damage. Friendly fire in a school?You cannot totally protect society from the dark side any more than you can stop a volcano. You can identify the hazard and take reasonable steps for safety. More than one front here and all need consideration. Because all don't agree is not a reason to stop the discussion. Even a partial answer moves us forward.

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Was just over at FOX News and The Washington Post reading comments on the NRA press release.........

Whew! I have never seen such uninformed people that havent a clue speak out.

The most abserd I read was: (Armed guards in the school would be wrong he might put the children in the line of fire)

You crazy people he is there to keep them from being targets,

I dont have the answer and Im sure the debate will go on.......

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My predictions: Assault rifle ban reinstated, some type of magazine capacity limitation, and states get to decide whether or not we have trained/armed security in our schools.

I just hope that I live in a state that allows well trained and armed person(s) to protect my kids from being fish in a barrel. An assault rifle ban does not give me piece of mind. A well trained and armed protector does.
I just gave the NRA a credit card donation of $100. My comment with the donation: Put this towards the fund to get well trained and armed protectors in our schools.
We certainly are going to have a lot of servicemen and women looking for work as we draw down from Afganistan. It surely would be cheaper to deploy them as a school security force than what were spending to keep them in countries who don't want us there. If this type of secutity is needed how bout they walk around campuses it a suit & tie like a teacher rather than a uniform with weapons not neccesarily in plain sight. Shoulder holster. Wouldn't hurt if they randomly took a bus ride to and from school. I guess if the airlines get sky-cops a school bus deserves attention. Still not the world I like to see. Julian could keep his time in twords a reirement.

That sounds like a very viable idea. I would definitely support something like this. I like the analogy to the air marshals. They should look the same as any teacher or school administrator.