Help WD 40 OIL might be bad


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May 10, 2007
I bought a gallon of WD 40 from harbor freight.
The outer handle started to rust so I put the oil in a plastic jug that won't rust. JUG WAS CLEAN.
The next day I noticed a separation. at the bottom was a look like a thicker creamy substance while above was the normal clear wd40. My question is, is this normal & I'm wondering if harbor freight is stuffing the can with some kind of a filler to give the buyer less wd40 making us think we're getting a full gallon. This creamy substance isn't water & feels slick like oil.
I flush my carb out with wd40 on my gas boat. I also shook the jug to mix & it's separating again.
Sounds like that can may have been sitting in a damp warehouse for a while and absorbed some moisture. What you describe is when WD40 absorbs moisture. I pulled a green head apart last night and noticed a Vaseline like jelly in the cooling jacket. That was WD40 sprayed in there probably 10 years ago.
WD 40 will attack some plastics. Just like it works good to remove tape glue residue if you put it on and let it sit for a few. Probably why they sell it in a metal can. I've got an old can that is rusty as a Dodge pick up truck on the outside but the product is still good inside.