I was asked by Larry in an earlier post to contact the local cities about promoting our hobby/sport. I just called the Chisago City Hall and asked who would be the coordinator for "Ki-sago Days". The receptionist said is was the park's dept administrator, and transferred me to her (Doris). I asked Doris if she had ever heard of or seen RC boating (No), so I asked if she was familiar with RC planes, cars, heli's (Yes).
So I gave her a brief overview of the range in sizes and speeds. Then I told her my neighbors had seen my boat and were also suprised/amazed there were such things because they'd never seen them before. So I told her I and some members from the nearest club would like to expose the people who attend "Ki-Sago Days" with some boat racing of various sizes/types at the lake behind the skateboarding area and "Would this be feasible"? She said she thought the idea would be "Wonderful" (her words
) and that each year they are "looking to bring in something new for attendees". She asked if the boaters would be insured (I explained IMPBA) and she asked that we come in at their next mtg (in Jan) to give the council what days we would want to be at the lake, the times, etc
. She also said they are a small committee "stretched thin" - "Would we be able to set up things on our own" (Yes). Then I asked her what other area annual events might we be able to participate in and how would we contact those who coordinate those events (and she happily provided 5 more
). So now if I can get the a few D6ers to work with me and participate next summer (and I'm sure they will), we can expose perhaps 10,000 people who have never seen an RC boat before <_< .
Now I'm posting this to encourage other boaters - if I can do it, so can you. And IF 1 or 2 calls by me can set in motion one event (more if I pursue the others she suggested) that exposes thousands to RC Boating, what can our current membership really do? :blink: It not up to us to look to the club officers - it's up to us, the individual boaters to determine the viability of this sport. IF you want MORE parts, BETTER RTR choices, MORE lakes to run on, MORE clubs & people to run with, this is how it needs to be done
I wouldnt be suprised that after next summer's event we will have some new boaters up here, and can eventually get the city to allocate & support a designated RC boating area on one of the local lakes.
BTW: I DO agree about the need for club support for retaining members, sharing knowledge etc.... I'm going to NEED club help next summer - look silly racing myself (but hey I'd finally get a TROPHY)! :lol: