blackjack, crapshooter ..........warlock


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I'm not exagerating. My boat has been on radar at 70 MPH, with Stu Barr holding the gun, and I know it's run better than that since then........ Much better. Hell, I was clocked in Charelston at 62 MPH, and I was deliberately running fat as an opera singer, just to ensure a completed heat. That's as fast as Ernie's SAW speed. I'm not knocking Zaker or Grim, I'm sure they did the best they could (better than anybody else.......) I'm just wondering what held everybody back. :unsure:

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components
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I seem to recall a certain Mr Bill Mc Graw running sixty eight during the

spring nationals in 1994 or 1995 at Atlanta with his Nova Rossi powered Roadrunner.

So I guess with all the hype this class has really not advanced much at all.

Something to think about B) .

Tim K

Dont forget that this is a timed event between buoys 1/3 and 4/6, not a radar or GPS top speed reading, I think thats a big difference. Run a crooked course, then you have travelled farther than you were supposed to, increasing the time required to trip the lights. Give any kind of rudder correction to straighten up and you are scrubbing speed and slowing your E.T.. The water was calm, and the 20 saws were up at 08:00 am .. Tony J
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Tim Kish,

If you look at the Time Trial results, you will see that Ron Zaker Jr. lap times

were the FASTEST in ANY class that was there. 10 second laps are impressive

believe me,I bet not too many people have even seen a 10 second lap. The 21

hydros are still impressive to me anyway. Str.Away speed and lap times don't

even compare,not many people can get their boat through a turn like Ron's. So

I think the top speeds haven't changed too much in the last ten years,but the

lap times sure have.

My Observations,

Mark Sholund

I to am in awe of an awsome running twenty , easily the most difficult class to race . I have the pleasure of testing with one of the top twenty engine builders on the planet and he is fast period (stalker does not lie).

My coment came simply because it is now ten years since I seen Mr Mc Graws roadrunner and not much has changed period.

He was running in the high sixties during heat racing.

As a matter of fact after going to Elmira in July I have come to realize that the only boats to have made alot of progress in the last ten ( other than s.a.w. )years are the gas boats.

I am not slamming anyone I am simply making an observation after returning to the hobby.

Yes I prefer to use my real name Tim Kish.
OK, I'll assume Ron and Mike are slow pokes for the sake of arguing. So what's the reason somebody didn't stick it to them? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

If you get a good spanking then you just suck it up and go about your business.

No offense, but Ron put it on the rest of ya'. :lol: :lol: :lol:

So I guess with all the hype this class has really not advanced much at all.Something to think about  .
I basically agree.

Its only DNF was definitely not the boats fault, it happened due to cutting through a wake and stuffing
If you can't take it through a wake then what is the point?
i don't think they are sluggish.... i think there is a lot of exagerating going on.
Oh no! Tom, you didn't! :lol: :lol: Maybe not exagerated, but not racing condition speeds for sure. There is too much chop for a 21 to stay hooked up well enough to obtain top speed and race at it.
BlackJack21 said:
I wish I'd been there and could have switched my boat for Brian's in the SAW trials. THEN we could talk about dominance. I've ran faster than Ron Z.'s speed by 5+ MPH in full heat race trim. Get outta the way if I ever start playing around with SAW set-ups.

Seriously, though, the water must have sucked, because I've seen Ron run MUCH faster than that during heat racing. Why the sluggish times?

Thanks. Brad,

Titan Racing Components
Watch out Kentley, your record might not be very safe. Brad is just 30 MPH short of breaking it, piece of cake. Too bad the record is not 75 MPH then you might have a good chance :D :D

Frank Orlic
Preston_Hall said:
Its only DNF was definitely not the boats fault, it happened due to cutting through a wake and stuffing
If you can't take it through a wake then what is the point?
I was driving the blackjack and it was my fault in the 4th heat it didn't finish. I crossed a slower boats wake and drove up it's roostertail, which in turn blew over the boat. I don't know of many boats that can cross a roostertail and stay on the water. We have made very few changes on the boat since it was completed (last tuesday) and it ran great out of the box. I also own a Crapshooter 45 and I can say that the blackjack quality is second to none. The blackjack runs and turns as good as my Crapshooter anyday. I was very impressed with the boat, and cannot wait untill we can get some actual test time with it.

Bryan Jacuzzi
Ron cetrtainly had a great setup. Mike did as well. Ron and Mike both have been working hard with there boats. Ron desirved US1 in every aspect. With a combination like Ron and Mike working together they will be (ninga) will be a very tough boat to beat. Ron and Mike are running very differnt setups. It is plain and simple. The boat works very well.

There were other boats at the nats working well including John Browns SGX, Tony's son's Blackjack, Chris Woods Warlock, Bobby from Tidewaters Jag,and someone was running a roadrunner that ran very nicely and others, these were just the stand outs in my mind and I sure there were others.

And as for assuming Ron and Mike are slow pokes, just remember they are not interested in lapping the field, they are interested in winning (they now how to use the throttle finger very well). Something to think about. Ron was about one second of the current record in less than ideal air and anyone that was there for time trials is very aware of how sticky this water was. Ron didnt feel that he had the perfect needle after his run either.

Twenty hydro was a very tough class and anybody that made it it to TT should be very proud.

Ron congrats on 20 hydro US1, thanks for your suggestion on my 20 hydro, Better luck next time in 40 hydro.

Important lessons learned this year for me at the nats:

20 hydro

To get in the big show you must finish well and not be stupid (dont let yourself get in a position to be taking out).

40 hydro

Bad fuel tank can cause alot of problems

60 hydro

Bad calculations must never happen. If needed have someone else do instead of in your head while you are driving because .008 seconds can be very costly.

Greed is useless and evil.

80 hydro

to tight of a boat an you will ruin a bunch of motors trying to get it to perform.

life in general

Dont go drinking with the Aussies. (they can and will drink you under the table).

Congtats to all US1 winners.


Allen Waddle
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And as for assuming Ron and Mike are slow pokes, just remember they are not interested in lapping the field, they are interested in winning (they now how to use the throttle finger very well).
Exactly. I don't know if I am misreading you or you-me but if "they" were so slow or not that good, then what was the excuse for the rest of the field? Bad Luck? But literally speaking, I would say they weren't slow at all. They ran a smart race. I wish I had enough restraint not to go for the gusto all the time.
Watch out Kentley, your record might not be very safe. Brad is just 30 MPH short of breaking it, piece of cake. Too bad the record is not 75 MPH then you might have a good chance 
Frank Orlic
Brad will have to wait in line behind all the others. :D
Preston, I dont now how you got that out of what I said. For Clarification.

Ron Zaker is one of the best racers I know. He Is always close to the fastest (there are some that would rather go fast 2laps and dump it). he is very consistant. Always on the clock. If I was to ever beat Mr. Zaker when he was running well and having luck that trophy would go on the wall instaed of in a box.

Mr Zaker brings a new meaning to the word of what a racer should be. A fierce compitor but yet a person that would Dq himself if hedid something to another compitor that was not up to his standard (and I have seen him do it without being asked to by the cd). Every time I see Mr Zaker he gives me ideas of what i my try to go faster. Ron has set his boat up on his table and given permission to take any # I wanted of it. Ron has also put my boat on his board and turned it from a very ill handling boat to the best driving boat I had ever driven in about 3 minutes. Ron knows his stuff and is not scared to give his compitor advice that may put them beating him the next time out.

Ron is a first class person that desirves all of the respect in the world. First class 100 percent of the time.


"Ron was about one second of the current record........"

One second is an eternity at record trials. :blink:
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AWaddle322 said:
Preston, I dont now how you got that out of what I said. For Clarification.Ron Zaker is one of the best racers I know. He Is always close to the fastest (there are some that would rather go fast 2laps and dump it). he is very consistant. Always on the clock. If I was to ever beat Mr. Zaker when he was running well and having luck that trophy would go on the wall instaed of in a box.

Mr Zaker brings a new meaning to the word of what a racer should be. A fierce compitor but yet a person that would Dq himself if hedid something to another compitor that was not up to his standard (and I have seen him do it without being asked to by the cd). Every time I see Mr Zaker he gives me ideas of what i my try to go faster. Ron has set his boat up on his table and given permission to take any # I wanted of it. Ron has also put my boat on his board and turned it from a very ill handling boat to the best driving boat I had ever driven in about 3 minutes. Ron knows his stuff and is not scared to give his compitor advice that may put them beating him the next time out.

Ron is a first class person that desirves all of the respect in the world. First class 100 percent of the time.



You missed it buddy. I am in total agreement with you. The point was that if the Ninjas weren't dominant or at least worthy of 1st & 2nd, then what excuse is there if the others didn't beat them? There is none. Just having a little fun and giving the Ninja a fair shake. It's like the guy you just wore out and he says,"I would have had you if.....................blah,blah,blah". ;)
Don Ferrette said:
"Ron was about one second of the current record........"
One second is an eternity at record trials. :blink:
At the 3 Internats I've attended, nobody has ever come close to a record. I don't see that this year's results are any differant than previous years.

Excluding KP, how many people have gone and broken a record on their first attempt? You only get on set of times and you don't get to choose when you go out like at a record trials.
Joe_Knesek said:
At the 3 Internats I've attended, nobody has ever come close to a record. I don't see that this year's results are any differant than previous years.
And when you think of it why would they.. its not the goal.. ;)

Just a thought..

Grim :D

1 second is not all that long when you are 15 feet of the buoys, Only have 2 attempts and have to be a little conserviative to get a time, less than ideal air and sticky water. If Ron wants the record, he could have it. maybe Ron also might have a prop that will only launch about 50 % of the thime, at it might have been to much of a gamble for US1 title.

you are correct about one thing 1 second of the record at a record trial is alot, but it is not something that you cannot overcome during the course of the weekend.


I am being misunderstood. I know that I am not at the top of the heap in terms of actual race/trials results. I am resolved to never own a SAW or lap oval record (personally, that is.....). I am not meaning anything as a threat to anyone's current standing record. I just know that my boat has run faster than that, and I also know that Ron Z has run faster than that during heat racing. I understand that the "speed" is only a calculation of the ET over a given distance. I remember at the '02 Internats (the only one I've ever actually been to, as of yet) seeing Stu Barr score a 97 MPH pass with his 40 boat (although I'm not sure if he backed it up or not.....). What were some of the 40 SAW times? If they are up to what I remember, why the 30 MPH differential between the two classes?

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components
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BlackJack21 said:
I am being misunderstood. I know that I am not at the top of the heap in terms of actual race/trials results. I am resolved to never own a SAW or lap oval record. I am not meaning anything as a threat to anyone's current standing record. I just know that my boat has run faster than that, and I also know that Ron Z has run faster than that during heat racing. I understand that the "speed" is only a calculation of the ET over a given distance. I remember at the '02 Internats (the only one I've ever actually been to, as of yet) seeing Stu Barr score a 97 MPH pass with his 40 boat (although I'm not sure if he backed it up or not.....). What were some of the 40 SAW times? If they are up to what I remember, why the 30 MPH differential between the two classes?

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components
The 20 hydro class had the fasted oval time overall.
Brad the water was very sticky. Water that is shallow (5 feet) and hot (warm to the touch) and muddy makes for very sticky water. Afer most heats you had white bubbles that you could detect were boats had been during the heat. Some thought it was were boats had been washed in the lake with various soaps and some thought it was were the water had been arerated (spelling not correct). Also a very short pond with not much spool up and down time.

Blackjacks did fine with 2 in the top 10. There was not a blackjack there that had been raced much. It will take a little time. Be patient. I still see potintial.

In no way am I saying that Ron and Mike where just lucky, but luck can be your own worst enemy at the nats and your best friend as well. Ron would make for the perfect candidate for the above statement as luck was agaist him in saw in 40 hydro.

At the Nats anything that can go wrong will go wrong except for a few.
