2011 Orlando Winter Nationals


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This is the kind of crap im talkin about......how many years have we been runnin half mill? How many accidents? Ive personally not seen one! Do boats get close from time to time? Sure they do!They also get close on full mill starts!!I couldnt care less which start we use, done em both...NO BIG DEAL! Just race the **** boats....its a HOBBY! No money to be made, just palques and tropies and some silly assed braggin rights hopefully just for the FUN of it! :) Im really beginning to wonder........

I have to be "PC" here, trying to find balance is my job. I DON'T half mill, ever. My clock managing skills is part of my method of racing. We have to better address this as we approach this event, and I will be on the phone with Wayne with my thoughts.

My analogy of half mill is:

It's like watching the roaches scatter when the kitchen light gets turned on.

My main concern is the race course and infield is narrower than normal, and it compounds the issue at hand, NAMBA is NAMBA and IMPBA has a different protocol for theirs.
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Well you may be able to manage it in smaller classes with less speed.?? But Untill you Owned & Build a Twin that will run a 10 sec full lap... Why would you allow a Boat to cut threw the middle of the coarse during mill time.. I say If they MUST? its a 1 lap Penalty. To the ones that say its a Poor excuse do you plan to race a TWIN HYDRO @ that same Event? & How much time does it really save picking up all of the boats that got CUT OFF in the back??????? .... Good Luck with the race! B)
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This is the kind of crap im talkin about......how many years have we been runnin half mill? How many accidents? Ive personally not seen one if you want to pull in a large Co! Do boats get close from time to time? Sure they do!They also get close on full mill starts!!I couldnt care less which start we use, done em both...NO BIG DEAL! Just race the **** boats....its a HOBBY! No money to be made, just palques and tropies and some silly assed braggin rights hopefully just for the FUN of it! :) Im really beginning to wonder........
Billy when you have 2 Wrecked F hydro or 2 Wrecked Twins floating in the Back cause some Stroke wanted to come thru the middle @ the last sec. you got about 8-9 thousand dollars worth of JUNK Floating....... Now if one of them belongs to you? I`am sure you going to find it OK??? he was just trying to get on the clock now dont be upset!!!!! it will be ok??? IMPBA is about Legal Organized Racing. NOT MAYHEM !!
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My analogy of half mill is:

It's like watching the roaches scatter when the kitchen light gets turned on.
Hats off to ya my good friend, that analogy is PERFECT. Ray Sametz should add that one to his "quote of the month" list. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I put 1/2 mill in the same category as settling ties by a bunch of hokey lap times that come off a stop watch held by the pit man. Can't tell you how many times at NAMBA races we held that people tried to pass off their "time" as better than the CD had. :rolleyes:

Real racers settle ties man to man ..... by RUN OFFS. B)
Hey, I have an idea...

How about NOT HIJACKING the Winter nationals thread here! One or two posts maybe, but this is going south fast.

I don't think this is what Wayne intended this thread to be.
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I attended the Brandon race last year and the Orlando race the prior year. Only 2 that I have been to in the past 5 years in FL. I have had my boats nearly demolished multiple times by guys cutting across the course while I am milling along the back straights. I was in lane 1 and had to go to lane 15 to keep from being run over, and that was many times. I brought it to the attention of the race officials and was essentially told to live with it. I agree with Don, it is a crutch for poor clock management. I hate it and is one reason I do not go into FL much. We did not use it at all at the Fall Nats and we had few start issues.
In all the years I have been racing anywhere in Florida, I have never been pushed out of a lane by someone half-milling. That is not to say that it does not happen. But I just think you may be a bit over exaggerating here. Perhaps the culprits where those who do not routinely half-mill and therefore are not very good at it or familiar with the rules of course re-entry?

I hate it and is one reason I do not go into FL much.
I do have something to say about the traffic going north as opposed to the traffic going south, but for the sake of civility, I will keep it to myself.

Sorry for the 'bluntness', but when you make an off-the-cuff statement like that, don't be surprised when you get called out on it.


My friend, respectfully you do not know what you are talking about. It happened in over 50% of my heats at both races. All offending drivers were D3 racers. I do not exaggerate period. I rarely run tunnels and each of my nitro riggers I have $1,200 + in them. It is not off the cuff, it is just what happened. Orlando was the worst by far.
Im really beginning to wonder if maybe it isnt time to call it a day for this HOBBY...at least for a while...i had no idea this nonsence was going on....gettin too serious for this HOBBIEST.....havin more pure fun just shootin off model rockets with the G-kids....

Bill the Hobby part of RC boating is at the local pond on sunday .running around in circles ......When the green flag drops ...well to use the cliche again "LEAD FOLLOW OR GET OUT OF THE WAY " . Racing is Racing ..the object is of couse to try and win .....by mistake you usually have a good time . Don't tell me you're not serious , you have a full fleet of TRAILER QUEENS !! :lol: now get out and race ! See you at the Winternats grandpa !! :D :D :D
It doesn't matter to me which format is used. I don't have a problem with managing my clock time with either 1/2 mill or full mill formats. I must say I have had a lot of fun messing with people on the 1/2 mill and it has made for some fun runoff's (Hot Rod & me for 1) as well. I will address the club members at our club meeting on November 7th about the 1/2 mill / 30 second clock and let everyone know the outcome. Until then Please Give It A Rest.

We are going to limit the 90, Nitro twins and Gas twins to 4 boats per heat. I know everybody thinks this is a narrow course but the front straight was 100' wide and the back straight was 120' wide so there is plenty of room for boats to pass.
This is the kind of crap im talkin about......how many years have we been runnin half mill? How many accidents? Ive personally not seen one if you want to pull in a large Co! Do boats get close from time to time? Sure they do!They also get close on full mill starts!!I couldnt care less which start we use, done em both...NO BIG DEAL! Just race the **** boats....its a HOBBY! No money to be made, just palques and tropies and some silly assed braggin rights hopefully just for the FUN of it! :) Im really beginning to wonder........
Billy when you have 2 Wrecked F hydro or 2 Wrecked Twins floating in the Back cause some Stroke wanted to come thru the middle @ the last sec. you got about 8-9 thousand dollars worth of JUNK Floating....... Now if one of them belongs to you? I`am sure you going to find it OK??? he was just trying to get on the clock now dont be upset!!!!! it will be ok??? IMPBA is about Legal Organized Racing. NOT MAYHEM !!
Joe, even though i dont even have a twin, i would be the first to admit that i wouldnt be the least bit happy to see my Scale Hydro turned into junk...i know that a Scale boat isnt as expensive as a Twin, but its not exactly a cheap boat to run either, and to be perfectly honest with you, this particular course that will be used for the Winternats wouldnt be the best choice for half mill starts as it is somewhat narrow... im just amazed at the differing opinions there are about half mill starts...it just seems to me that nobody ever twisted our arms to force us to race upper end high dollar model race boats, and that at any given second, during a race, any race boat can be turned into junk...even i know that, and people who know me know that im fussier than an old lady when it comes to my race boats....for sure my dear friend Tom Foley will gladly bust on me for that! :D I am as indifferent to halfmill/fullmill starts as i am to IMPBA/NAMBA...ive done both of em....no complaints! Perhaps i would feel differently if i ran a twin... Im just glad that there will be a Winternats...its become a bit of a classic down here....whether i get to go or not, i hope you can make it as im sure youd have a good time...it will definetly be a drivers course as it aint real wide!
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It doesn't matter to me which format is used. I don't have a problem with managing my clock time with either 1/2 mill or full mill formats. I must say I have had a lot of fun messing with people on the 1/2 mill and it has made for some fun runoff's (Hot Rod & me for 1) as well. I will address the club members at our club meeting on November 7th about the 1/2 mill / 30 second clock and let everyone know the outcome. Until then Please Give It A Rest.

You and Rod playing the mill game was EXACTLY what I was refering too Wayne- classic stuff- and clean B)

I could care less either way you guys call it Wayne , Im pretty good either way ;)

Honestly if it means Joe W shows up do to NO 1/2 Mill I would be happy,

Been wanting my shot at him in F-Mono for a while :)

You & the club decide what you want to do & let us know....
It has NOTHING to do with me Joe, Thats OCD'S deal.

Quite frankly that course would be better without it-

I just wanna race ya ;)

I can tell you right now where you can find me in 2011. Atlanta April Nats, Huntsville May, Evansville May, Evansville June, Evansville Aug Nats, Hobart HYDRO MASTERS Sept, Evansville Sept may also be in atlanta again if I can find a Fall date there. Thats my 2011 schedule.
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And hold your lane after 15 seconds???? Maybe for the gas boats doing the creepy crawly stuff but for most of us big block nitro pilots we can crank out almost a lap and half in 15 seconds. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
So are you saying you bigblock nitro guys dont commit to a lane at any point during mill/race? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey Guys its really simple, page G4 of the IMPBA rule book prohibits cutting the course. No need to argue the point. If it is sanctioned by IMPBA they will and have to follow the rules, so load your wagon and come on down to the race, dont let somebodies opinion change the facts and run off contestants. Remember model boating is fun when you follow the rules. Lets get this back on track and have some fun.

It doesn't matter to me which format is used. I don't have a problem with managing my clock time with either 1/2 mill or full mill formats. I must say I have had a lot of fun messing with people on the 1/2 mill and it has made for some fun runoff's (Hot Rod & me for 1) as well. I will address the club members at our club meeting on November 7th about the 1/2 mill / 30 second clock and let everyone know the outcome. Until then Please Give It A Rest.

We are going to limit the 90, Nitro twins and Gas twins to 4 boats per heat. I know everybody thinks this is a narrow course but the front straight was 100' wide and the back straight was 120' wide so there is plenty of room for boats to pass.
And hold your lane after 15 seconds???? Maybe for the gas boats doing the creepy crawly stuff but for most of us big block nitro pilots we can crank out almost a lap and half in 15 seconds. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
So are you saying you bigblock nitro guys dont commit to a lane at any point during mill/race? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Of course we do, it just happens too fast for you to comprehend. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Like Ralph said the rule is clearly spelled out in the IMPBA rulebook so just follow the rules and have some fun. B)
Hey Guys its really simple, page G4 of the IMPBA rule book prohibits cutting the course. No need to argue the point. If it is sanctioned by IMPBA they will and have to follow the rules, so load your wagon and come on down to the race, dont let somebodies opinion change the facts and run off contestants. Remember model boating is fun when you follow the rules. Lets get this back on track and have some fun.

It doesn't matter to me which format is used. I don't have a problem with managing my clock time with either 1/2 mill or full mill formats. I must say I have had a lot of fun messing with people on the 1/2 mill and it has made for some fun runoff's (Hot Rod & me for 1) as well. I will address the club members at our club meeting on November 7th about the 1/2 mill / 30 second clock and let everyone know the outcome. Until then Please Give It A Rest.

We are going to limit the 90, Nitro twins and Gas twins to 4 boats per heat. I know everybody thinks this is a narrow course but the front straight was 100' wide and the back straight was 120' wide so there is plenty of room for boats to pass.
Ralph Thank you. that is putting it black and white if you want to make this an I.M.P.B.A. Event then use I.M.P.B.A. Rules. that is just my 2 cents worth Mitch
And hold your lane after 15 seconds???? Maybe for the gas boats doing the creepy crawly stuff but for most of us big block nitro pilots we can crank out almost a lap and half in 15 seconds. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
So are you saying you bigblock nitro guys dont commit to a lane at any point during mill/race? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Of course we do, it just happens too fast for you to comprehend. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Like Ralph said the rule is clearly spelled out in the IMPBA rulebook so just follow the rules and have some fun. B)

Yeah thats what it is... its too fast for me to comprehend :rolleyes:

Rules? What Rules? Rules dont matter when they arent enforced. Can be a bit hard to be 'fun' when guys will cheat because they know they will get away with it.

"I saw it, and it wasnt that bad" :lol: :lol: :lol: