Stupid question???


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Jul 22, 2012
Ok guys im new here and it fells stupid to ask this but it sounds like a good idea and ive also lost a boat and many others have too.

I was wondering if there is another fail safe system that works off of a channel and triggers an air bag of some sort when you know you cant get your boat untill it reaches the other side of the shore

I looked for my boat for like 5 days when i lost it in some **** lake in north dakota haha
there is a system for fishing poles that has a float on a line that releases when it gets wet. it might do what you want.
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Put pool noodles in the hull and test in the tub so it can't sink.

You can use silverware to get the weight of your normal componets for the tub test, but don't let the wife catch you with HER silverware!!
Mabey on star ,They found my friends truck when it was stolen.But wet noodle the thing ,My sport 20 ive been running for 3 years has been fliped under water full of water,and has never sank.
I think you can get and.airplane locator beeper. Seems like it would work for boats. Try your local hobby shop.
Best way to save a disabaled vessel is to drag an anchor in hopes of hooking up before it shores. Suggest you conider a windlass hooked up to the fail safe and drop anchor when trouble arises.