Pictures needed


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OK, I looked over some of the requests/ comments. Right now, I will only be working on the 8255 in a gas version. That is because I am already half way done with it and it was a specific request as a scale up from a set I had already drawn. I am seeing more and more people wanting me to steer away from my original goals, which were indeed 1/8th scale. I just don't want to get sidetracked with offsize hulls so much that the 1/8th scale categorizing doesn't happen ya know? The thing is, I need to see multiple people requesting the 108/ 109 plans before I will put in the time to scale up from 1/8th scale as I will spend a lot of time on something that may not be of interest to more than one person. I do hope everyone can understand that. Besides that, I do not even have a 108/ 109 set, so someone would need to send a set for me to do the CADD work anyways. I have a few requests for me to finish up some plans I already have in 1/8th scale, and the gas 8255 which I already have 4 people interested in, so its worth while to me to get that 8255 figured out. I will continue to listen to the discussion on the GAS requests, and I do hope a few people will get interested. I received a call from Marty, the Northwest Thunderboat Association representative and NAMBA seat last week. He said he likes what he sees, and does hope to see more GAS framing get done. That was definitely motivational, and it will come in time. So let the discussions continue, and make it worthwhile for me to spend the time to do these particular hulls! Mike
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The nice part about plan 108 is it makes 48 separate boat registrations. There are cabovers as well as conventional rear cockpit boats that raced from 1970 through 1988, so there is pretty much something for everyone in that plan set. Here's a rough breakdown from the Master Hull Roster:

7025-4 registrations(conventional & cabover, arched transom, 48" picklefork)

7177-10 registrations(conventional & cabover, arched & notched transom, 48" picklefork)

7207-10 registrations(conventional, arched transom, 57" picklefork, some with tail top wing)

7325-8 registrations(conventional, flat transom, 48" picklefork, all had twin tail and top wing)

7474-6 registrations(conventional, arched transom, 49" picklefork, some with tail top wing)

7612-10 registrations(conventional & cabover, arched transom, 48" picklefork, some with twin tails and conventional modern style wing)

Hope that's not too much info :)
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mike and hj,

thank you for gas update. glad others are interested in the gas 8255 hull kit. this gas hull kit should generate more interest in gas scale hulls.

hopefully someone will send the 108 plan and request for CAD conversion and a framing kit. i think the 108 hull kit would be very popular in both 1/8 scale and the larger gas version.

thank you,

The 8255 gas kit is done. Just need to put it on the laser template in CADD, and it will be ready to place orders. Mike

please post photos of the gas kit framing. i am especially interested in the engine well and gas engine mounting arrangement. also wondering what thickness ply you're using for the bulkheads and transom.

will the deck and bottom skins be included ? please provide complete description of the kit details when you're ready to take orders.

thank you for your time and effort mike,

I don't have photos of the kit yet, I have not even gotten one cut yet. I just finished the CADD last night. The framing is just like the 1/8th scale, just a few frames are 1/8th thick vs. 1/16th. The offset has been pushed back to only 1 inch, instead of 1-13/32" it had changed to when I scaled it up. I also changed the floor pan from 2 angle, to a smoother transition 3 angle. Plywood for the deck and floor pan is included. You will have to cut it and install it the way you want it installed as its not worth laser cutting. That is all I have on the kit.

8255 GAS KIT IS NOW READY Framing kit is $190 Shipped (CONUSA), Framing & full sheeting kit is $310 shipped (CONUSA)
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you are absolutely correct. i apologize for my part in hi-jacking your thread re pak rigger photos. hope joe w. was able to provide them. the only photos i've seen are on the unlimiteds detroit website and the or 1/10 scale electrics web sites.

i will discuss mike's 8255 gas hull privately or in another thread.



sending you an email re the gas kit.


Hey guys by the way I just wanted to say thanks for all the pictures that you have put here on my post!
Kevin, Sorry about that. Guess we got a bit carried away. We will move our conversation to the for sale manufacturer thread I have. Mike