Ken,Looks like you are making good progress on your builds! I posted some fiberglassing pics and notes on Greg Hahn's "Fiberglassing How Too" thread in the "How Too" section. Greg has a great video there.
Weight is not a problem lot to trim on cowl stay under 4.5 pounds still can stiff a Little
Need a light pipe also
5-1/4 to 5- 1/2 pounds will be more realistic. Our boat is 4.6 with a K&B 7.5 which is 6 ozs. lighter than the Italian engines. Also we are using a .21 pipe and micro rudder and strut. All stuff that might break.Be sure to do some glass work in the tub. It will greatly increase the life of the hull. Drill all necessary holes and enlongate the boom holes in the side of the tub so that the front sponsons can be adjustable. Do all of that before you complete your sealing process.
thanks for your building tips Andy, a big help. [A] When you guys are speaking of weight this would be "total mass", including- hull, engine/mount, fuel tank, radio gear, all hardware, paint/finishing (a completed hull)?
Do you only elongate the front sponson boom holes typically (for adjustment)?