dumb people with "drones"


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Perhaps the problem with drones will be the same as guns........too many of em out there to possibly ever be able to "control"....too easy to get......too many idiots that shouldn't have em in the first place. What a mess weve made out of this wonderful country......really feel bad for our kids and grandkids.
Perhaps the problem with drones will be the same as guns........too many of em out there to possibly ever be able to "control"....too easy to get......too many idiots that shouldn't have em in the first place. What a mess weve made out of this wonderful country......really feel bad for our kids and grandkids.
You'll have to pry my 2.4 drone TX out of my cold dead hands.
Perhaps the problem with drones will be the same as guns........too many of em out there to possibly ever be able to "control"....too easy to get......too many idiots that shouldn't have em in the first place. What a mess weve made out of this wonderful country......really feel bad for our kids and grandkids.
I said it post #3 and will say it again -

" We have only yet begun with the stupidity that will follow. Sad really, could hurt us all in the long run. "

The possibilities are Endless of the stupidity - invasion of privacy- threats to air space- and I wont even type the "other" we are all aware of.

I refuse to elaborate because some dumb azz will say, I read it on IW and just did it !!!

What have we become people.......

BTW - How the heck are ya Windex ???

Miss ya buddy, I gotta knock the dust of some rockets and come fly with ya

HJ , Im pretty sure Mic has it covered, now Max and Jay
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This issue ain't going away anytime soon! Just finished watching a special called "Drone Nation" on the Fusion network. Amazon is selling 10,000 drones a week, eBay reported 4.4 million in sales so far this year & China's top drone maker will top 1 billion dollars in sales this year. That's a sxxtpot of drones, added to what's already out there now. How does any agency control something that's almost as numerous as the automobile, but with no way of tracking who has them or where they are?
The only way I can think of is to require them to be registered BY THE SELLER upon the sale of each one. The only thing is that this becomes problematic with internet sales from China as there isn't any way to force them to comply
I kinda got in on this one late. You have basically three classes of drone owners.

1. Guys like me that do it as part of my business. Up until my last drone purchase I was operating with an FAA 333 exemption or COA (Certificate of Waiver or Authorization). Which allowed me to operate up to 200 feet in altitude. Now I have a SAC (Special Airworthiness Cert) which allows me to fly higher altitudes. Both allow me to charge a fee for my work as long as it is is for civil and not government work. I do everything from aerial photography and videography to survey and inspection work.

2. The hobbyist. Most seem to be ok but a few are trying to operate as a business. Saying they are charging for the editing and not the flight which is illegal. I have already busted two and the fines are stiff.

3. The ignorant *******. LOTS of these guys around. These guys have no clue to the law and I have nailed at least a dozen of em. The problem with these guys is they can have the little cheapy ones up to ones like I own that are several thousand dollars. They just flat don't give a crap.

I know I do my best to stay on the right side of the law on both drones and guns. It's funny because I am a CCW holder too. Twice now I have had threats to shoot my aircraft down by knuckleheads that don't know the law about drones or guns. As most of you know CA has been on fire most of the summer. I was actually contracted by a news agency to shoot footage. I was stunned to find out that I was the only one that ever contacted the Incident Commander prior to flying. They arrested numerous other guys with drones operating illegally or flying in the path of choppers or tankers. Drones have taken us into a whole new level of stupid. It's like the Wild West all over again. But as someone earlier said about some drones getting trashed.....that seems to be the only way a message is getting sent.
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Since when , aside the standard media spin buz words - did they become drones ???

Quad Copters is what they are - yet we are overwhelmed with DRONE -


They are toys any idiot with the coin can own and ruin it all for everyone due to his lack of intelligence and disregard for anyone but himself .

Again the word "himself" - cause thats what todays society has become, all about ME / NOW .

Kinda like when gas boats turned the corner, anyone with the money could jump right in and be " a racer " with zero laps on an oval,zero experience tuning a boat-zero experience in setup or even how a race runs - as long as thier wallet and lack of intelligence stayed consistant.

Plug and play society = anyone that can afford to play can- no common sense required . Rest assured, it WILL NOT get better

I truely hope they ( you tube heroes) stay away from model rocketry for now, but sadly , its prob. only a matter of time before some dumb azz ruins that too

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Actually according to the FAA the correct term is UAS or Unmanned Aerial System. Ya wanna know what's funny. The hobbyist with a Model Aircraft can fly up to 400ft. Me, without my SAC can only fly 200 feet for commercial purposes. It's so stupid....they need to get a handle on regs in a hurry. This registration plan that they are going to impose isn't going to be enough.
Since when , aside the standard media spin buz words - did they become drones ???

Quad Copters is what they are - yet we are overwhelmed with DRONE -

Many of these do have integrated GPS which gives them things like limited autonomy and "return-to-home" in the case of loss of link with the Tx.
I agree with you Mike.

They need to throw in instruction and testing before getting a "license" as well, in my opinion. If the fools that think they can just go out and fly a quad are required to know the "rules of the sky" before they are allowed to actually go out and fly, they just might not be nearly as much of a danger to themselves or others
During Seattle's Gay Pride Parade last summer, a drone operator hit a building and then his drone hit a spectator injuring the spectator. Today the drone operator was charged with causing personal injury damage. Not a happy thing to happen at a Gay Pride Parade.

A drone hit the big Ferris wheel on the Seattle waterfront last night. It didn't damage the wheel, but did crash land on an unoccupied outdoor patio at a nearby restaurant. Police at looking for the owner of the drone, but I'm thinking the guy isn't going to turn himself into the police.
