New Rules!


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We are implementing some new rules to try to protect our members. These rules are intended to prevent sales scammers and dishonesty in our community.

1) All members must either have their real name as a display name or have their real name in their signature.

2) You must have a minimum of 30 posts before you can sell anything on

Having a real name will allow you to know who you are really dealing with. Having a minimum of 30 posts will make it difficult for someone to just join and sell dishonestly. We have for a long time required all new members to use their real name so #1 should not be a big deal.

This is being done to promote honesty and clean sales transactions in our community.


Tom Moorehouse
Great, I think this will be very good for all of us on Intlwaters.

Thank you
great idea guys

i havent had a good look throught the forum do we have some kind of feed back section where we can coment on the sales we make on here ie good and bad ones ?????

cheers rick
We are implementing some new rules to try to protect our members. These rules are intended to prevent sales scammers and dishonesty in our community.

1) All members must either have their real name as a display name or have their real name in their signature.

2) You must have a minimum of 30 posts before you can sell anything on

Having a real name will allow you to know who you are really dealing with. Having a minimum of 30 posts will make it difficult for someone to just join and sell dishonestly. We have for a long time required all new members to use their real name so #1 should not be a big deal.

This is being done to promote honesty and clean sales transactions in our community.


Tom Moorehouse
Tom and I swapped a few p/ms on this and both of us feel it's overdue. Please keep in mind that the real name requirement is your full name as in both first and last. This is now an across the board requirement no matter how long you have been a member so please help us out, if your display name is not your real name it must now appear in your signature line. We want to see this in place voluntarily by end of September, after that you'll get notified when we see non compliance and advise members to conform or risk suspension. It's a shame we have to tighten things up like this but like the saying goes it is what it is.
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great idea guys

i havent had a good look throught the forum do we have some kind of feed back section where we can coment on the sales we make on here ie good and bad ones ?????

cheers rick
You coold leave a comment on a individuals profile page if you had a good transaction , but thats about it...
This will be good for us all. But I have one question. Last time I changed my dispay name I still had to and still do have to use my old display name to log on to IW. Can one of you admins change both of these to my real name please.

Thank you,

Mark Leyde
OMG, my cover is blown, What is your real name Ray, Ahhh, I new it when I came in here. 10 seconds Ray. Ahhh, Ray!!!!!! You win door #3, Office O'maly and your busted. :lol: :lol: Long overdue. B)
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OMG, my cover is blown, What is your real name Ray, Ahhh, I new it when I can in here. 10 seconds Ray. Ahhh, Ray!!!!!! You win door #3, Office O'maly and your busted. :lol: :lol: Long overdue. B)
LOL at the obscure Cheech & Chong "Lets make a dope deal" reference, Ray!

I am really glad to see you and your team take these new steps to help prevent situations like what happened this week. We were lucky that more boaters were not affected. There is no way to totally prevent scamming and dishonesty, but this new selling requirement will help. Thank you..... ;)
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OMG, my cover is blown, What is your real name Ray, Ahhh, I new it when I can in here. 10 seconds Ray. Ahhh, Ray!!!!!! You win door #3, Office O'maly and your busted. :lol: :lol: Long overdue. B)
LOL at the obscure Cheech & Chong "Lets make a dope deal" reference, Ray!
I make table candles for a living, pour wax on the table and set them on FIRE !!!!! Tim, if we got together, who knows what would happen. :D Sorry Tom, back to are regular schedule program. :ph34r:
Tom, I'm not so sure about the 30 post requirement. If someone really wanted to, they could put up that many posts in a few days. You might want to raise that number to somewhere in the 75-100 range. Just my opinion, take it for what it's worth.