New Rules!


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If you don't like IW then leave. Some of these named racers maybe don't want to share their speed secrets. My 2 cents.
Ok everyone we are entering the last week of the grace period to either have your display name changed and/or to add your FULL NAME to your signature line. After October 1st as we find them, those still not in compliance will recieve a warning to make corrections then time outs will be issued after that. Sorry that we need to be hard core about it but this is what happens when the few spoil things for the many.
wow this new rule hurts me, i have only 9 posts but i have been a member since 2007.i do not post much on here because im also a member of jrcbd.if i was a nitro guy i would be on here more often but i have gas boats so i go on jrcbd more often.i do come on from time to time to see what is going on in the boating world.i have sold a few things on here and i dont think iv had any problems.owell ill see where it goes
Well, I just joined...on a hunch, and judging from the acronyms and jargon, I can tell I am way out of my depth. (here comes a steep learning curve!! :) )

Just a thought: - A little more public info would be good. The rules are excellent - perhaps these could be displayed publicly too - that way you don't have to deal with those that join for shonky reasons, realise what the rules are and leave a dormant account.
I would love to Post more i just don't have much to say.... I prefer to listen!
I have been away from this site for at least fifteen years, and had a nightmare of a time getting signed on again. I have only been able to log on using my real name, and I don't have a problem with that at all! Here's some food for thought: It has been my experience that on all of the so-called "social media" sites, people generally very reluctant to use the four letter words, or be nasty in general when their REAL name is attached to it. I guess the reason for that it tends to make them feel accountable/guilty for their actions. Isn't that sarcasm intended. Hi to all of you, and especially to the many Scale hydro guys still around that I used to race with. Y'all are doing it the right way........Art Apruzzese U-64 1976 Miss Vernors.
Hi Rick.......Yes I am. I started to get back into the sport a couple of times over the last few years, but between the way our graphics business has grown, and the various medical problems I've had, it just never got done. I've reconfigured what used to be the Vernors into the 1974 Miss U.S., and I've already laid out the vinyl stickers for it.

I still have some sanding to do then comes the paint. I also have the newest version of the Velasco hull....just the bare hull at this point. I also have a new Sport 40 that is ready to go except for testing. Our family business that we started on a shoestring 13 years ago, is I believe, the largest of it's kind on the entire Treasure Coast, AND it is still growing at the rate of 15-20% every year in spite of the economy. I tried racing offroad r/c cars for a while, but it didn't do much for me, but I do have a lot of fun flying the electric airplanes....(only aerobatic ones of course.) Great to hear from you, and glad to hear of the success you've been having with our addictive hobby. Cheers...Art

Hi Bob Johnson...If you're out there har har!

We sure have missed you over the years in D3, hope for some time to return to your other family here in FL.

Randy Premo

Brandon Model boaters
Hi Randy....and all the rest of our racing family........our sport/hobby is a a a disease.... there's no doubt about it! I've missed all of you guys and it is a b.... to get old. Do yourself a favor and don't let it happen to you! I should be tossing a couple of boats in the water within a few weeks. I kind of have mixed emotions about the whole thing, but I'll get over it. Hopefully we'll be seeing you all soon...........Cousin Art NAMBA 1397 (Am I on the clock yet?)
Hey Art,

Really glad to hear the business is flourishing. This getting older ain't for the week of heart. Get yourself patched up and get those boats into the water. I've been here in Texas over ten years now, so it has been a couple of moons since I have seen you. Gus' Century 21 is still racing, so you'll have good company out there for the Vernors - - - Miss US. She'll feel right at home !!!! Go fast, Turn Right. CHEERS !!! Bob