Sport 20 finished what do ya think


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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2006
Here is a link to my sport 20 .I bought it painted and i finished it what do ya think and what would be a good way to extend the stinger to keep spent fuel and oil out of the bay and and out the turbine.

1st attempt at rigging a boat anything i should do better next time.

I had to mount the tank on an angle to clear the throttle linkage.

If i decide to change to a 6 oz and a 2oz hopper that would be easy to do.

Thanks for looking
Nice job! Hope mine turns out just as nice, Phil is supposed to start on it next week.

Phil told me the boat handles better with the front radio box, why did you choose to rear one?
I had both radio boxes supplied when i bought the painted hull from the previous owner..

I did not like trying to stuff everything in the front one....yes i know many have done it but i have big fingers and small patience. :rolleyes:

I even cut some off the front box and made another cover but it leked and I never liked it.

The rear box has much more room and you vcan remove servo's and work on things if needed.

I was told by some the front radio box was the ay to go and some said it would run equally as well with rear.

If yours is the newest version you can stick your tanks in the holes in the sponsons.Mine was not open and i wanted to keep it that way.I made paltforms for my twin tank system up by the c/g but it was toooo tight .

That is when I decided to do what you see...

thanks for the kind words..

Very nice and clean setup. Just out of curiousity, are you racing this in NAMBA or IMPBA? The reason I ask is because of the rear strut setup. I believe the boat is legal for the sport 20 in IMPBA, but not NAMBA. The strut has to be underneath the hull in NAMBA, I believe.


impba yes namba NO the strut has to be under the hull. the prop can't extend farther than one drive dog length. <_<
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Turn out nice Terry, and you got her going good.

As for the racing, neither of them is a problem since all we do are Fun Race, but that is good info to know.

Turn out nice Terry, and you got her going good.
As for the racing, neither of them is a problem since all we do are Fun Race, but that is good info to know.


Great, would hate to see all that work put into a boat and not be able to race it. :eek: You guys don't fool around with your fun races. Nice job on the boat! Lets see some vidoe of it running... :)
Turn out nice Terry, and you got her going good.
As for the racing, neither of them is a problem since all we do are Fun Race, but that is good info to know.


Great, would hate to see all that work put into a boat and not be able to race it. :eek: You guys don't fool around with your fun races. Nice job on the boat! Lets see some vidoe of it running... :)
Turned out real nice Terry. Glad you got the boat running good. Richard D
Like dan said . no plans to race only against a few guys if we can even get that many out.just for fun and bragging rights.

I learned a lot this time around and can make improvements on the next one .that is how I learned when building planes as well.

Build learn and improve.

I am getting very close with my engine tuning and now it is blowing off....

oh well that is on another thread.

Thanks for the kind words..
