So so true..its easy to overlook the intent of the class in the effort to be "innovative". That is really what we have here.
I hear,,…. we need progress and be innovative in sport 20 .. REALY!.. ya really think you really think it will make the “Class Better”!!! Na.!.. does the class SUCK that much!..Let face it.. it comes from want an upper hand.. A WIN!!!.. make a new class if you want a run away win… or run the things in B hydro.. Start beating up a stick boat with a closed boat and its going to take innovation to do it…
One thing we dont seem to do well is list the intent of the classes we create. I know this to be TRUE in Sport 21 Tunnel.. Beginners class right! (SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH).. Box Stock class right!!!.. na.. not that either.. Only a few really know...
The look of the sport boat is to me more important than just a hull that meets the rule too.
the mod rigger rule was probally aimed at the performance limits but now it seems to be that and how it looks also.
Just like to see rules based on the KISS principle.
If that rigger defining rule is in the book that would solve our problem with the thingy looking boats, but it didnt seem too clear to me. Guess I need pictures HA
As for a Phil Thomas class no thanks I like to see some different looking boats.
At this point of time the sportclass has been run and developed. Some of these designs and setups have been evolving for quite some time and it really would be hard for someone to build a new boat that meets the rule and wipe out the compitition. so good luck with that.