This has been a GREAT much discussion.. hope no one was offended ......everyone is entitled to thier own view point as to what a sport hydro class should be about so here is mine...doesnt mean that its right, just me its the one class that should allow one to use thier imagination not only for performance but for replicate boats of the PAST and PRESENT...the last thing it should be is any kind of spec class, and the reason for having a sport class is to build a boat that looks something like a REAL boat without the challanges of building a SCALE boat. If the class is about nothing but performance then we should all race riggers..ive got nothing against outriggers..raced em for years and im presently building a new 20 hydro..BUT ive shown my outriggers to people who are new to model boats and they dont even know what they are looking at!!! But when they see a sport boat,even a modern one they know its a boat....regarding the rules, perhaps more research should be done by looking at the thousands of pictures that are out there of full size limited and unlimited 3 point hydroplane designs that have come and gone through the years...we gotta have rules and i respect that, but not rules that limit the imagination to the point where we have another class where ho hum...they all look the same.