What Did You Get For Christmas?


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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2002

Anything cool for Christmas from the Wife and Kids? I got the Craftsman digital level and about 1000 glow plugs

from K&B,and two new cordless Dremels. Let us know what you received?

Anybody need any plugs for the New Year? 1-L's or HP's? :lol: I have some great prices on plugs.

Merry Christmas Everyone,

Mark Sholund
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I got some time off to spend with the family! With working long hours the past three months it was the best! Slowly getting back into the shed for some boat building.


i got a supervee 27 from the wife :lol: im a nitro head but anyboat coming from the person who says i have enough boats is worth enjoying..and atleast this time i didnt have to hide the receipt and packaging..its legal :p :p :p :p
Real Flight 3.5 to entertain me and the cat at the computer and a custom painted Safari van for the sign shop.


The family gave me an air compressor for the shop, an LCD HDTV and all the parts to finish the 5 boats I'm building for next season.
A new Turn-Pro 13x40 lathe with DRO and all new tooling. I got it a little early as Santa had to ship it by truck. The raindeer threatened to go on strike if Santa put all that weight in the sleigh. :lol:

Just getting used to it and could just kick myself for not asking for it years sooner. ;)
Merry Christmas All,

Well so far not very much hobby stuff............. I did get $50 for the LHS, I also got some Ralph Lauren - Blue , some sweatpants and the old faithful "socks and underwear" But its still early I could get more.............. :)

Have A Great Holiday's Everyone.

I got a AB 67 Parabolic pipe from my father and a real slot machine from a friend. Im **** happy!

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

Larry Jr.
I got permission from the boss to buy a new boat next week, does that count?? LOL Merry Christmas all. Andy .
:D I got a Mini bench lathe with a 18" deck for all my small prodjects and a OZ spec rigger ( on the way) as well as the usual pants and socks which are always needed and a gift card for the local motorbike shop so I can get some new stuff for my GSXR 750 :D :D :D

I got the prop "1655" that my wife got for me from you. Looks good! :)

Merry Christmas!

David BUck
Actually did the reverse. Sold a boat (rigger) and divided the money among my 3 sons. Surprised them, made theirs and my Christmas. Sure can't take it with me so ....
The kids got me a SIG Fieldboss
tray kit to carry fuel & supplies, and a nice assortment of Zona saws.
19 inch flat panel LCD monitor for the computer, billet bling for the helicopter and most of December off with pay :D
I asked for two things and got them both a couple of weeks back. Hugs and Kisses from my two kids. B)

Santa bypassed my house.. Been wondering where those boxes of coal came from though :lol:
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