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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2007
Gaday guys

I'm in need of some advice re the type of strut that would best suit my new 1/8th T5 BUD .

Now would you use a round bottom strut or a flat bottom strut ??

all help would be great.

Thanks Brad :)
Gaday guys I'm in need of some advice re the type of strut that would best suit my new 1/8th T5 BUD .

Now would you use a round bottom strut or a flat bottom strut ??

all help would be great.

Thanks Brad :)
Id got with round, it might not matter since you have shoes i just like the round ones
I like flat. The shoes only get the boat up on plane and help stabelize it. The boat rides on the strut. On the other hand, the flat strut probably disrupts the water flow making the prop less there you have 2 dollars worth. :D
Two very good answers. I don't think that anyone could tell you if one is better than the other or could prove it. I use both and in no special way.
I too have thought about this question since I just took on a scale project.

I would think that a round bottom would give better overall handling characteristics. I keep thinking that a flat bottom would tend to catch in the corners as the rear end tries to slide.?? I’ve never drove a 1/8th scale before so I don’t know for sure.

I've had good luck on my 3 point boats with a flat strut, rounded on the left side only. Maybe thats the best of both worlds? We used to do the same thing years ago on the straight shaft stuffing boxes. They were boxed in essentially flat to lift the rear, and then we rounded the left side to help keep it from hopping and grabbing in the corners.
I've had good luck on my 3 point boats with a flat strut, rounded on the left side only. Maybe thats the best of both worlds? We used to do the same thing years ago on the straight shaft stuffing boxes. They were boxed in essentially flat to lift the rear, and then we rounded the left side to help keep it from hopping and grabbing in the corners.
I have mine like Bob"s, But I just round and taper the front of the strut to match the stuffing tube..
Gaday Guy

Thanks for all the responses so far but keep them coming guys :D .Ive been spending some time looking at the members picks and it at 50-50 draw on who runs what .

on my B hydro I run a flat bottom strut as most do!! and they seem to run fine but I did some trials with im Miss Bardahl shovel last time out I filed a 5mm flat onto the bottom of the strut and what I found was that the boat pig routed the backend very violently so much so that I ripped the gudjing pin out of the bottom of the piston..Im still yet to rerun the Bardahl with the new motor. So I then tried the same thing on my Bud twin wing what I found that if I ran a flat bottom strut I had to run a prop was one that had the lift taken out of it the boat would run good but if I ran a stocker prop say a 250 it woud cary on and be a ***** again but by putting a round bottom strut back on the boat would run both props fine .

most would say well there is your answer mate!!!! but if thats so why are most of the new builds running flat in stead of round strut .

So would it be fair to say that if you ran a flattie you would have the CG further back to the transom to give more weight over the strut . ???

see I usually set my CG up about 1 inch behind the back of the ride pad and they seem to run ok on the old shovel but now im building this new deal do i go with the monkey see monkey do .

That's why ive started this topic what are the big guns in the 1/8th world doing ????. :)