June Fun Run


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I've alsways been told that what ever you plan on using in the engine after it is broke in, is what you should use to break it in with. don't know how true, or why, that is just what I have heard
mark if you could snag me some 45% i'd be gratefull. just let me know how much i owe you a week or two before the fun run please
Cy, no problem...

Let me see:

Cy = 1 gal 45%

Ron = 2 gal 45%

Wade = 1 gal 65%

Steve = 1 gal 45%


I'll pick up the fuel the begining of June and will let you guys know the total.. Payment can be made at the fun run... :D

Or Mark is gonna have a lot of fuel to use up! :lol:

But given his record for running this year, it will be a long while until he uses it all. :D

hey Mark put me down for one gal of 45% too. with jr's (outboardman10)

new 40 mono and my sport 40 we may use it up by the end of summer??

Thanks John Hudsonville MI
Mark, you have the quantities right, but I want 45%, & Steve wants the 65% Just thought I would let you know. :p
Ok, think I got it straight now...

Cy = 1 gal 45%

Ron = 2 gal 45%

Wade = 1 gal 15% :p

Steve = 1 gal 65%

John = 1 gal 45%

Sounds good steve,

This way I will show him what he needs to do and what to do.

are you planning on bringing a radio for the boat?

I ran a few more bags of gas through the engine, breaking in nicly.

Impressive with the mod motor.

I have it set up to run alittle wet, but it airs out pretty good a full speed.

he can trim it once he has a good feel for it.


We are planning on bringing a radio. I just ordered one for hima nd I should see it in the next few days. Heip is real excited about joining us and seeing all the other boats that poeple have. I tell ya that I am excited about seeingthis boat for him It has got me thinking about selling my 11cc and buyinga gas engine. the only thing I think that we may not bring is a gas can. Do you make it or do you buy it and where from?


65% for me is corret. I have a mod motor that used to run on it and when things died out here in GR I had to change. Now I am back to trying to dial it in again with the higher nitro. Will this higher nitro be ok for stock 3.5 OB's also? If not then I will take one of those also.Thanks


I used to run 65% in stock 12mm years back.. Don't think there is any issues with that.. Small motors love high nitro.

Do you guys let anyone else come to your fun run? Might be interesting to meet some of you guys.
If we let Ron O show up, we'll let anyone!!! :p LOL!!

Anyone who wants to show up, show up! Even if you don't have anything to run, & you just want to check things out. gas, electric, nitro, it doesn't matter, bring what you got! :D

Come on out, would be a pleasure to meet you.

Wonder if That OB guy got a haircut yet?

I remember him carrying stuff down at the toledo run, and i looked and said look at the hair on that guy, LOL THere was some people i didnt know just started cracking up. Probably thought i was picking on mark. ;) ;)

Congrates to Mary for having you 12 years.

Just keep her boat going and there shouldnt be any problems.

THink your always building boats now, wait till the 2 little ones get older, another excuse for you to build more boats. :D :D

Hey Tom, you mean this guy? LOL!!! :lol:

Think I'll have to redo my web page.. Think there's an extra pic on there :p

Dang, that boat is BIG!!! Ain't talk'n about Leak'n Lena either!

Tom, let's see here.. The pony tail was cut last year.. 11" was sent to Locks Of Love.. It had been two years sent it was cut.. So it should be longer since Oct. The beard has been trimmed back.

Bob, do come up.. Would like to hear any pointers you have about the bigger motors. I'll have a 13cc on my Solution.

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Thanks a lot Wade! :D

Sure Bob, you and Karen can come on up if you'd like to. It's about 120 miles from the Fort Wayne race site if that gives you an idea of the distance. It looks like we'll have a lot of tunnel boats so you two would fit right in. Maybe I'll see you Saturday in Flint.
Our daughter and her family live just west of Kalamazoo,so this might make a good reason to travel.