2011 Orlando Winter Nationals


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I'm trying to turn him to the dark side. :ph34r: But the force is strong with this one. :angry:

I guess I will have to get a 67 and swap eng in between heats in old 666 and teach him a lesson. :lol:

Bring it Dave , that thing is out of control with a 40 in it :lol:

Wise man say- to finish first- first you must finish ;)

Im gonna run that old 60 boat that I was trying to run the 90 in for X-Mono Rick :rolleyes: ,

It was wicked fast , but drove like one of Dave's boats :p

Its an old 40.5 inch 60 Seaducer with an OPS .67's and a Mac 11 cc pipe.

Who else is in ????

Come on Foley, Donny , Gene ???

Well well well guess what I got. made me a phone call and found new MAC 67 for old 666 will be here on Tuesday. :unsure:

Let the spanking commence. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Remember when r/c boating was fun

Thats it in a nutshell, if the powers that be make it unejoyable why did I come back after 4 years away. At least we have a choice to go elsewhere.
Im really beginning to wonder if maybe it isnt time to call it a day for this HOBBY...at least for a while...i had no idea this nonsence was going on....gettin too serious for this HOBBIEST.....havin more pure fun just shootin off model rockets with the G-kids....


We need all the boaters to keep the family together, and you are one of the nearest-and-dearest to all of us. There is always ups and downs in life, but friends are friends, forever. Don't stray too far from the flock, we respect your judgment, but always save a spot for friends.

Bill i will HUNT you down if you not at Riverview i get Andy and Ron we will find you lol Like Ron said stay away from the politics and have fun that is what it is about
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I was reading the Event info it shows Full & 1/2 mill 30 second clock?? I thought this was a IMPBA Event? Will this change? please advise jw
I was reading the Event info it shows Full & 1/2 mill 30 second clock?? I thought this was a IMPBA Event? Will this change? please advise jw
Im in no means speaking for the OCD - but

as long as it is stated on the race flier, Then yes.

1/2 mill and 30 sec clock are not bad once you run it a while :)

In fact it can play right into the hands of someone that manages the clock well already ;)

I have seen some of the best milling chess games played since we went to it.............

I was reading the Event info it shows Full & 1/2 mill 30 second clock?? I thought this was a IMPBA Event? Will this change? please advise jw
Im in no means speaking for the OCD - but

as long as it is stated on the race flier, Then yes.

1/2 mill and 30 sec clock are not bad once you run it a while :)

In fact it can play right into the hands of someone that manages the clock well already ;)

I have seen some of the best milling chess games played since we went to it.............

And back when we ran both NAMBA and IMPBA events in D12 I saw some of the worst "milling" ever at the NAMBA races. Even though the "rule" stated boats doing full mill laps had the right of way that NEVER happened ..... more arguments, wrecks and BS than I care to remember. Why would someone would can work the clock on full mill need it? If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ....... 1/2 mill is for people who can't manage the clock. <_<

If you're not familiar with it, the drop to 30 seconds is a option, of the drivers on the stand once they are running. After the last boat is running during clock time, I let them get one full lap in, then ask the field if they object to dropping to 30 seconds. If there is even ONE objection to it, the clock runs full cycle. The half mill stays in effect, however, and after passing the clock you can cut the infield to the backstretch. However, then you must respect drivers on the full course in the lane(s) of travel, and not jump in front of them when coming off the turn 1 backstretch buoy. This is where it always gets sticky in the Tower.

If the clock is down inside of 1 minute, I try to let the clock run full cycle, so the drivers on clock time do not get out of their rhythm.

Tried it..............Did not like it. :huh: :huh: Can't speak for anyone else. But what became very clear was lane one (although stated) did not stay in control of the boat rounding 1,2,3 and on the back stretch.

Race water in most classes is RRUUUFFF already..................Now add half the field

chargin through the center of the course with 10 sec on the clock!!! :eek: :eek: :( :lol:

Been there done that.................. ;) ;)
In regards to the half mill-

It all comes down to who you run with and how much we all respect each other I guess :blink:

Lets think about it-

Clean racing comes down to what ???

Racing the other guy the way you would expect to be raced - ;)

Maybe Randy can chime in , but I have heard a lot more CD's stating - hold your lane after 15 sec's

A good thing ;)
In regards to the half mill-

It all comes down to who you run with and how much we all respect each other I guess :blink:

Lets think about it-

Clean racing comes down to what ???

Racing the other guy the way you would expect to be raced - ;)

Maybe Randy can chime in , but I have heard a lot more CD's stating - hold your lane after 15 sec's

A good thing ;)
Randy already did chime in-

"However, then you must respect drivers on the full course in the lane(s) of travel, and not jump in front of them when coming off the turn 1 backstretch buoy. This is where it always gets sticky in the Tower."

My pal Premo is being "PC" in his reply but read between the lines. And hold your lane after 15 seconds???? Maybe for the gas boats doing the creepy crawly stuff but for most of us big block nitro pilots we can crank out almost a lap and half in 15 seconds. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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NOT INTERESTED in Entering a Race that Offers 1/2 mill....... WE will SCRATCH that Event off 2011 Race Calander & save a few $1000`s. Thank You!!
I think the 1/2 mill should be only used if every one in that class wants it. Some classes love it some it can be a problem. Like what was said fast boats eat up allot of real estate quick. It is hard enough to keep track of the other boats with out them cutting the corners. This can be done at the drivers meeting before the race.

We will get to geather at the pond today and talk about it and let every one Know.

In regards to the half mill-

It all comes down to who you run with and how much we all respect each other I guess :blink:

Lets think about it-

Clean racing comes down to what ???

Racing the other guy the way you would expect to be raced - ;)

Maybe Randy can chime in , but I have heard a lot more CD's stating - hold your lane after 15 sec's

A good thing ;)

I attended the Brandon race last year and the Orlando race the prior year. Only 2 that I have been to in the past 5 years in FL. I have had my boats nearly demolished multiple times by guys cutting across the course while I am milling along the back straights. I was in lane 1 and had to go to lane 15 to keep from being run over, and that was many times. I brought it to the attention of the race officials and was essentially told to live with it. I agree with Don, it is a crutch for poor clock management. I hate it and is one reason I do not go into FL much. We did not use it at all at the Fall Nats and we had few start issues.
NOT INTERESTED in Entering a Race that Offers 1/2 mill....... WE will SCRATCH that Event off 2011 Race Calander & save a few $1000`s. Thank You!!
That sounds a bit too negative to be the only reason not to go. <_<
I attended the Brandon race last year and the Orlando race the prior year. Only 2 that I have been to in the past 5 years in FL. I have had my boats nearly demolished multiple times by guys cutting across the course while I am milling along the back straights. I was in lane 1 and had to go to lane 15 to keep from being run over, and that was many times. I brought it to the attention of the race officials and was essentially told to live with it. I agree with Don, it is a crutch for poor clock management. I hate it and is one reason I do not go into FL much. We did not use it at all at the Fall Nats and we had few start issues.
In all the years I have been racing anywhere in Florida, I have never been pushed out of a lane by someone half-milling. That is not to say that it does not happen. But I just think you may be a bit over exaggerating here. Perhaps the culprits where those who do not routinely half-mill and therefore are not very good at it or familiar with the rules of course re-entry?

I hate it and is one reason I do not go into FL much.
I do have something to say about the traffic going north as opposed to the traffic going south, but for the sake of civility, I will keep it to myself.

Sorry for the 'bluntness', but when you make an off-the-cuff statement like that, don't be surprised when you get called out on it.