.....who we really are


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requiring identifying who you are by full name

  • only in member profile

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • both profile & post signature

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • not at all

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
If I could have known ahead of time of my performance on this site

I would have remained anonymous,, but "the cat's outa the bag"

and there hasn't been any burning brown bags on the porch yet,

so I'll consider myself lucky. 'course there's always racing season

2006 :lol: :ph34r:
If you have something to say you should be willing to use your real name or you should not be allowed to post. If you are not willing to put your name behind it then your comments have no worth.
Hi Guys,

I'm Sorry that haven't read all the previous posts in detail...........

I just want to say;

If you are here, you want to be part of the group of people that want to help others to be better informed about R/C boating. If you are here for other reasons, maybe you don't belong here.............

I'm not aware that this board has a " Mission Statement". But I'm sure that senior members of this forum will agree that it's purpose is to help others and each other to be better at the thing that we all love to do.

If you are here to engage in verbal diahria and/or disrupt the respectful and polite exchange of information, you are welcome to GET OUT!!..............

Most all questions are welcome and should be met with an intelagent answer. If you have the impulse to make fun of a simple question, perhaps you should remember a time when you wanted to be involved in model boating but didn't quite know how to go about it................

There was a time not that long ago that several members "sponsored" a newbie and gave him or got him very affordable deals on things he needed to get started............ that's the kind of thing that I hoped would be a part of this Int'l Waters thing

Before I step down from the soap box............ I have to ask,,,, Why wouldn't you want to give your name and what town/state you are from??

I've been looking for a buddy to go boating with for a while now............ I'd be glad to know someone in my neighborhood...........


I managed a bar that had a bad reputation for a while some years ago. in trying to change the image of the place, we decided to make it a "members only" kind of thing. the only requirement was to show an I.D. and have your name on record...

Business improved and there were a lot less "problems" after this policy came into play.

It's true that people think a bit more without anonimity.

Stand up and let us know who you are!!

Do you want to be like the political terrorists who want to have their words heard but don't have the balls to show their face??

Bob the Fool

If you have something to say you should be willing to use your real name or you should not be allowed to post. If you are not willing to put your name behind it then your comments have no worth.
Muh Email name, muh racing name and muh handle is Redneckracer. Now that you know I can come out of the closet. Just be careful with those redneck jokes. Might hurt me and muh familys fellings. Just cause I have to mow the grass to find muh boats don't mean a thing. ;) ;)
I would love to know to whom I am speaking with when on this site. I feel very disconnected when I don't know the players here and I don't enter this site enough to know everyone. I guess I could just ask Don, but why should I have to make a list of nicknames with real names beside them so I know whom I am speaking to? I say.....Lets all be men, or women if the case be so, and be brave enough to speak our minds without hiding behind a fake identity!
I for one think that asking for a real name will not stop the TROLLS. It is easy to use a fake real name, alot of people have access to more than one computer so you can not always block the IP address.

The good thing is TROLLS get board and move on to the next forum they run accross, but then another will stop by. The best thing to do is not feed them, they like the contact just ignore them and they go away.

David Carey
True, trolls will be trolls but it is nice to know who you're actually talking to, especially when it's someone new or one who doesn't get on here multiple times a day like some of us. :rolleyes:

And thank you Dave for having your name in your signature. ;)

And no one is saying lose the nicknames, just add your real name if you go by a nickname. :)
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There's another point that I don't believe has been brought up yet.Besides the Trolls,there's a for sale forum here.There are quite a few of us that buy and sell items here. :rolleyes: I would surely feel more at ease buying from someone with a real name.I'm sure some of the deals would be a little smoother.Possibly heading off a possible rip-off for some bug bucks.I've only been here a short time,but I've learned there are quite a few really great and helpfull people here,and still some I'm a little leary of. Real names sound great to me. "Signature added" :D
I for one think that asking for a real name will not stop the TROLLS. It is easy to use a fake real name, alot of people have access to more than one computer so you can not always block the IP address.

The good thing is TROLLS get board and move on to the next forum they run accross, but then another will stop by. The best thing to do is not feed them, they like the contact just ignore them and they go away.

David Carey
True, trolls will be trolls but it is nice to know who you're actually talking to, especially when it's someone new or one who doesn't get on here multiple times a day like some of us.

And thank you Dave for having your name in your signature.

And no one is saying lose the nicknames, just add your real name if you go by a nickname.
Thanks, Don

I was a member in 1998, I think I used the same name, but, not sure.

It was a while back,

Things have chainged, a little, since then.

Now I will, have my name in my, Signature, All of the time.

Dave Hobson
In my book, if you aren't willing to have your name associated to what you have typed, it's not worth typing or you have something to hide.

Your name is only a name until you crap in your first diaper. From that point on, it becomes much more than just a name. It's what you are made of and remembered by long after your passing.

Do you think mother of the little penguin to the left will have something to remember them by?
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This is the second time I have encountered this "use of real name" issue recently, oddly enough, both times it has been associated with R/C boating forums and both times it appears to have become "topical" because of the actions of a small number of "trolls". For the sake of a balance of opinions and discussion, I have cut and pasted from an email I sent to admins at the other forum...........:

"Since 1999, I have been registered with more internet forums than I care to admit to (it would probably be embarrassing :D ), most have been music instrument/recording oriented although woodworking and machining are also represented. I currently moderate on one recording forum as well as on a recording equipment manufacturers forum, both being US based. A few years ago I was also contracted to Ozemail (when they were still rivaling Bigpond) as a moderator for some of their facilities............."See NOTE.

)NOTE: At the time, these major ISP's were encouraging their online contract staff to use nick names NOT their real name).

"..........Before deciding on my response, I discussed this issue with the admin and other mods at one of the abovementioned forums, (some of these guys work in IT and have vastly more knowledge than me) and the general opinion is that while there’s nothing stopping you doing so, putting your real name up as a user name is not necessarily the smartest thing a person can do. Also, prior to responding, I read on the AMPBA forum that there were circumstances that apparently prompted this “real name”/user name requirement. ****, every forum I’ve ever been on has these problems to some degree but in my experience, that’s what proper moderation is for, to deal with the undesirable idiot element as necessary.


In six years, this is the first time I have encountered a forum that requires a person to publicly display any personal details as a requirement for membership. The fact that you are demanding people leave themselves vulnerable, regardless of how slight the vulnerability may be, to the less than desirable factions of the WWW, to solve a problem rather than have moderators actually moderate problems is somewhat perplexing.


While I have no problems disclosing personal details in private communications, eg: PM’s, etc., as necessary, I have no intention of changing my opinion on the need for common sense and caution when it comes to “open” use of the internet.


Please understand, my comments and opinions are based on experience and whilst somewhat pointed are not meant to be deliberately offensive............"

Now obviously not everyone will agree with my comments, but that's how it should be.......we are all individuals, but I would hope that any responses are constructive and not fueled by only the need to react to a differing point of view.

And just this once..........


Chris Ohma B)
One thing that hasn't been brought up is what if you're at a race and later found out that one of the people that you would have liked to meet in person was there but didn't get a chance to meet up? You may know that person by only his screen name not their real one.

I use my real one because at the time couldn't come up with a snappy screen name. It could be a bad thing in that sense also.

One time, why, is beyond me someone was hitting a lot of the boating forum sites claiming to be me. Why me, I don't know and never found out who it was, maybe someone wanting to rattle my cage. If I was this piece of work, I'd rather say that I was Don Ferrette or Andy Brown than Ron Olson! Geeeeeeeez! :lol:

Marty requires real names on his site but that's his perogative but I've seen one person on there that used the name of a former Bass player for Metallica, Jason Newsted, that grew up about 6 miles away from me. I confronted that person by asking him a simple question, "What school did you go to?" and couldn't answer it.

I did find out about some reprecussions that do happen when you do use your real name. As some of you know, I am a Moderator on another R/C boating forum site and use my real name there also. Someone that I had banned because of too many rule infractions had e-mailed me with too much personal info that he had found on me. That made me very uncomfortable that anyone has that much access.

I've done searches on Google and other search engines and have found myself on page one! That scares me also.
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If this or the other online fora in which I participate could only be read by registered users I would have no problem using my real name. However, since what we post is easily found by a variety of search engines, I use a screen name. I'm not hiding behind it. I use the same id nearly everywhere, including my personal email id, plenty of people know me, and others who have asked who I am have received PMs with more info. If someone is comfortable posting their real name, fine. However, some people prefer to not be posting personal information (name, address, phone number, etc) where ANYONE can see it.
Now obviously not everyone will agree with my comments, but that's how it should be.......we are all individuals, but I would hope that any responses are constructive and not fueled by only the need to react to a differing point of view.

And just this once..........


Chris Ohma B)
Hey Chris, thanks for sharing your view. :)

Again, I want to stress this is NOT saying you can't use nicknames, just if you do it would be asked to place your real name somewhere like in your profile or your signature. And for the comments about your name out in public, I got news for you, if you own a credit card or have done ANY on-line purchasing the damage is already done. Your name is out there for all to see, regardless of what these so called "privacy policies" say that those on line & credit card companies post. They share your info amongst "affiliates" they are loosely tied to because they legally can. :eek:
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And for the comments about your name out in public, I got news for you, if you own a credit card or have done ANY on-line purchasing the damage is already done. Your name is out there for all to see, regardless of what these so called "privacy policies" say that those on line & credit card companies post. They share your info amongst "affiliates" they are loosely tied to because they legally can. :eek:
There's a difference between having one's name shared among businesses and having it easily findable by any wacko with a browser. I can't control what businesses do with the information I provide to them, but I can choose what information I put in public places.
And for the comments about your name out in public, I got news for you, if you own a credit card or have done ANY on-line purchasing the damage is already done. Your name is out there for all to see, regardless of what these so called "privacy policies" say that those on line & credit card companies post. They share your info amongst "affiliates" they are loosely tied to because they legally can. :eek:
There's a difference between having one's name shared among businesses and having it easily findable by any wacko with a browser. I can't control what businesses do with the information I provide to them, but I can choose what information I put in public places.
I hate to burst your bubble but I went to Yahoo people seach & just typed in your name & in about 10 seconds I had your complete address & phone number. Guess I'm a wacko huh? :lol:

Seriously though the spammers, wackos & such have WAY better resources for name bases than to go into places like I/W & look up members names. Not to mention alot of ISP's are some of the worst offenders of poorly protected data. :(

Now here is a thought- is there a way to set it up so only registered members can view a member profile? That way a person could put his/her real name there & it only can be viewed by actual I/W members. B)
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