warm spell in Indy


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If you guys were interested in futhering the hobby, you would have already tried to join the club so you would have a place to run. try just showing up at the local flying field and fly your airplane. not gonna happen. too many ponds have been lost due to people thinking that because it's a pond they can use it. There have been numerous threads on pond use so no since beating a dead horse. point is if you run boats and a club of any sorts is in that area you should be apart of it. thats how we foster interest and gather members. I'm not trying to run people off by any means, but I don't know who belongs to impba and who dosen't if you don't belong to the club that sanctions the pond. Any other club presidents feel free to let me know if I'm being to mean.
That's the lake (over in front of the Waterfront Building) except for the fact that Bruce Jacobs now won't let us run @ that lake unless we become a member of his boat club and have a namba or impba membership, whichever it is. Even said he's gonna have the local authorities run off anyone that doesn't meet these credentials......fine way to get peeps interested in the hobby Bruce - way to go !!!!!!!! :angry:

Yes indeed Tony, very dissapointing ! I'll definately be keeping my eyes open for a new spot.
Were are you guy running at these days? Is it the same pond that we ran at?(we being the Indy Model Boat Club Pond)

Well Mark I know why Bruce probaly said what he said.I was the VP of that club at the time I moved from Indy.Why he said that is it is part of the agreement with the propety owners that every one that runs the lake is insure through the club which means thru IMPBA.I really think all you guys should get in the club I would like to see the INDY MODEL BOAT CLUB come back.I had a ball at our meeting and I think you would too.If you go racing this Year you are going to have to be IMPBA member anyway.

Just my 8 1/2 cents worth.I would love to be back there I would be right in the middle of the boating in INDY.

And the thought has been brought up here between me and momma about moving back but just talk so far.

That's the lake (over in front of the Waterfront Building) except for the fact that Bruce Jacobs now won't let us run @ that lake unless we become a member of his boat club and have a namba or impba membership, whichever it is. Even said he's gonna have the local authorities run off anyone that doesn't meet these credentials......fine way to get peeps interested in the hobby Bruce - way to go !!!!!!!! :angry:

Yes indeed Tony, very dissapointing ! I'll definately be keeping my eyes open for a new spot.
Were are you guy running at these days? Is it the same pond that we ran at?(we being the Indy Model Boat Club Pond)

Well Mark I know why Bruce probaly said what he said.I was the VP of that club at the time I moved from Indy.Why he said that is it is part of the agreement with the propety owners that every one that runs the lake is insure through the club which means thru IMPBA.I really think all you guys should get in the club I would like to see the INDY MODEL BOAT CLUB come back.I had a ball at our meeting and I think you would too.If you go racing this Year you are going to have to be IMPBA member anyway.

Just my 8 1/2 cents worth.I would love to be back there I would be right in the middle of the boating in INDY.

And the thought has been brought up here between me and momma about moving back but just talk so far.


Where are you located at in OK?
That's the lake (over in front of the Waterfront Building) except for the fact that Bruce Jacobs now won't let us run @ that lake unless we become a member of his boat club and have a namba or impba membership, whichever it is. Even said he's gonna have the local authorities run off anyone that doesn't meet these credentials......fine way to get peeps interested in the hobby Bruce - way to go !!!!!!!! :angry:

Yes indeed Tony, very dissapointing ! I'll definately be keeping my eyes open for a new spot.
Were are you guy running at these days? Is it the same pond that we ran at?(we being the Indy Model Boat Club Pond)

Well Mark I know why Bruce probaly said what he said.I was the VP of that club at the time I moved from Indy.Why he said that is it is part of the agreement with the propety owners that every one that runs the lake is insure through the club which means thru IMPBA.I really think all you guys should get in the club I would like to see the INDY MODEL BOAT CLUB come back.I had a ball at our meeting and I think you would too.If you go racing this Year you are going to have to be IMPBA member anyway.

Just my 8 1/2 cents worth.I would love to be back there I would be right in the middle of the boating in INDY.

And the thought has been brought up here between me and momma about moving back but just talk so far.


Where are you located at in OK?
right in the middle of nowhere. I dont know ANYONE WITH IN A 100 MILE THAT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT A BOAT. GEEEESSS.

bUT TOYOUR QUESTION I live in Velma OK it is 16 miles east of Duncan OK I am about 1 1/2 hour or so from gainsville if that help I am planing to come to some races in north Texas and in the OK city area this year even if it just to watch and talk/

"WARM SPELL IN INDY"? It was cold and rained all day!

They have had the rights from the owner to use that pond for many years and have worked very hard to keep it. Being an IMPBA or NAMBA member with insurance and following thier regulations is one of the reasons they have kept it for so long. I really don't know anything about the club these days but when I was a member we put a lot of hard work into that pond all summer long.

I don't know Bruce or what he actually said or the complete tone of the conversation or was it E-mail, but I agree it certainly doesn't sound, from you're take, that it was a very good way to attract fellow boaters to his club.

Don :unsure:
right in the middle of nowhere. I dont know ANYONE WITH IN A 100 MILE THAT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT A BOAT. GEEEESSS.

bUT TOYOUR QUESTION I live in Velma OK it is 16 miles east of Duncan OK I am about 1 1/2 hour or so from gainsville if that help I am planing to come to some races in north Texas and in the OK city area this year even if it just to watch and talk/

Well I can't say I know where Velma is but it's great to hear that you're thinking of coming to some NorTex races. Try to make it to our race in Ft. Worth on June 10th and 11th. It will be a good time in Cowtown. :D

I can understand the need for the insurance through the IMPBA, I get that part...I heard the story of the dog and the kid. But from what I saw last year - and yes you were kind enough to let us use the lake - I never saw your club at the lake once, although I did see you and your wife there one day when me and Athony came to run for a few. How many members are there and how is it going to benefit me to pay you boat club fees if noone is ever there to help me out. I'm not much for calling peeps on the phone when I'm in need of stuff at the lake, I'd like to have other boaters around to help me out. Just seems like a waste to pay for dues when I'm very new to this and don't have the cash you guys do to run w/ the top of the line stuff - and I just got the feeling that your time isn't worth messing w/ the newbs who don't have the nice stuff. Just seems like a fee to get my boat wet despite having insurance by signing up w/ impba !!! Make it worth my time and money, and I'll gladly pay you dues and further myself in the hobby. If not, I'll just find another lake <_<
Whoa, couldn't bite my tounge on this one!

I have been club president in Cincinnati for the past 6 or so years. It is **** near impossible to find water, and when you get water you do everything you can to keep it.

IMPBA/NAMBA dues are manditory as you know and you agree to pay (from what I can see). Club dues do several things, and the MAIN thing is not money. RULES ARE THE #1 REASON!!! You must know the rules of the lake given to the club by the property owner. The property owner can care less who breaks a rule...all they know is a rule got broken. WATER GONE!

Club Presidents have a tough job to do and must be strict when it comes to water, even if it means the club loses a boater.


Please let me say a few few things.

We understand the need for the IMPBA insurance for sure. (I'm goingto type faste here so you'll have to forgive my spelling.) I'm not in the business of pointing the finger I'm just trying to have fun boating. Last summer Bruce told us that since there really was no club anymore we could run there as long as we had Impba.. OK.. All the sudden when a few people are talking about running there and he wants us to pay dues. I was a little disturbed at first. I could understand that if the grass was ever cut or the property maintained in any way but it's NOT. The best thing about the site is that there is water... That's it. I'm going to say a few more things that are only my opinion and view point. Please don't be upset by them. The few contacts I've had with the indy model boat did not make me feel like I wouldbe welcome as an entry level boater. I was actually very much turned off by the experience. Now I know more about it at this point. There are really only 2 active members of the indy club. I understand more about the IMPBA and the legal matters now.

I am not an expert on these things, that's for sure. But, I do know how help people and make them feel good about being part of a group. I'm no boating expert but I think I know enjoy helping other people get their boat running more than running mine.

I think I would like to become part of the Indy Boat Club leadership and try to make it a real "rookie friendly" club. I expect some poeple to be upset by this comment and say that it already is 'rookie friendly". But's it's not. I can't remember how many people I have talked to that went to a meeting and felt like an outcast and never went back" I can commit some time during the summer to help improve the site and I can definitley commit to helping new guys get there stuff running to the best of my ability. please don't think I'm just doing this to sell some of by boat kits. You all knw there isn't any money in selling them.

I sent Bruce an email about this.. maybe we can get the Indy club going like the Cinci, Evansville etc groups again...

Hell I don't know.. am I being stupid?
No not stupid at all. You are exactly what the club there needs. Enthusiasm and willingness to participate. Please let the past be done and try again. Looking forward to meeting you this summer.

No not stupid at all. You are exactly what the club there needs. Enthusiasm and willingness to participate. Please let the past be done and try again. Looking forward to meeting you this summer.

Just how much are the Indy dues? Ours are $20.00 small price to pay for someone else getting dumped on when it hits the fan with fisherman and such.....Mike Schindler pesz Evansville club
Thanks for the support. I hope bruce feels the same way...

No not stupid at all. You are exactly what the club there needs. Enthusiasm and willingness to participate. Please let the past be done and try again. Looking forward to meeting you this summer.

Yep things just do not change in the model boat world... Anthony I use to race every year I could at Indy when it was Indy and they (as a new boater) made me feel like an outcast too. The reasons for this is too many people wake up one day and decide to go race boats so you help them out . Then one day they are gone just quit and you feel as if you wasted your time. So they/we kind of put up walls to new people we/they do not mean to do it, It just happens. But when the fraternity kept seeing me and I would not go away then I got a lot of help from people like Marty Davis who went out of his way to help me many times. I am not making excuses for anyone it just happens and not just at Indy but all around the world it sucks being the new guy walking into this boating fraternity. Now what is the best thing for you to do? You have to decide on that. How much interest do you have in this sport? There are some great people in this hobby and some not so great. Such is life but it is what you put into this and what you want in return that matter. I gained a best friend that is like a brother to me from this hobby and I will always be thankful for that. The other thing is do you want to try every water hole around the area to try and have fun looking over you shoulder every min. for someone to tell you to get out or worst yet get hit for trespassing? It happened here where I live (for the next 7 days) with a bunch of guys running with out belonging to the local club and they even got them self’s put in the paper for to much noise pollution and given tickets. Now they are on a private lake up north and pay the owner of the lake twice as much of what it would cost to be in the club and have insurance threw the IMPBA to run on his lake. I do not understand but they are happy so that is all that matters. I would love to see you join the club and change some things to make it grow and have some fun!! I will be in Madison Indiana soon and back in the Prop Walkers Model boat club so come and see us and we will get up to Indy for some racing there too.
I am getting back to boat racing after being out for 10 years. I've decided to race in Dist 14 even though I don't live there. Why, because out of all the places I used to race, I enjoyed Dist 14 the best. Great people, great racing, great hospitality, etc,etc,etc. As of yet, no one has let me down yet. I have had 1 call from IMPBA and 2 calls from Dist 14 people welcoming me back. Ya, I can remember times when I had trouble finding help with a problem. But I also rember people busting a## helping me fix something 30 seconds before I had to be on the clock. And most of them were my compettors!! I have been racing something for the last 20 years and if I have found 1 common factor, it is this. Most all people who race have tunnel vision, they are stubborn, hard headed, they are "always right" in their own mind untill you "prove" them wrong. If they didn't have these qualities they would not have the drive to be the best or finish first. I KNOW it's hard to turn that off sometimes and help someone else that needs help or is struggling but we/I need to remember, someone helped me with "that" problem along time ago and I "owe" it to the next guy to help him.

..............OK I'll step down now.
Yep things just do not change in the model boat world... Anthony I use to race every year I could at Indy when it was Indy and they (as a new boater) made me feel like an outcast too. The reasons for this is too many people wake up one day and decide to go race boats so you help them out . Then one day they are gone just quit and you feel as if you wasted your time. So they/we kind of put up walls to new people we/they do not mean to do it, It just happens. But when the fraternity kept seeing me and I would not go away then I got a lot of help from people like Marty Davis who went out of his way to help me many times. I am not making excuses for anyone it just happens and not just at Indy but all around the world it sucks being the new guy walking into this boating fraternity. Now what is the best thing for you to do? You have to decide on that. How much interest do you have in this sport? There are some great people in this hobby and some not so great. Such is life but it is what you put into this and what you want in return that matter................. snip>
Guess things must be different in Indy cause it sure as hell ain't like that down here. When I first got started the people I met were awesome, would go out of their way to help you out. Sure made it worthwhile as I suffered thru the "rookie boater" growing pains. I now try to carry on the same way & help anyone I can be it at the pond or on-line. Are there situations you feel like you've wasted your time, sure there are but when you help that one guy who's all flustered & floundering in disgust 'cause his sxxt don't work right, man it's all worth it when you can't smack that million dollar smile off their face when the boat finally goes like hell. Both the Capitol R/C club in Washington D.C. that I ran for quite a few years & now the ODMBA club I'm a member of, a new boater is always welcomed with open arms. Being a snob & treating a newbie like an outcast just because you got treated that way?? No offense but that's a weak a$$ answer & totally unacceptable in my book, step up & be the better man & take that rookie in. I hope it's not that bad but if in fact it is that way up there, my Indy brothers you all need to lighten up. Know wonder we find ourselves hurting for new faces if this is the prevailing attitude. Sounds like y'all need a good dose of southern hospitality. :D
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Wesley, I hope to see you in district 14 this year. What will you be running boat wise this year?? Don, I need to be a better writer I guess. What I am saying is Indy guys help people all the time you just had to be around more than one day. Now on the southern thing I am here now and I still run into people that are rude. I beat a guy in a gas class in Atlanta one year due to overall points and he was flat out angry at me. The club members told me he was just that way and he will get over it. Plus I am not perfect I am sure I have made people mad at me and there are those who just hate me. But that is okay I am just human.
Wesley, I hope to see you in district 14 this year. What will you be running boat wise this year?? Don, I need to be a better writer I guess. What I am saying is Indy guys help people all the time you just had to be around more than one day. Now on the southern thing I am here now and I still run into people that are rude. I beat a guy in a gas class in Atlanta one year due to overall points and he was flat out angry at me. The club members told me he was just that way and he will get over it. Plus I am not perfect I am sure I have made people mad at me and there are those who just hate me. But that is okay I am just human.
I've got a new Miss Bardahl from Phil, an OLD (1 of the first 3) sport 40s from Phil. My youngest boy is running a stock tunnel and a sport 20. We are going to hit all the bases in the trophy series. If your going to travel you might as well take a wad of boats right? That way, at least 1 may run good. I would run Illinois (i don't remember what dist) but there are too many 1 day races in Chicago .
I feel that he first day you come out is probably the most important. Im not saying that everybody who's been in the Indy club has been this way. It's just been my experience. The fact that there are only two people in the club now and they only run at the local pond one weekend a year should say something. I'm not a high end boater but who is when they start. Now I didn't just start either. It's a finacial thing that keeps me where ai am and that's also what keeps many other people out of the hobby. (hence the Bantam rigger)

I think the only way to grow the hobby/club is to welcome people like me. Not a lot of money but love the hobby. I think my buddy Mark might have quit if I had not supported him.. Now he's a junkie!!! He's got more bozats than me!!!! He's not a hgh income person either,..

I've been thinking about the Indy location. If I could arrange a dump load of pea gravel and spread that on the beach area it would be much nicer. Instead of having to mow the entire area we could have a section behind the beach that is well maintained and groomed. just big enough for some picnic spots and places for kids to play. I don't know what this would cost. I guess I can look into it..

i'm hoping to hear from Bruce soon.

Wesley, I hope to see you in district 14 this year. What will you be running boat wise this year?? Don, I need to be a better writer I guess. What I am saying is Indy guys help people all the time you just had to be around more than one day. Now on the southern thing I am here now and I still run into people that are rude. I beat a guy in a gas class in Atlanta one year due to overall points and he was flat out angry at me. The club members told me he was just that way and he will get over it. Plus I am not perfect I am sure I have made people mad at me and there are those who just hate me. But that is okay I am just human.
Hey Anthony, see that is good thinking. It is a matter of contacting the property owner, though, not just Bruce.

Why don't you email me and I can get your address and get you on our mailing list...no cost for that :)

[email protected]


Director District 14 ( indy's district)
Going back to page one, I have a question. As it looks, the water is in front of what sounds like a public building. Is this public or private property? If it is public, how can anyone from the Indy MBC keep you from running there?.

Boy, I feel lucky up here, two ponds and a lake within 2 miles of my house to run at! The lake is where we hold the Fun Run at and yes, it is a lake. Having a boat access ramp that sucks keeps full-sized boats to a minimum. We might see one big boat on the water at any time.

The water is high right now. At the Toxic Pond, the water is up over where we usually stand when driving, about 2 feet above normal. We've got snow coming in this weekend with rain right now turning to snow later tonight. The people in the Detroit area think that it's cool because they think that they should have some for the Superbowl.
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