My Maus Scorpion sport 40


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Big roy

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2008
Hey guys,

I have finally got my Maus Scorpion sorted out about 90% I have a OPS .45 a Gerraty carb. It has has a ton of work done to it, new stuff tube installed, new engine and a bit more. I finally with the help of John Kubitz, Cliff Zeek, and my son Anthony finally got it to haul the mail yesterday. I have a bit more to do to it but I think it was into the mid 50's or so. Now I just need to learn to drive it. I will post pics soon. I will now be running it in district 4 after the problems go away completely.

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Nice! I have one sitting on my shelf, thats it just sitting there......... lol
Look forward to more updates as I too have one sitting on the shelf and have yet to run.

CMB gold head motor in it.

list your setup and more pics of hardware and turn fin setup.

I have one as well and i just pulled it off the shelf this spring and put a cmb45 in her and it is running in the low 50's. I got lucky with it and got a second place in D hydro last month. My son will be racing it the rest of the season.
I will try to get pics up in a few days for you all.

Isn't it a blast to run the old boats and give them what they deserve, their time on the water!
I will try to get pics up in a few days for you all.

Isn't it a blast to run the old boats and give them what they deserve, their time on the water

I also have one and just started to build it. Can you show me some pictures of your radio box and how you mounted your cowl. Just looking for some different ideas
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I screwed up the reply. Lets try again.

I also have one and just started to build it. Can you show me some pictures of your radio box and how you mounted your cowl. Just looking for some different ideas
This is a old style boat. I promise more pics this week. This hull is over 10 years old I do beleive
If i am correct Maus sold there molds like 12 years ago or more that be out of the new mold the ones Maus made did not corner good at all i had the 60 mono it was terrible on the turns but boy fast on the straights
Ok guys, here are some pics for you, I will add more detailed pics later this week. As for the turning this boat seems to turn nice, tight fast turns are no problem. I will post turn fin pics later. The rear of the cowl attaches by squeezing the base of the cowl together, there are 2 holes in the bottom of the cowl that slips over a peice of 440 rod, then it just snaps back together, I will get pics of the nose mounting later, There is a pic of the rudder setup, and the radio box. These are temporary pics until I get nice detailed ones for you guys.

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Where did you get your fuels tank for the nose. Is it a triangular shape and what size did you put in.

Hello, yes it is a triangular tank, quite unique, fuel size I am not sure it came with the boat. Go to, they now carry the maus line and tanks are available for about $15.00, plus I have a 2oz. feeder tank from dubro siliconed on top of the main tank. If you have problems let me know and I can help you out.

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If that has the front tank like you said it is out of the new mold not one that the Maus family made
yes it has the tank in front, WOW all this info is a great thing to have on hand for myself and others that may rvive the old boats.
I picked up a triangle nose tank a few years ago yet my maus hull is one from maus himself.

Picked it up about 8 years ago and off of ebay. Had some canopy damafe yet fixed it and had fun rebuilding her with a 45 cmb gold head.

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