A lot of the folks today have games on the computer and TV where they just hit reset when things do not go well. Much cheaper than actualy having a real life experience. There are lots of issues that make it hard to promote the hobby, but I don't think the organizations are fully to blame. It is just the nature of what society has become. I have had the same conversations Marty had while at the races but don't have any solutions.
John is on the write track and some others also.
Our kids are not moving in to the hobby.
My son racing just to keep me Company on the trips.
It would be better to have less classes for us old guys. But I am always in to add a class if it will bring more in to the Hobby.
Over the 4O years I still see the same guy. The new ones come and go.
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Thats part of the problem- there are no easy solutions to make this a good sell for a new person getting in - nor ANY type of advertising by the RTR Mfg's to do so- or anyone else for that matter.
Lets role play - ( like I have to do in my training classes I teach ) Someone ( anyone ) SELL me on why I shouldn't just go run cars / or play with Airplanes ( rtr / foamies/ whatever ) buy a Quad Copter ( I wont say drone ) a heli. ect ............
So you mean i need a lake or body of water that ( people dont complain-I have access too - and I shouldnt swim for my stuff ? and a NAMBA/IMPBA site is preferred ? )
But I can fly my quad ANYWHERE for the most part --
RC Car racers are all over the place near me- I never heard of an RC Boat race.
#1 killer - How much does it cost ???